Monday, November 23, 2020

RP: The "Christian" Church Falls into CRY-BABY MODE (most of it)!!! / NEW Movie about Tennessee Williams and Frank Merlo is ANNOUNCED TO THE PRESS, Today -- and I'm DANCING ON CLOUDS!!!


To begin with, I'm too keyed up about the new movie -- so much so I can't write to the screenwriter until I sleep on it -- if I can sleep tonight.

So, there were OTHER things I wanted to write about, beginning with that I'm VERY PLEASED with Biden's announced appointments -- and as I was typing THAT, it broke on my nearby TV, that the GSA is now going ahead with the Biden Transition.

My NAZI-Catholic mother has LOST!!!

When I spoke to Mom early this morning, she was in her kitchen doing the prep to make potato salad, and knowing my sister Julie is visiting her from Pennsylvania, I asked why she didn't have her prep the potatoes, celery, and onion -- and boil the eggs -- then she, Mom, could just assemble it the way she always makes it.

But Mom said Julie had gone shopping with my sister Jane who also lives in Raleigh, and she just wanted to do this. She's nearly 98 and can't stand at the counter for very long, but when Mom decides to DO something -- do not try to stop her.

I knew she had finally accepted Donald Trump's loss, by her attitude. Last I spoke with her three days ago, she said that JESUS would make certain that Trump stayed in office.

This afternoon, I checked out the Lidl supermarket that opened last week near me. I'd gotten two of their eight-page weekly flyers and neither of them had impressed me, but when I GOT THERE, I was AMAZED at the selection and prices on so many things. BEST was that they carry FRASCATI -- the "Wine of Rome" that was the FAVE of Tennessee Williams -- Anna Magnani had introduced it to him, while he was in Rome.

How PERFECT to find it the day I learn of a movie about Tennessee set in Rome and NYC is to be filmed. A few years ago, I'd searched Wilmington, NC for it, to learn that of the wine-sellers I'd asked, they all checked and none of their suppliers carried it. Lidl's bottle is $7.00 -- I was afraid that with my other purchases, I didn't have the money, so passed for a couple of days until I get more -- and it was clear they always sell it.

Tennessee Williams with Anna Magnani

>>> TODAY, I GOT A RESPONSE FROM "FAITHFUL AMERICA" that came in first thing this morning, and could NOT have been prompted by my email of late yesterday to them.

Title: Pope Francis congratulated President-elect Biden and pledged to find common ground -- but many bishops are still playing partisan games.

A BRIEF EXCERPT: The pope has previously said the Catholic Church should not be "obsessed" with abortion and marriage, and instead prioritize serving the poor and marginalized. As the country faces a global pandemic that has already claimed 255,000 American lives, it's time for the bishops to listen to Pope Francis and stop playing partisan games.

Tell the Catholic bishops: Listen to Pope Francis. Work with President-elect Biden on immigration, poverty, and climate change.

I didn't sign the Petition -- it said "as a Christian"which I'm not, but happily promote it for others.

So, I will paste in links to my communicating with some of the HIGHEST HEADS of the Roman Catholic Church and the Church of England/Episcopal Church of the last two days, add the news item of the MOVIE CONTRACT, and then first email this to those listing email addresses in the two Letters, as well as my Tennessee Williams contacts -- in case they have not yet heard this news.

I've checked and the Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival -- and their twin that meets at the same time, the Saints & Sinners (gay) Literary Festival -- have nothing posted on website -- or even on their Facebook Feeds.

Father Frank Pavone with Donald Trump

Episcopal Prelate Bishop Michael Curry with Bishop Moose, 2019

I can't pretend to be chill about this. It would be dishonest.

I've been a huge fan of Luca Guadagnino for years, long before CALL ME BY YOUR NAME.

I wept uncontrollably reading THE INHERITANCE, one of the most important plays of our generation. Peter Spears's new film, NOMADLAND, is incredible.

Working with these three on the film of LEADING MEN has been -- and, I hope and expect, will continue to be -- one of the great honors of my life. I feel incredibly lucky and grateful.

Things move very slowly, so I have no idea when/if this film will come out, but I can't wait to see the vision they have for it.

OK, I'm ready for ANYTHING -- now that it's coming on winter!!!


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