Sunday, June 25, 2023

RP: This "Weekend Wrap-Up" is Anything BUT Weak!!!:


>>>  Dear President Biden  -- and really,  ALL OTHERS :

Please share in the CELEBRATION of my CLAIMED VICTORIES !!! 

I TRUST  you are on the side of Liberty, Justice, and Opportunity for ALL!!!:


>>> TO BEGIN WITH: MY LAST POSTING WAS BLOCKED TO ALL 600+ REGULAR EMAIL CONTACTS -- Something not lost on Prez Biden, SCOTUS, the VEEP, the Obamas -- and TOP DEMS in the US Congress. So, HERE is a LINK to itif you care to read it:

>>> AND NOW -- TO COMPLETE THIS POSTING: An email I sent to Teri Motsinger, who manages my account at Benefits Management, Inc. -- and she's ALSO the Owner of the business.

NOT SHOWN is that I Blind Copied my "Family Group":

Hi Teri,

If I ever get the water, sewer, trash bill -- I'll send it on to you, but I know you can get what you need to pay it online.

It is highly IRONIC that in the last month when I finally made FULL PEACE with my mother (over FOOD -- she and Jane have been driving here from Raleigh to take me to lunch and then return home soon after it -- about three times per year), but the last time I had big containers of my WORLD'S BEST potato salad for them to take home -- and some of my home-grown radishes. They could not stop themselves from calling to say how much they enjoyed it.

This Tuesday, Jane is coming with her two dog-daughters, and we are going to make TONS MORE of it -- as well as my SUPER eggplant lasagne -- made with GRILLED eggplant, not breaded. My tomato plants are already producing big red fruits -- and I'm fighting off the squirrels, who only eat them small and green -- so I'll send some of them home for Mom and Jane as well.

Jane will leave before my foot doctor appointment Wed. AM. Two weeks ago, ANOTHER  "Diabetic Ulcer" opened up on the outside of the big toe on my left foot. The first opened a year ago on the bottom of my right foot (and has been doing well with Dr.'s care), if it got worse, I'd lose a middle toe -- no big deal -- but to lose a BIG toe would cause problems walking.

My G.P. (who just gave me my annual BIGGEST health check), said EVERYTHING  continues to improve, otherwise, but he and my foot doctor would like to MURDER MY MOTHER because these ulcers are caused by the 31 years of Lithium Carbonate Mom forced me to take to SHUT UP about her being America's TOP NAZI -- and I NEVER  had Bipolar!!!

What freaks me out a bit is that BOTH sores appeared 13 years AFTER I took the last Lithium -- so who knows what will happen next. I lost my PERFECT TEETH to Lithium, but I'm used to dentures now. Mom understands this, but she can't do a thing about it after-the-fact. And NOW  she understands that Donald Trump isn't Jesus's Representative on Earth -- thank GOD!!!

Also, in my blog the last few days, I TOOK DOWN the Presidents of the TWO LARGEST Lay-Catholic Political Action Orgs -- who claim to all that Trump and DeSantis are GOD'S GIFT and all Dems who are Catholic must be FORCED OUT OF OFFICE. Pope Francis, my email correspondent for three years, DISAGREES with that -- and I reported their LIES about Catholicm to him -- HA!!!

I'm no fan of Joe Biden, and I BET he does not end up running for a second term. I've let him know exactly WHY -- and what excuse to make to back down (and take care of Hunter, riddled with Mental Illnesses and Drug Addiction his entire adult life).

My latest -- and the last three weeks, I'm getting over 2,000 registered hits per day, when 350-550/day had been usual. I think this should be palatable to you:

Thanks again for ALL YOU DO!!!



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