Friday, November 13, 2020

RP: While Preparing to Write Republican and Democratic Party Chairs of the State of North Carolina:


Today, shortly after noon, I got an email from Democratic NC State Senator Harper Peterson, conceding his race to Michael Lee. It had been so close it took this long to determine it -- and then Harper conceded with dignity.

Although I never criticize Harper's votes in the NC Senate, and he usually shows up to support Black Folks in Wilmington, I have always withheld my FULL support of him because he is so CLOSELY TIED to one of our BIGGEST DRUG TRAFFICKERS with the Republican Party, Democrat NC Representative Deb Butler.

Deb ALSO "votes right" and even though her re-election was GUARENTEED by Gerrymandering, and her wife Anni Parra died of a Drug Overdose on December 27, 2018, I voted for her because ANY Republican is WORSE!!!

Blond Deb Butler with her wife, Anni Parra.

The probable REASON Harper Peterson LOST is because about five weeks ago he showed up at a New Hanover County NAACP online Skype Candidates Forum that EVERY REPUBLICAN REFUSED TO BE PART OF -- and Harper was DRUNK AS A SKUNK!!!

Harper TURNED OFF a lot of African American VOTERS!!!

And it is the HEIGHT OF IRONY, that Republican/Roman Catholic ABSOLUTE NAZI Sen. Thom Tillis came from behind and beat Cal Cunningham -- when his extra-marital affair was revealed -- as if that isn't the NORM for Politicians. Pussy-Squeezing, Whores-Off-Paying, DEVOUT PRESBYTERIAN/EVANGELICAL President Trump, Christian/Republicans are supporting BEYOND BELIEF!!!

Not me, HE DID!!!

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This is the most IGNORANT MEME I saw through the entire campaign in support of Democrats -- and I only saw it posted ONCE on Facebook two days ago, and NOBODY "LIKED" IT!!!

I count at least FOUR DEMOCRATIC POLITICIANS in it who KNOWINGLY run Hard Drugs for Jesus Christ with the CIA, Exxon-Mobil, and the Republican Party!!!

Image may contain: one or more people, text that says 'MICHAEL MALCOLM BATES MeDOWELL Stanley Kubrick's CLOCKWORK ORANGE'
Vicarious living is only slightly less impossible than vicarious A** eating.
Mason Cooley

>>> And JUST as I was posting the above, MSNBC called Georgia for Biden and North Carolina for Trump -- no surprises THERE!!!

What is IMPORTANT TO KNOW about the following is that I checked the COMMENT THREADS beneath FOUR major news outlets that posted this on Facebook yesterday, and while SOME CATHOLICS and NON-CATHOLICS cheered Pope Francis for this -- the VAST MAJORITY OF CATHOLICS and OTHERS claimed Pope Francis speaks with a FORKED TONGUE LIKE LUCIFER (as does Catholic Joe Biden), and will REVERSE HIMSELF and go back to supporting the NAZI/TRUMP PARTY:

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Steven Lowe wrote:

"This means NOTHING. The Pope or any other religious leader has NOTHING to do with who our President is. And giving this man cred for saying so undermines our independence from religious and church leaders.

He is NOTHING to us."

"The election is over. Biden's margins are widening. Why won't the Republican leadership recognize the result? For the same reasons they didn't impeach Trump."

~ Anne Applebaum
(shared by Marianne C.)
getSpon6shfored Medium 
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