Monday, August 10, 2020

RP: Slummin' toward a Chillin' -- Plenty to Criticize along the Way / Have I Gone as SOUR as Milk Left on Satan's HIGHEST ALTAR???


ME, TOO!!!

What really GALLS ME, is people who generally have their heads screwed on better than 95% of adults -- and then you find they BELIEVE A TON OF LIES AND PROPAGANDA from the CHRISTIAN DEMOCRATS and their top thieving allies, the CHRISTIAN REPUBLICANS:

And that last posting has been hit like CRAZY -- and 537 Russians have hit this blog in the last 24 hours -- but US Hits are up a lot higher than that.

I had a lot of tricky, time consuming research to do for that earlier posting -- and things happening I had to attend to took a lot of time -- BUT, I had NO HACKERS CORRUPTING MY COMPUTER OR PHONE ALL DAY (first day in what feels like YEARS)

But since the great majority of hits go to the blog a way that does not register hits for individual postings, I bet THIS POSTING is really getting the majority of reads right now:

And after a good night's sleep, I'll write Ali Velshi, Ari Melber, Rachel Maddow, and some others (two at CNN, and who knows who else I'll add):

Go out and have a spin in the moonlight -- or the light of the Marquees -- I'm just going to chill, here.


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