Saturday, December 21, 2019

RP: FACEBOOK FOLLIES!!! Facebook KICKED ME OFF for 30 days (for the 17th time in recent years), Today -- but DIDN'T DO IT -- Are They CRAZY -- or Just TOO HIGH??? / Other Things:


I have posted this image to Facebook DOZENS OF TIMES!!!

But I have been POSTING to Facebook MANY TIMES since they kicked me off today -- AND, although they CLAIMED yesterday that they kicked me out of "Wierd Secondhand Finds" group -- they NEVER DID THAT EITHER!!!

The STRANGEST THINGS, today, are that my mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan of Raleigh -- nearly 97 and retired as America's TOP NAZI -- BLOCKED MY PHONE CALLS all day today -- but I called my sister Jane (who is driving to Pennsylvania for Christmas with my brother and sister, tomorrow), now knows about it -- and that I had called Mom to thank her for her card with a fifty-dollar bill -- MOST HELPFUL because I've had to use a TON of GAUZE at about $5.00 worth per day to DRY UP the wound area of my BUTT -- LOL!!!


The OTHER is that I've been checking and Robert James McKinney -- a pot-head and alleged Adderall Addict like Donald Trump -- has NOT been living here and his disabled car sits in our lot. I checked and he is NOT in the County Jail, so tomorrow, I'll let Landlady Gold Walker know what is going on -- especially since his water has been off for MONTHS and he enters and leaves his apartment by the large front window on his porch (he must have lost his keys), so it is likely not locked!!! 

So much has happened, I'll mostly paste in what I've already published on Facebook -- DESPITE BEING KICKED OFF!!!

For what it's worth, an Exxon-Mobil Exec I met in Puerto Vallarta in January 2015, told me how Rex Tillerson -- then Head of Exxon-Mobil -- with their Political Arm (the CIA and US State Department headed by Hillary Clinton), and some members of my Kenan Family that controls XOM, put Enrique Pena Nieto into the Mexican Presidency -- and THEN they put Donald Trump into the US Presidency!!!

"The day that the Mexican oil industry was nationalized in 1938 is still commemorated as a holiday, when patriotic Mexicans contributed from their own savings to buy out the international companies that had been operating there."
The richest woman in the world in 1913 -- according to the New York Times -- when she inherited Henry Morrison Flagler's ENTIRE ESTATE (including control of Standard Oil and 60% of all railroad stock in the USA, etc.,)Mary Lily Kenan, soon DIED of Tertiary Syphilis a few years later -- as did her sister, many years later!!! 

Mary Lily with Henry Flagler -- in comments below:

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Sandra Beckham
"For each ecstatic instant we must an anguish pay In keen and quivering ratio to the ecstasy."
~ Emily Dickinson

It's beginning to look a lot like Syphilis!!!

Sandra BeckhamAs you KNOW, I worked for Thomas Lanier Williams (Tennessee Williams)

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Sandra Beckham
"There is only one true aristocracy . . . and that is the aristocracy of passionate souls!"

~ Tennessee Williams

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  • Duffy Odum I met the man. A riotous afternoon it was. He loved his scotch.

    • Scott Kenan WOW!!! I never knew Tom to drink scotch -- usually Frascati wine from Rome -- but he would drink ANYTHING in a pinch!!! He only smoked marijuana with us a couple of times -- but smoked it like a SMOKESTACK when he was younger!!!

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    • Duffy Odum Scott Kenan He was in town with others promoting his 'Memoirs'. He drank what they had. And lots of it. His comments after people would come and introduce themselves and leave were hilarious. I sent you a friend request. What, Vadie Meekum and not me?

  • Scott Kenan Duffy Odum: I lived in Sandy Springs and then Stone Mountain, GA, 1983 - 2010 when General Colin L. Powell's Chief Protocol Officer Army Col. Dorothy Newman got me to Mexico for most of five years of Political Exile -- because I knew too much about my Kenan Family's running the HARD DRUGS in Atlanta (and elsewhere)The tree in my front yard at 903 Second Street, Stn. Mtn., was where James R. Venable had RESURRECTED the Ku Klux Klan in the 20th Century LYNCHED BLACKS!!! Venable was a close friend of my Kenan Family of Chapel Hill who put Trump into power -- and Tennessee named a PRIME VILLAINViolet Venable, after them!!! There are TONS of other connections between Tennessee Williams and my Kenan Family. Notice how Violet DESCENDED in her elevator to meet Dr. "Sugar" much like Donald Trump descended the escalator in Trump Tower to announce his candidacy -- HA!!!

