Sunday, December 29, 2019

RP: Messages from GOD??? / Two Friends and My Immediate Kenan Family Gave Me the BEST Day of My Life, Yesterday (and I just had the best day of my life until then, a few days ago)!!!


THIS "Keep America Great" FREE CHANNEL popped up for the first time yesterday on my Spectrum-delivered TV App over Internet!!!

Today, I explored it, and it is a collection of videos -- mostly of pundits getting 2016 election results WRONG from their polling -- and claims of Trump winning the MAJORITY in the election, when everyone knows Hillary Clinton BEAT HIM in the popular vote by nearly 3,000,000 votes -- add in those who voted for OTHERS, and Trump lost the popular vote by MORE!!!

It also has highlights from Trump's most VIRULENT, HATEFUL RALLIES!!!

I didn't look close enough to see if the Kenansville Rally (in which officials CLOSED ALL DUPLIN COUNTY SCHOOLS from Grade School through COLLEGE, so that everyone could go to the rally in the huge Kenan-built auditorium in Kenansville, North Carolina -- before the election):

BECAUSE my distant, DEVOUT EPISCOPALIAN Kenan relatives -- with their Exxon-Mobil, Rex Tillerson, Bank of America, Kenan Advantage Group, Coca-Cola, Ku Klux Klan -- and YESVladimir Putin -- PUT TRUMP INTO POWER, this is the ONLY TOWN the Trump Propagandists made a MEME like this for:

THIS, of course, REMINDED ME that local lawyer Bruce Mason, FIRED ME as his client when I sought damages for the Time-Warner/Spectrum truck knocking me 12 feet out of the crosswalk in front of City Hall -- after I WARNED Democrat Mayor Bill Saffo I was walking to his office to DEMAND the release of the FULL POLICE REPORT of how Christian City Police FORCED my friend Evan Fish to jump to his death -- because he KNEW how my employer 1990 - 2010, Patrick Lee Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., of Snellville, Georgia distributed -- and still does, thanks to the US Department of Defense -- the HARD DRUGS flown into Maxwell AFB, and told me the wealthy Kenans DEMANDED he fire me -- and that they control EVERY REPUBLICAN and TOO MANY DEMOCRATS here in North Carolina, so I will NEVER be able to hire a lawyer to rep me in the eastern half of North Carolina. 

And my BLOOD KENAN COUSIN Barbara B. "Bonnie" Weyher of Raleigh, then had her underling, Brian M. Williams REFUSE to consider MOST of my doctors' reports of my injuries and FORCED ME to accept a settlement of $2,500.00 when even Bruce Mason (confirmed by other lawyers), said I would EASILY get $20,000.00 - $40,000.00 WITHOUT A BIG FIGHT -- and WITHOUT suing Mayor Saffo as well!!!

Bruce Mason is totally PUSSY-WHIPPED by his BITCH of a wife, Divorce-Lawyer Amanda Mason

AND to CONFIRM that Mayor Saffo ORDERED Evan Fish's MURDERDemocrat City Councilman Charlie Rivenbark -- when I soon met him in Mayor Saffo's outer office (which Rivenbark's live-in lover and secretary to the Mayor and all of City Council, Dawn Grants, WITNESSED), Charlie told me he HOPED I got a DOG -- and it was RUN OVER TOO!!!

Dawn Grants and her DEVOUT CHRISTIAN LOVERCharlie Rivenbark.

Anyway, this INTRUSION into my TV Channel ChoicesREMINDED ME to get RIGHT TO WORK after New Years putting together the DOCUMENTS proving my points here to find ANOTHER LAWYER (no matter HOW FAR I have to go)!!!


James Ferrell, my roommate of three years, ending about 1998, in Stone Mountain, Georgia, in front of my car on the Fort Fisher-Southport Ferry, yesterday.

Me, looking a bit goofy -- and showing my newly-fat belly -- on the ferry.

James is a six-year Navy Veteran, who was -- like my father in WWII in the North Atlantic and Mediterranean -- in SONAR, then after leaving, patented an electrical circuit for electric vehicles, and worked in programming and "messing with" computers, while he lived with me.

The two of us spent three hours walking around downtown Wilmington, NC -- after I drove him around to show some Kenan Mansions and important Historical Sites -- and we interacted with MANY people, including my former two-month roommate (Scott, a Navy Vet who also has a four-year Religion Degree, but later developed Schizophrenia, and now lives HOMELESS AGAIN on a much greater income than I have!!!), and a man in a BLACK "MAGA" hatwhom I asked if he wasn't DYING OF EMBARRASSMENT at his own STUPIDITY!!! 

