Monday, December 18, 2017

RP: Watching Government NAZIS Protect Kenan Advantage Group Tandem-Tankers (and no other company's trucks), RAPE NATIVE AMERICAN LANDS, We See WHY Thomas S. Kenan III and Betty (Price) Kenan Put Donald Trump into POWER!!! !!! !!!

RE-PRINTED from here

Arrests at LNG in Washington State starting -- this is wrongCops in riot gear arriving #StandWithThePuyallup #NoLNG253 #NoMilitarizedPolice #HonorTheTreaties#EnvironmentalRacism #InstitutionalRacism #CulturalGenocide#SystematicOppression #InstitutionalRacism

 JUST IN @ 5:03 PM:
 AOL will NOT LET ME email this posting out -- after GoDaddy/Microsoft Outlook emailing was blocked to ALL AOL, Verizon, AT&T, Bell South, and other Christian/CIA email services!!! 

Here is what they thew up at me:

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Continuing lockdown on the Puyallup reservation in Tacoma Washington, at an unpermitted LNG terminal, being built on tribal lands.
This terminal threatens traditional fishing areas, and tidal flats.

I just now watched LIVE as eight Kenan Advantage Group trucks passed by. 12/18/2017 4:02 PM

Unidentified Episcopal Hate-Monger with Betty (Price) Kenan, and Thomas S. Kenan III -- photo from about 2012.

SINGLE Kenan gas tanker, as they are liveried in Alberta, Canada

NEXT, I'm calling Thomas S. Kenan III's number at work(919) 967-0618, ext. 1 and leaving a message 

(ext. 2 is Tom Kenan's right-hand-man, Steve Armstrong).

Maybe YOU should leave these TRAITORS a message TOO!!!

>>> No CHRISTIAN will do so -- that's for DAMNED SURE!!!

>>> ADDED @ 5:45 PM: I just called and left very BLUNT -- yet friendly messages for Thomas S. Kenan III and then for Steve Armstrong, and asked that they CALL ME as soon as possible, and we can work everything out on a FRIENDLY basis.

If no, I told them they are in a HELL that all the money in the WORLD can't buy them protection against much longer at all. God's People ALREADY WON -- and they need to come to their senses (and some love).

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