Saturday, August 10, 2024

RP: A Note of Explanation to Khila Sheree Mitchell -- because We Cannot Speak on the Phone or in Person without SCREAMING at Each Other, I DON'T Have Her Email Address, and I CAN'T Send All of This EASILY via Text:


Khila Sheree Mitchell's MUG SHOTJune 16, 2022

>>>  Dear Ms. Harris  (and  ALL OTHER AMERICANS ):

Dear President Biden,

For YOUR  and VEEP/Candidate Harris's enjoyment:

Getting rid of  CRAZY "Christians"!!!:

For  A.G./Candidate Josh Stein  and Gov. Roy Cooper especially!!!:



Khila was AGAIN arrested in Wake County, North Carolina on October 19, 2022, but the IMAGE is no longer available:

BEFORE THATthe mis-named "Kira Marie Mitchell" was wanted in New Hanover County, NC for  Hit and Run  in 2021:

OK, Khila, you and I agreed and signed paper on 4/6/24 for you to buy my 2009 Pontiac Vibe for $2,700.00 -- to be paid in four installments: $700.00 you paid that day, $700.00 to be paid 4/17/24, $700.00 to be paid 5/1/24, and $600.00 on 5/15/24.

BEFORE THAT, you had said you would pay the FULL $2,700.00 at once with help from your mother, but she got Covid and could no longer help. I did NOT put a lien on the car and I signed the Title over to you -- but you got my car first, and I photographed that you drove illegally to your job on a strange licence plate, but I WARNED YOU to get your own registration and plate or I would report that to your Probation Officer -- and you DID get legal.

EVERY DAY you had agreed to pay, you could NOT pay what you had promised, and often could pay NOTHING. The debt should have been paid off in six weeks on 5/15/24.

Your excuses have included YOU getting Covid THREE TIMES in three months and having to miss work. Once, your Probation was revoked and you were arrested. They added a RADIO COLLAR when they released you a week later -- and MORE TIME on your Probation.

One time, you claimed your Probation Officer showed up at your home when you got off work -- to arrest a CRIMINAL FUGITIVE that YOUR MOTHER had been shacking up with in YOUR rented house!!!

Now, as of August 8, you were BEHIND by two -- RENEGOTIATED -- payments of $100.00 and said you couldn't pay me and could NOT pay me anything until the end of August. I'd HAD IT with your BULLSHIT, and said that I would just forget that you were behind (so you could have some "breathing space"), and beginning a week from yesterday, or August 16, you would need to pay $100.00/week -- BUT, as long as you completed that by October 4, 2024, I didn't CARE how often or when you paid any of it.

You began SCREAMING at me and saying that was IMPOSSIBLE (How could you know??? You have the income to easily pay that.)

So, I told you to go to hell and if you have NOT PAID OFF THE LOAN BY THEN, I would get the LAW INVOLVED. You screamed some more and hung up on me.

You still get that deal -- and I recommend you PAY ME OFF by then. If I have to go to your Probation Officer, they MIGHT revoke your Probation completely -- or REMOVE your two children, declaring you an "UNFIT MOTHER".

I saw on your FOUR FACEBOOK LISTINGS (all under your real name), and that you claim to "BATHE IN THE SACRED BLOOD OF JESUS"!!! 

I have told you MANY TIMES that my Kenan relatives had over 900 African Slaves at once and FORCED THEM to worship Jesus -- because the NEW TESTAMENT says Slaves must obey their Masters as if the Masters were  Jesus Christ himself !!!

That is what CHRISTIANITY is ALL ABOUT!!! And I am THRILLED  to watch so many Christian Churches in Wilmington closing their doors or cutting back on number of services -- since everyone is  LEAVING CHRISTIANITY !!!



"lol look I'm going to have your money by October 4th now please leave me the hell alone. Thanks have a great night."

Well, I only wanted to  GUARANTEE  that I would get my money before  CHRISTMAS SEASON !!!

And  I DARE SAY : "I DID!!!"


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