Friday, December 27, 2019

RP: THANKS to My Immediate Family -- and MORE Scandalous Details about Thomas S. Kenan III, Frank Hawkins Kenan II, and Others -- Who LOVED Jeffrey Epstein, Etc.:



December 27, 2019

Dear Jane, Mike, and Julie – and really Mom – plus Connor and Bob Jones (for the heck of it):

Thank you so much for your generous Christmas gifts!!! I must first tell you, that all things considered, the FEELING I got from your gifts and speaking with most of you, is that you understand that I have been doing what I believe I must to tell the truth of our family – both near and far. I believe you know I have gotten past what drove me to write about our immediate family – except that I must refer to it to clarify other points in my bigger quest: the expose’ of the wealthy Kenans as White Supremacists and controlling Hard-Drug Trafficking – as well as putting Donald Trump into power to INCREASE these two things as well as to develop Russia’s vast Oil Reserves, in conjunction with Vladimir Putin, who like Trump (Presbyterian), is a devout Christian: Russian Orthodox.

OK, I don’t actually believe they have ANY IDEA of what Jesus taught – and if you have paid attention to my writing lately, you also know that I have come out identifying myself as what the Catholic Nuns in Louisville called “Church Invisible”. As you should know, of the few donations I’ve given over the last ten years, MOST have actually gone to Catholic Charities here in Wilmington and in Atlanta – that last one has my personal friend and devout Catholic Lt. Gen. Russel Honore’ on its Board.

With this Holiday cash infusion, I believe I will go for more than a month (and possibly fine for quite a while), and Monday, I intend to sit down with the current bills and pay them. Who knows what will happen when I have the Colonoscopy in about March – it’s possible that I have to have the meeting of my small and large colons removed – and given how long it is taking for my butt wounds to heal, who KNOWS what peculiarities that might entail – IF I have that complication, which I won’t know until they scope me then.

In the meantime, I will gather my records and see about getting the settlement on when the Time-Warner/Spectrum truck knocked me 12 feet out of the crosswalk in front of City Hall when I was going to try to force Mayor Bill Saffo to release the FULL Police Report on the death of Evan Fish on September 3, 2011 (forced by Wilmington Christian Police to jump to his death, that VERIFIED by Sheriff’s Deputies also on the scene) – because he KNEW that Patrick Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc. (my employer 1990 – 2010), distributed all the Hard Drugs flown into Maxwell AFB from Maine to Florida, and especially to Politicians of BOTH Parties and the Christian Churches of Wilmington and Atlanta. I know that NOT all Christian congregations are part of this – and that not all congregants at the guilty churches even know about it.

Anyway, to get this re-settled for a much larger amount of money – especially since our Kenan blood relative Barbara “Bonnie” B. Weyher’s large, Lily-White Law Firm in Raleigh was in charge of this abomination (and even admitted in emails they did NOT take most of my Doctors’ Reports into consideration), and local lawyer Bruce Mason had on Kenan Family orders DROPPED representing me and said that EVERY Republican and TOO MANY Democrats are in the Wealthy Kenans’ pockets, and I might sue for him to lose his Lawyer’s License as well.

Our second cousin, Lawyer Robert C. Kenan, Jr. of Burgaw’s Admin and Bruce Mason both told me NO LAWYER this side of Charlotte would represent me -- and maybe I’d have to go all the way to Asheville to find one who will rep me – because I had blogged all about Lawyer David Nash’s Hard-Drug Trafficking -- through his gay bar, Costello’s Piano Bar, and he Traffics Drugs with District Attorney Benjamin R. David – they BOTH high in First Presbyterian Church that is endowed by our wealthy Kenan relatives who led from there the 1898 Wilmington Insurrection/Coup D’état – murdering Blacks in the Name of Jesus Christ.

I’m now FAR MORE RELAXED about things – including my future – because of your help as evidenced between Thanksgiving and Christmas!!!

