Thursday, December 28, 2017

RP: LORDY!!! Late This Afternoon (LONG after "Pete", Jon Deputy, Thomas, TWO Electricians, and "a Partridge in a Pear Tree", had Come and Gone), I Found $60.00 Worth of OREGANO in the Front Drive!!! (A Replacement-PLUS for What Donald Wilson Had STOLEN from me, I reckon.)

RE-PRINTED from here

>>> This posting -- and SPOILER ALERT!!! (to a very few, but I gotta tickle Gold Walker and Thomas's funny bones -- right off!!!), IS DEDICATED TO THOSE TWO: 

Right before 11:00 AM, first, Jonathan Deputy (the apartment manager), followed by "Pete" -- so close behind it was like a dog with his nose up another's BUTT -- and both parked in the lot here. I was on the front porch, a-smokin' a tobacco cigarette.

Mr. Deputy made a bee-line for the front apartment carrying a spray bottle of Windex and a roll of paper towels -- but did not look my way. Pete, came over carrying a load that included a six-pack of bottles of craft beer. As Pete was about to turn to climb the stairs, I said, "Mornin'!!! Sure is COLD enough today!!!" 

And he replied, "SHUT UP -- DON'T EVER TALK TO ME!!!" -- to which I responded, "I'll speak to whomever I want." It was only a generic pleasant greeting, personalized to recognize the cold-snap.

Pete then continued up the stairs, and then after three of them POWER-STOMPED the rest, he having a genuine HISSY FIT (but not having a SINGLE GAY BONE, BONER, or WHATEVER -- THANK GOD). 

And before I completed my cigarette, Thomas -- then Jeff and his younger electrician sidekick pulled in. Thomas and Jeff (who had worked two previous times in my 4th Street apartment), came in both CHEERY and EFFICIENT, with the smaller, younger working-the-most guy proving to be a bit dour.

Thomas supervised, and made clear that I was NOT to get involved enough in conversation to speak of certain rather recent events -- something I already KNEW not to do -- and they quickly dispatched with correcting the electrical problems, had to install a NEW light over my sink (so a trip to Stevens Ace Hardware), and Thomas mentioned the problems I had blogged about last night with my range burners -- proving that at least HE (and I bet Gold Walker), had read this posting: -- and had a sense of HUMOR about it!!! 

And while Thomas and Jeff were out back at the breaker box finishing that and even re-connecting my dryer vent, I spoke with the apprentice, who was finishing up with the several outlets in the kitchen that had needed attention. I told him a bit about my Politics and what FOOLS White Supremacists who support my Kenan Family and Donald Trump have been -- and they are ANTI-Christians.

First, he said that he never discusses Politics, but soon couldn't resist, and after I stated my college-level and other serious, many-years-long study of the Bible and other sacred texts, he got REALLY annoyed, and hissed at me, that it is not POSSIBLE I ever wanted to be a Jesuit priest, or can claim any understanding of the Bible: "I have heard some STORIES about YOU!!!" 

"Well, at least I'm NOTORIOUS in Wilmington, no???" said I. "Everyone telling both true and false stories about me -- I've probably HEARD THEM ALL!!!"

Also, Thomas told me that the new tenant in the front apartment beginning 1/1/2018, is being allowed to take possession TODAY, so I am GLAD that I did NOT publish his licence plate number yesterday, PRE-JUDGING HIM to be a COMMON CRIMINAL (but I recorded it -- just in case)

Good things sometimes come in stringy-haired packages -- and if he is SINGLE, he might be interested in occasional manly attentions.

So after ALL of them had left and the parking lot was EMPTY of vehicles -- and the path to my car in broad daylight sprouting no grass -- I drove to SOMETHING FISHy:

I decided to go there on my way to Aldi's food shopping, since my mother loved to take us there -- back in the 1990s, and I wasn't even sure it was the same place -- but it looked it.

In the parking lot I got into a discussion with a party of four who were LEAVING, and they being DEVOUT PRESBYTERIANS, were THRILLED to hear that I have been exposing the crimes of First Presbyterian, District Attorney Ben David, Judges McKee/Luther, Robinson, and Noecker -- because ALL the other Presbyterian Churches in Wilmington HATE what those Narco-Trafficking White Supremacists do DESTROYING the reputation of GOOD PRESBYTERIANS.

And of course they knew of the HATRED of my rich Kenan relatives and of the Kenans' STOOL PIGEONDonald Trump!!!

The wife/mother even said she should get my AUTOGRAPH -- LOL!!!

Then upon entering, it was EXACTLY THE SAME as I remembered, and just RIDDLED with HOT MALE WAITERS of the most PROFESSIONAL KIND (but, sadly, too young for me, they being college students -- and with copious BODY HAIR and SCRUFF-BEARDS -- one showing fabulous fur on his shorts-clad legs).

This from their Facebook page, but today's guys were even HOTTER.

Well, the food was GREAT, as were all the staff and clientele. I can't wait to tell my MOTHER of my experience there!!!

Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan -- seen here in her HEYDAY2009 -- will turn 95 years old in a FEW DAYS!!!

And if YOU are as KEEN-EYED as Andre Tyler Breton, Jonathan Deputy, and I -- you know that those over-sized, painted-tin WALL FISH are the MOST ARTISTIC THINGS that DDT Outlet in Hampstead, NC -- which is NOT actually a PESTICIDE EMPORIUM -- sells!!!

Fancy THAT!!!

So then I went to Aldi's -- talking to lots of folks who cheered me on EXPOSING RICH-KENAN CRIMES -- and when I got home after a total of about four hours -- I found a morsel of OREGANO right in the middle of the path from my car to the door!!!

I had no idea who might have dropped it there, but it was at least TWO TIMES as big as the three $10.00 lots -- in aggregate -- that Allie had sold me, and that's how I arrived at valuation.

The other thing I found AMUSING, today, is that someone NOT MENTIONED in this posting told me the full name of Kelsey (Kelsey Holmes), the Lesbian roommate of Allie, who has ALWAYS agreed with me that GAY TRUMPS ALL (and is always nice)!!!

Their words spun like a cyclone, Howling through the dark of night, Promising acceptance, If you gave up all your light, But block your ears my darling, You are not a brittle stone, This storm cannot erode you, For you're more than blood and bone, You're deeper than the ocean, Both unstoppable and free, And nothing can control,The wild intentions of the sea, So when they try to shape you, Slip like water from their palms, For the wind should know it's reckless, To disturb the ocean's calm, You have the right to be here, Every right to what you feel, And the wind can howl forever, But the ocean will not kneel, So do not let them change you, Send your waves out far and wide, And let them learn the hard way, That you can't command the tide.

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And LOOK at all the SERVICE WORK this young woman does!!!:

I just HOPE that Allie, Jon Deputy, and "Pete" can REGAIN their SENSES OF HUMOR!!!

Did you know that I ONCE HAD A DREAM that a women-friend, barely older than me, who had a FAT FIGHTING CAT was nearly BUSTED when her cat rolled in her STASH of OREGANOand almost ran out into the STREETwhere cops might have been and BUSTED HER (my friend -- not the cat)!!!


"Here, Scott -- have a DRINK!!!"


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