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  • Scott Kenan The Tennessee Williams play I helped get open in Chicago says it ALL!!!:

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  • Duffy Odum Now maybe he'll be devoured. But I doubt it. -

    Elizabeth Taylor Breakdown Scene in "Suddenly Last Summer"
    Elizabeth Taylor Breakdown Scene in "Suddenly Last Summer"
    Elizabeth Taylor Breakdown Scene in "Suddenly Last Summer"

  • Scott Kenan OH GOD -- how that tears me apart!!! My mother forced me in 1978 to take Lithium Carbonate for 31 years as a form of SOFT LOBOTOMY -- on a false diagnosis of Bipolar that I was cleared of in early 2009 -- because I would not shut up about her NAZI activities. Tonight, she BLOCKED MY PHONE CALLS!!! But I'm fine and laughing -- HA!!! I KNEW Tennessee's lobotomized sister Rose, and the Kennedys so well because of what Catholic NAZI Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy had done to Rosemary. It is NICE to have visited the DEPTH OF HELLS so many times, especially 2010 to the present -- and now be able to LAUGH about it all!!! Tennessee with his sister the night we saw the Broadway play "Barnum" with Rose and her "handler" Tatiana Schwetzoff -- originally of Russia!!! Here it is in my Memoir

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  • Duffy Odum When were you in Chicago? I saw the premiere of "Tiger Tail" at the Alliance. I think the best production of any play I ever saw (!) was John Carradine and Mercedes McCambridge in "Cat" at the Midnight Sun in '77. Your story fits Mr. Williams to a "T". This is overwhelming. My dendrites are just a snappin'! (EDIT: Will get your book!)

  • Duffy Odum Writers we have known, Damn.

  • Scott Kenan Duffy Odum: I am all a-tingle TOO!!! Gary Tucker directed "Tiger Tail" at the Goodman The Alliance, and was one of the guys who set up Tennessee Williams's murder by the Episcopal Church, Republican Party and even my Kenan relatives in Chapel Hill -- just like Jackie Kennedy Onassis WARNED Tenn they would do to STEAL his estate from Harvard. I can prove that and his estate worth $10 million when he died but now more than $2/3 BILLION, is owned by the University of the South. My memoir was to be the featured hard-cover book of thirty releases of Alyson Books in spring 2010 -- but they CANCELLED IT for Political reasons, I published it on Amazon for a couple of years, then the District Attorney here in Wilmington, NC Benjamin R. David with a Fox News Talking Head and Lawyer, Daliah Saper, and Jamie Lee Sutherland of Wells Fargo, Chicago then SUED ME FOR LIBEL falsely and tried and convicted me IN ABSENTIA in Cook County Courts -- Jamie asked for 50 grand and nothing else. They gave him half a million dollars and copyrights to my memoir, blog, and every email I write until I die -- NAZI GAG ORDER. The publication was announced to the Press, so you can find places that say it WAS PUBLISHED, but it was not physically. I published it in blog format several years ago so anyone can read it for free. STILL could use it to sell my STORY which no one can own but me -- wanna help and make some money??? Here is where you can read the whole book: -- and I'm GLAD you found my friend Bob Jones from high school!!!

    Walking on Glass: A Memoir of the Later Days of Tennessee Williams
    Walking on Glass: A Memoir of the Later Days of Tennessee Williams
    Walking on Glass: A Memoir of the Later Days of Tennessee Williams

    • Duffy Odum Scott Kenan Reading it now. Hoping for the best for it and you. I can tell that the effect of it all on you is profound, to put it very mildly. I think it's a very important work. You write up my alley. Expand and control. I must think on all this. Meanwhile, enjoy the holiday and we will get something good going for next year. Please, ye Gods!
Bob JonesFUNNIEST about this is that you shared it from MQ Murphy -- whom I knew well in Cape May, NJ, in the mid-1970s when Chuck Pritchard, Hilary Russell, and I were beginning, who was dating Georgia Grisson, who headed the Mid-Atlantic Center for the Arts at the Emlen Physick Estate (the doctor who got super-rich because he invented "Fire-Balls" to clean out the colon!!!)

I attended a couple of exotic religious meetings with Mike Murphy (who came from a Catholic Family in West Philly), and after he and Georgia broke up -- SHE tried to convert me to STRAIGHT -- but it did NOT WORK!!!

Michael Quinn Murphy





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