Everyone around us LAUGHED -- and so he said next to nothing and SLITHERED AWAY!!!

We decided to drive to Fort Fisher to see some of the beach and visit the museum -- but when we got there, there was only a 25 minute wait for the Ferry and room to fit on it, so for only $7.00, two adults and my car were soon ferried to Southport.

Think "Terms of Endearment" -- which was filmed there.

We arrived at early dusk, and walked around downtown and the waterfront as the Christmas lights all came on, and James noticed there were NO black or brown people there. I asked if he'd picked up on any animosity -- and he said NO, but one woman grabbed her purse tighter. We white people DO that kind of thing UNCONSCIOUSLY -- just because our Christian Culture has TRAINED US to FEAR those who are different -- and make BAD JUDGMENTS about those who don't deserve it.

BEST was when telling my mother about this on the phone today after James drove back to Georgia, SHE TOTALLY GOT THAT and said "We have to work HARDER at REMOVING this programming from our minds!!!" and I replied, "Maybe not so much HARDER as SMARTER," and Mom AGREED!!!

NOT BAD for America's former TOP CATHOLIC NAZIno???

And then we went to Indochine restaurant in Wilmington, and James treated me to a GREAT DINNER.

BEST of James's visit, is that it was the FIRST TIME since Colin Powell's former Chief Protocol Officer, Army Col. Dorothy Newman, told me my family and Patrick Stansbury with the Republican Party of Georgia and the CIA planned to KILL ME -- because they could not COMMIT ME in FIVE TRIES in ONE MONTH -- and helped me get to Political Exile in Mexico after I had to sell my nearly paid off house at a LOSSand flee with only what I could fit in my small Pontiac Vibe, and drive to Puerto Vallarta (+/-)end of May, 2010. 

The best part was that James and I RELATED AS MATURE, "NORMAL" ADULTS -- unlike I've been FORCED TO only befriend Drug Mafia, Addicts, and other "TRASH" since I fled Stone Mountain, GA in 2010.


The other friend who has meant so much to me is Linda Wilkins-Danielsout-going Head for four years of the African-American Caucus of the North Carolina Democrats:

Linda and I have had a LOT of communication the last couple of months -- and most recently, I gave her all the DIRT on the White-Supremacist, Hard-Drug-Trafficking Episcopal Church (and their "OREO" Prelate Bishop, Michael Curry), and WHY my wealthy, TRAITOROUS Kenan relatives associated with Chapel Hill, have given them over $100,000,000.00 over the last 100 years to support the Episcopal Confederate MACE and CHAPEL WINDOW at Sewanee, aka The University of the South -- that ALSO helped murder Tennessee Williams and steal his estate from Harvard -- just like Jackie Kennedy Onassis WARNED Tennessee they would do at this party:

Anyway, yesterday, I heard from Linda Wilkins-Daniels that Bishop William Barber II is her PASTOR, and although Linda doesn't buy MUCH of the Bible and Christian NONSENSE, she claims Barber "does NOT pimp the people" -- and if Linda assures me of that, then I can RELAX -- since I ALWAYS agree with Barber -- except for his CHRISTIAN CRAP!!!

Without diminishing Rep. John Lewis's MANY important achievements -- here seen in front of the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama that he crossed famously with Martin Luther King. Jr. as well as BERNIE SANDERS -- and then crossed COMMEMORATIVELY just a few years ago with BERNIE SANDERS:

John Lewis DENIED that Bernie Sanders had supported Dr. King in the original march -- and supported HARD-DRUG-TRAFFICKING Hillary Clinton with the Bush, Cheney, and Kenan Families in 2016 -- PROVING he was CORRUPTED BY DRUG MONEY!!!

No one can tell me someone as ASTUTE as John Lewis did not know the Clintons run all the Hard Drugs with these others -- and as you SEE ON HIS FACE, John Lewis has let his ANGER take over his personality.

Compare Lewis's face with that of my PERSONAL FRIEND and FAR BETTER Civil Rights Leader, Julian Bond:

Julian Bond with Democratic Party Strategist Tom Houck -- who ADMITTED TO ME at his party in early 2010 in Atlanta that HE had been MLK's White-Boy Driver who gave J. Edgar Hoover the info he needed to ASSASSINATE Dr. King:

ALSO, remember that when MLK originally crossed the Edmund Pettus Bridge, the RICHEST KENANS then lived in and RULED Selma, Alabama:

The Dan Kenan House in Selma, Alabama.


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