Sunday, August 2, 2020

RP: Besides "Letter to Pope Francis", My READERS CHOICE Awards:


Scott Kenan

Image may contain: grass and outdoor, text that says 'TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH Reconciling Won ta God sad ta sut dastlies BIBLE STUDY WORSHIP SERVICE 9:30 AM 10:45 AM TRUMP OR GOD PICK ONE YOU CAN'T FOLLOW BOTH'
Occupy Democrats

And Readers have found TWO old postings and hit them like crazy the last few days. The first one is MORE SIGNIFICANT and CHOCK FULL of humorous and SCANDALOUS TALES: -- IN FACT it ZOOMED to MOST HIT POSTING of the last 30 days, getting THREE TIMES its closest competition:

The other, I'll re-post in toto: -- Wilmingtonians nostalgic for Hollywood Eastor even Wilmywood -- should get a KICK out of reminiscing:

That article was published in Feb. 2014 -- by my BUDDYPhilip Gerard, who also published THIS:

And my buddyRandall Kenan wrote the INTRO!!!


Thursday, May 31, 2012

Getting "STRAIGHT" with Linda Lavin's Husband (who may or may NOT be)!!!

The extraordinary actress (and Wilmington, NC resident and promoter!!!) Linda Lavin with her current husband, musician Steve Bakunas. Photo is from Linda's Wikipedia page and was taken at the Kennedy Center -- a venue known well to Linda, Steve, and me -- for differing reasons).

>>> BUT FIRST A WORD FROM A THEATER CRITIC IN NYC (who prefers to remain anonymous):

Now THAT's better!!!

Time is of the essence and if I don't have to continue RE-EXPLAINING things to you (as well as others), I would have time to report on cats -- and even work on revising WALKING ON GLASS for updated politics (minimal) in Kindle Edition as well as new paper!!!

I agree about Linda -- FINE actress, but not a singer. Steve Bakunas is an accomplished musician who fancies propelling himself to stardom via making a singer (accompanied by himself) of his wife.



On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 11:09 AM, An Anonymous Theater Critic wrote:

Linda Lavin has 18 songs for download at Amazon mp3. I sampled a few, for free, and they are for tin-eared fans only.

She's doing fine on B'dway as the "scaldingly blunt Jewish mother" in "The Lyons" (even Ben Brantley in NY Times likes her and it).

She's 74, but with a dye job who knows !

I find it hard to believe that yr 2 cats have not yet done anything worth reporting. 

* * *


Thanks for this Steve,

And I appreciate your tack here. You are right about many things -- but not all. The gist of my problem is my incomplete discovery of how to handle the problems generated by being the first-born son of a woman who actually raised her children eating off china decorated with swastikas, who blackmailed my homosexual father into marriage to hide behind the Kenan surname as she worked with top GOP leaders and certain Catholic hierarchy to bring down Democracy in this country.

One part of this was the planned drug-addiction of many in this country, whether by legal prescription (Americans over-medicate unnecessarily in ways people in NO OTHER COUNTY DO) or by illegal drugs. Unfortunately, my parents, while living in Wilmington during the 1980s and 1990s, helped set up Wilmington as the LARGEST drug-importation port in the United States -- now beating both Miami and Los Angeles. It's run mostly by Republicans, but in Wilmington a Democrat, District Attorney Ben David, runs it with profits going to the Republican Party, primarily. I will not here go into further details -- which can be found in my blog, .

That you and I had a couple of phone conversations when I first came to Wilmington, and you then said you wanted to meet with me regarding my service to Tennessee Williams and also about theater in Wilmington -- after you returned to Wilmington (Linda had just had a GREAT opening in a play!!!) -- but did NOT later respond to my Facebook messages (we had been friended there for most of my 16 months in Wilmington), caused me to believe you had been scared off by those who spread lies about me.

You see, the corruption caused by illegal drug profits in Wilmington, NC is FAR beyond what is true most other places, and even the NICEST people are scared to death of what would happen to their livelihood from it (directly OR indirectly), were to stop.

I fully understand this, but the cancer must be addressed ASAP -- or Wilmington will die of overindulgence of both Drugs and Greed. The symptoms of this corruption are EVERYWHERE, including in your apparent action to have my Facebook account BLOCKED to me by complaining that I tried to friend you last night (I DID send a new "friend request" to you then), but your apparent claim to them that we did NOT know each other is FALSE (given our phone conversations and your then-claimed interest in meeting me).

I should further explain that although Facebook told me this action has resulted in my being banned from sending friend requests (but I could continue using my Facebook account in the meantime), for a month.

In fact, Facebook NOW gives NO way for me to log into my account. It is POSSIBLE that this is NEITHER your nor Facebook's fault (and you are in GOOD COMPANY, because Republican Sen. Thom Goolsby, who channels the illegal drug profits to other NC Republicans, did the SAME THING to me two months ago -- although he and I HAD met -- AND IN PERSON!!!, and I was banned from "friending" for one week then -- although THAT time, I actually COULD continue using my Facebook account). You see, I ALSO suffer major hacking in the United States of emails, phones, and the Internet (including corruption of things like Facebook which the HACKERS may have removed the button to sign in on this morning rather than Facebook itself).

