Today's title is directed at my parents, brother, and sisters, as well as my Former Employer (see most previous post), and all the Bush/Cheney/Gingrich/Fox News Republicans and their allies, the CIA (who tried to murder me in Puerto Vallarta), FBI (who murdered JFK, RFK, and MLK Jr.), Papists, Mexican and other Drug Mafia who OWN narco-trafficking in the Americas and Afghanistan; Michael Remer and John Eastman and the others who conspired and hijacked the estate of Tennessee Williams -- especially Thomas Keith who added lies to my Tennessee Williams memoir when he edited it and John Uecker who murdered my former employer when my mother claimed she had me "chemically lobotomized" on Lithium.
Special shout-out to Christal Presley (and her close friend, Sean Hannity of Fox News), who connects these pieces together.
Also directed to some troublemakers in my new hometown, Wilmington, NC: The local drug mafia (operating largely out of Good Shepperd Center), much of the Wilmington Police Force (but NOT the Sheriff or D.A).
I'll be working with the D.A.'s investigator (and others) soon, to give y'all your "just desserts!"
>>> CORRECTION!!! The local D.A., Benjamin David, is TOTALLY corrupt from all appearances. >>> IN FACT: He and his lovely family sat Sunday Mornings in the very front pew of Kenan Chapel at First Presbyterian Church. Since I first blogged about his crimes on Palm Sunday (2011 -- this added 3 July 2012 for clarity. Click on blog header to get CURRENT posts and updates) -- or thereabouts -- they have NOT attended services at First Prez (at least not in Kenan Chapel).
The message today is the email I sent to the three pastors at First Presbyterian Church here in Wilmington:
Hey Guys,
I thought you might get a kick out of this. Seems I can’t be satisfied bringing the Republican Party and narco-traffickers to task – I’ve jumped into defending the Presbyterian Church (USA). This in response to an article published on Huffington Post online, 2/22/11, “The Bible Supports Same-Gender Marriage,” by Dr. Janet Edwards, Presbyterian Minister: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rev-dr-janet-edwards/the-bible-supports-samege_b_825157.html .
Interesting to note, beyond what I state below about the Kenan family’s involvement in Presbyterianism, is that according to THE KENAN FAMILY, Mercer University Press, 1999, not only was the American Psychiatric Association led by at least two descendants of the three Kenan brothers who landed in Wilmington in the 1730s, during much of the 20th Century, including when homosexuality was taken off the list of mental illnesses, another descendant of the brothers headed the actual research that led to this change. There is no evidence that any of them (and none were Kenan-surnamed), had any idea they were blood related.
Additionally, one finds in the book that while Tom (Thomas S. Kenan III), is descended from the brother who was married to a Johnston(e) who carried the Stuart line, I am not, so cannot claim it. But strangely enough, several years ago, my sister-in-law’s mother discovered she is descended from these same Johnstons, who include a Royal Governor of North Carolina (the father of the wife of Tom’s immigrating Kenan brother). My nephews and niece DO, therefore, have the “royal blood.”
Of course all this bloodline stuff is immaterial since we are all related to each other. (When citing bloodline credentials for practical, bamboozling purposes, I nearly always add: “But don’t worry if you don’t like your blood – nowadays you can buy a transfusion!”)
What got my blood boiling after reading Dr. Edward’s article, was that the comments -- at least early ones -- seemed dominated by liberal gays BLASTING the article for proving that Christians HATE homosexuals. Clearly, these people had not even READ the article and simply jumped in and wrote comments from the place of their OWN prejudices about what ANY Christian minister would HAVE to say about gay people and same-gender marriage. I was shocked, and immediately took several to task by chiding, “Guess you didn’t READ the article either.” Below is how I responded to one such comment by “Guscat,” and then how I responded to the two comments I got regarding my response:
Guscat 05:33 PM on 2/23/2011
In all due respect, your dogmatic thinking and know it all attitude is an example of what makes people run from Christianity.
The Presbyterian Church is actually the Church of Scotland, in America. The Kenan family of NC is known for having founded the 1st publicly-supported college in America, UNC at Chapel Hill, inheriting Henry Flagler's Standard Oil Trust and Florida development money, inheriting control of Coca Cola, and founding Bank of America (actually founding or inheriting two banks that were eventually developed into BoA). They put most of their money into Educational Trusts, in aggregate, the largest in the world in support of education, now focusing into the performing arts and preservation of native languages and cultures in Latin America.
Kenans are descended from the Stuart line in Scotland, so therefore, although not doing the original theorizing, sanctioned the "Presbyterian Church" as the official church of their kingdom, which continues in the US as BOTH branches, although, being gay as a goose, I say the remaining UPC is in error.
Kenans are descended from the Stuart line in Scotland, so therefore, although not doing the original theorizing, sanctioned the "Presbyterian Church" as the official church of their kingdom, which continues in the US as BOTH branches, although, being gay as a goose, I say the remaining UPC is in error.
Guscat 03:42 AM on 2/24/2011
The University of North Carolina was founded in 1789. Standard Oil was founded in 1870. It would have been impossible for Standard Oil money to have founded UNC. Your historical facts are misleading at best.
Scott Kenan 9 minutes ago (6:04 AM)
I stated events in the correct order, and then you deliberately distorted that. I understand that some people are hateful, but what was your motivation???
libwingoflibwing 08:24 PM on 2/23/2011
The PCA is not a result of a split in the U.P.C.
It originated when the old southern Presbyterian Church began ordaining women. It had nothing to do with either the United Presbyterian Church of North America or the United Presbyterian Church U.S.A., both northern Presbyterian Churches.
It originated when the old southern Presbyterian Church began ordaining women. It had nothing to do with either the United Presbyterian Church of North America or the United Presbyterian Church U.S.A., both northern Presbyterian Churches.
Scott Kenan 2 minutes ago (6:11 AM)
Thank you for correcting me -- if in fact you are correct. I was not trying to clarify the splits in the Presbyterian Church, but stating my opinion that the UPC is in error on this issue. I apologize if I have misled the masses into misinformation on the "genealogy" of the splittings.
LOL!!! I sure have been having a lot of fun since first entering First Prez’s sanctuary!
This blog is dedicated to my Guardian Angel, JACQUELINE KENNEDY ONASSIS.
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