As I write this, my former roommate from before Allen Rosen of twelve years, James Farrell, of about three years, is supposedly hitting the road (it is 5:33 PM now), to visit for the weekend – driving from the east side of Alabama, near Atlanta. He’s the opposite of us, and takes forever to get going and drives late into the night. He worked last night until 8:30 this morning, and needed sleep first. I just called and now, two hours after he awoke, he’s EATING and expects to hit the road by 6:00 PM – so he will get here after 1:00 AM and I will soon take a NAP!!!

Rather than write forever here, I’ll close with another THANKS!!!

Also, if anyone finds out whatever happened to Marlowe Schaeffer-Polk, PLEASE let me know. I last heard from her nearly two years ago, and she was sleeping about three hours per night, planning to PAY for me to come up and stay elsewhere because her giant house was “destroyed” and she could get no repair-people, and planning to drive us all around to the High School reunion in a stretch limousine drinking liquor and smoking pot, and picking up many others along the way.

Sounds a bit MANIC, even to me, who BOUGHT THAT, forgetting that a 50th reunion is not as fancy as a Graduation Prom in high school or college. But Marlowe being a doctor and lawyer of some note, I would NOT want to be who tries to commit her (nor do I know she actually should be).

OK, enough of that, and let’s all look forward to a BETTER 2020!!! Especially me, who in 2019 alone, had one Nut-House False-Commitment (of only 48 hours), an incomplete Colonoscopy, a Stress Test that caused me then-and-there to get two Stents and then a Pacemaker, repair of my Abdominal Aorta Aneurysm, three days in hospital to be observed getting on the drug Sotalol – when my Skin-Tags/Butt-Warts went crazy bleeding and causing HUGE PAIN, and then their recent Excision.

THANK GOD for the local hospital’s generous Charity Care!!! I had well over $300,000.00 in Medical Bills that Medicare paid the most of – but they “swallowed” the rest.

This article does NOT name all the possible suspects -- BUT Frank Hawkins Kenan II's close friend Story Cowles visited Jeffrey Epstein in prison MORE than anyone else -- and while PRETENDING to be some kind of Legal Assistant, which he was NOT!!! 

Frank Hawkins Kenan II with Story Cowles

Apparently, this links the wealthy Kenans of Chapel Hill DIRECTLY to Mr. Epstein. I wrote Frank H. Kenan II, at his "Investment Company" in Charleston, SC, and not only did he not answer, he SOON either CANCELLED that email address -- or BLOCKED ME -- LOL!!! 

See link to more details in comments below:
Well ALL OF THESE were important to me in 2019 -- but NONE as much as Thom Goolsby's CORRUPTION and the fact that he was appointed to the Board of UNC SYSTEM by my wealthy relatives in Chapel Hill including Thomas S. Kenan III -- to KEEP "Silent Sam" on campus -- and NOW the University PAID the Sons of Confederate Veterans over $2,000,000.00 to keep Silent Sam respectfully displayed (if elsewhere) -- and ALL OF THAT is now quickly FALLING APART -- thank GOD!!! 

See details in comments below:
All my Atlanta friends claim this movie is CRAP -- but I have not seen itReaders of my Political Blog, know that my boyfriend of that time, Marc LaFont of Santa Ana, CA, and I were the CLOSEST to that bomb, but left to go to a bar several minutes before the bomb went off, not knowing about it until we entered The Armory gay bar and saw the explosion re-runs on tons of flat-screen TVs!!! 

It was only months later when the Park had been completed that I was able to on-site determine this. THEN, in early 2012, while I was homeless in Wilmington, NC, a character called "Sculley" (sp?), who drove around in an old red Jeep Wagoneer and ripped off homeless people -- including his closest friend and one of mine too, "Jersey" (actually Michael Keogh), told me he had HEADED the CIA's operation in Atlanta during the Olympics, and that the bomb was ALSO meant to take me out -- but when he watched Marc and I leave -- from the top of a nearby building -- he decided they had to explode it where it was -- with or without ME!!! 

And YES, working for the CIA that planned, planted, and exploded that bomb, caused "Sculley" to GENUINELY go CRAZY!!! 

More details in comments below:


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