But oddly, no problems now in Mexico (except as regards communications with the United States).

Of course your (and Linda Lavin's, for that matter) sexuality and practice is only YOUR business, but the Drug Dealing Fake Christians (Republicans, mostly), control each other by threatening to expose each other's homosexual longings or activity -- as I have expose Ben David's ACTIONS many times, but to STOP his crimes rather than to protect Wilmington's Narco-Trafficking.

Suffice it to say that whatever your reason for fearing my friendship, I SALUTE you and Linda for your MANY efforts at improving Wilmington, the town where Gen. James Kenan led the FIRST armed resistance to the Crown over the hated Stamp Act. Yankees can claim what they want about Boston Tea Party being first -- but it does NOT change the facts. And Kenans being addicted to effectiveness rather than credit, we always win -- as we WILL win over the NARCOTICS AND DRUG-PROFIT ADDICTIONS which are bringing Wilmington to her knees.

I might or might not expand on this later in email to you or on my blog -- TIME is our MOST precious commodity, and frankly, I am bored with belaboring my points -- and from Google Statistics, I see that researchers have been hitting my most damning posts more and more frequently with total views per day at about 2,000, so no matter what CRAZED Wilmingtonians think of my blog -- it is getting MAJOR attention now.

Because the post last night regarding you and Linda has all but set records for being hit, I am going to post this email also as a sort of antidote. Please let me know if I can do anything else -- and I apologize for upsetting you and/or Linda.

It is true that given our two phone conversations and several emails or Facebook messages in the past, we don't know each other REALLY well. To know more about me and my character, may I suggest you contact one of my top political allies -- in undoing the illegal overturning of Tennessee Williams' codicil to his will -- Gregory Mosher (whom I worked with in 1982 and have seen twice more in the last few years): (actual email address redacted for blog) , the writer Edmund White through his teaching position at Princeton: (actual email address redacted for blog) , any of the top lawyers at Harvard's Legal Department, which I continue to work with, my distant cousin with whom I once "shared" a male lover and who sent 60 MINUTES to get my story (which is a continuing project), Thomas S. Kenan III who can be contacted through any of the Kenan Charitable Trusts in Chapel Hill, NC.

>>> Or simply use Linda's connections to speak with the person I saw most of while working for Mr. Williams who is still alive today: Meryl Streep. To be clear, I have NOT contacted Meryl since then, but several of her friends have said they are sure she remembers me.

Thanks again, Steve, and I PROMISE I hold none of the delusional aspects of your actions against you -- at least not PERSONALLY. The corruption of Wilmington, NC is entirely SYSTEMIC now and affects people without their being consciously aware of it -- whether they do drug or not -- and it forces them to PROTECT the Narco-Traffickers to keep THEIR SECRETS FROM BEING KNOWN.

While I actually DO hold many other people's secrets secret -- I have none of my own.

Via con Dios, Senor!!! -- and all best to Linda as well.

Scott D. Kenan
Puerto Vallarta (in exile)

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 10:19 AM, steve bakunas wrote:

Scott, I friended you, like many other people, I don't know, because it seemed there were things in common to share. Since friending you, all I seemed to get were postings about, all your unfortunate experiences, jail, etc. I saw, your anger, and rage, and felt sorry, for your misfortune, but wasn't interested in partaking. We really don't know each other, so I didn't think you would take offense. I see that, your lashing out at me, is just a way of saying, you were hurt, an I'm sorry for that. You can say whatever you like about me, but as you stated, Linda is a fine woman, and I would ask you, to please not involve her.  I can relate to your anger, and at a time in my life, I got pretty low, I went for help. I did have to pay someone to listen to me, but it was worth it, because it turned out, the more I talked, the more I discovered, I had some deep pain, and was crying out for help. Now, with that perspective, I have the opportunity, to look at myself, before I blame someone else, for any unhappiness. I know these times have been tough for you, and I'm sure you are still grieving your loss. If you need to continue to slander me, please know, I know its not because you mean it, and I forgive you for it.

Hope you can find some peace, soon.


>>> ADDED BY SCOTT JUNE 1, 2012: More notes on Steve Bakunas's email to me:

1. I sent and continue to send copies of all my blog posts to Steve by REGULAR email, not Facebook message, so his UNFRIENDING and BLOCKING me had NO EFFECT re: receiving my messages whatsoever, as Steve HAD to know. 

So there is NO LOGIC in his action against me or Facebook's -- and then several hours after I BLOGGED about the missing access buttons (a phenomenon I have experienced on MANY internet sites ACROSS the Internet -- not just on Facebook), the buttons RE-APPEARED and I was able to access my Facebook account, although still barred from friending for a month. 

I considered reporting Steve's LIES and ABUSE to Facebook for them to take action against HIM, but decided I'm "above such things" (6' 11" aka dos metros diez).

2. All things considered, it sounds to me like Steve Bakunas got psychiatric help to overcome homosexuality ("ex-gay" therapy). He might not do men these days, but it appears he has lost ALL VESTIGES of MORALITY in the process. 

Pity. (But it's not MY problem.)

On May 31, 2012, at 2:07 AM, Scott Kenan wrote:

Steve Bakunas and Linda Lavin in concert in Kenan Auditorium, UNCW.


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