UPDATE 3:47 PM: I will file the charges after my roommate's girlfriend arrives from Texas -- or Monday, whichever comes first. Gabriel Fuentes has not yet killed me, so I guess the below posting scared him enough to hold him back for a short time -- but not TOO long. . . .
UPDATE 5:58 PM: John, the manager at Domino's Pizza at 17th & Market tells me that they see TONS of drugs when they deliver their (now made with real cheese -- YAY!!!) pizza. If food delivery crews are not full of undercover NARCS, then someone is being deliberately STUPIDO!!! I mean, although this idea had not occurred to me, an amateur, volunteer heavy-drug buster, it should be a no-brainer to the professionals. If not, why not???
UPDATE 7:26 pm: Recent phone numbers for Gabriel Fuentes in Wilmington, NC: (910) 443-7259, (910) 443-5259 -- only one digit difference -- , and (910) 440-2224. Dominos Pizza has already searched their computer, and none of these numbers were used to order pizza -- but then Gabriel changes his numbers often several times per day. Other providers, please search your computers to see if Gabriel has called you. Contact the New Hanover County Sheriff, and he can save the info until I swear out a warrant. Thank you! Scott
In the interest of speed, I am pasting in an email I send a friend this morning:
Things turned quite dramatic yesterday when I received a very credible death threat and had to have the Wilmington Police watch my house/apartment. Seems that I have really hit some nerves, and my roommate’s employer, who had absolutely refused to pay him for four days’ work, threatened first to have him deported if he asked again, but when I prepared myself to confront him to threaten him with jail for attempted slavery, he said he was going to shoot up my house, and gave the address which I have no idea how he knew (David did not give it to him). He even had the right zip code.
My roommate, David, had previously witnessed his boss shooting people (mortally, I think. David is not English fluent, so some things are not clear.), and said that the guy (Gabriel Fuentes is his name, and his brother is a narco-trafficker in Mexico. One county in Texas has a felony arrest warrant active for Gabriel) always has more than one gun on his person as well as automatic weapons (thank you Republicans for making this his right!) under the seat of his car. I knew NOTHING of this as we drove toward Gabriel’s house for me to confront him. Gabriel called David on his phone while we were en route, and while I knew nothing of the Spanish which they were speaking, saw David turn into a bowl of quivering jelly. This is when the threats were beginning.
Although David had told me that Gabriel lived on Kerr Ave., north of Market, he suddenly claimed he had no idea where the house was. I got frustrated, began screaming at David for his cowardice (still not knowing of the threats), and eventually snatched his phone from him, snapped it shut, and said David was not allowed to talk to that person while in my car or house. The poor guy was crying, and I felt terrible, knowing there had to be more going on than I was yet aware of.
I drove home. There, Alejandra, David’s Mexican girlfriend who mercifully speaks perfect English, has papers, and lives in Texas (I think she might actually be a US citizen now), called me, and she and I got to the bottom of it after I snatched David’s phone, gave her every phone number he had called or called him yesterday, and she got on the phone to Gabriel. It was to her (also) that Gabriel swore he was going to immediately come to my house and shoot it up. Given that David had witnessed him shooting others in the past and knowing his brother is in Mexican drug mafia, we decided the threat was credible, and I called Wilmington police to watch the house. This morning, I will get David to show me Gabriel’s house so that when I go to the New Hanover County magistrate and have a warrant sworn out for his arrest, can give the street number. Gabriel is never at home during the day, so I feel perfectly safe doing this.
Also, as I told the police, yesterday at 3:15 AM when I awoke and turned on a light to go to the bathroom, I immediately got a call from a restricted number. The other party just breathed until I hung up 15 seconds later. I hung up and the call was immediately repeated. The local drug mafia just wanted me to know they were watching and had seen I had turned on a light. I knew then that I was a SERIOUSLY marked man. I believe I will be able to link all my drug mafia trouble with the Republican Party and of course my mother, the top Nazi in the US and reportedly Dick Cheney’s boss. I’m totally cool with all the Wilmington Police, county sheriff, NC DOJ, and the Governor, all of whom I try to keep updated on my situation via email – and my distant relatives as well.
So now I’d better go. I might (to save time) post this email on my political blog: scottkenan.blogspot.com .
Carry on!
UPDATE 5:58 PM: John, the manager at Domino's Pizza at 17th & Market tells me that they see TONS of drugs when they deliver their (now made with real cheese -- YAY!!!) pizza. If food delivery crews are not full of undercover NARCS, then someone is being deliberately STUPIDO!!! I mean, although this idea had not occurred to me, an amateur, volunteer heavy-drug buster, it should be a no-brainer to the professionals. If not, why not???
UPDATE 7:26 pm: Recent phone numbers for Gabriel Fuentes in Wilmington, NC: (910) 443-7259, (910) 443-5259 -- only one digit difference -- , and (910) 440-2224. Dominos Pizza has already searched their computer, and none of these numbers were used to order pizza -- but then Gabriel changes his numbers often several times per day. Other providers, please search your computers to see if Gabriel has called you. Contact the New Hanover County Sheriff, and he can save the info until I swear out a warrant. Thank you! Scott
In the interest of speed, I am pasting in an email I send a friend this morning:
Things turned quite dramatic yesterday when I received a very credible death threat and had to have the Wilmington Police watch my house/apartment. Seems that I have really hit some nerves, and my roommate’s employer, who had absolutely refused to pay him for four days’ work, threatened first to have him deported if he asked again, but when I prepared myself to confront him to threaten him with jail for attempted slavery, he said he was going to shoot up my house, and gave the address which I have no idea how he knew (David did not give it to him). He even had the right zip code.
My roommate, David, had previously witnessed his boss shooting people (mortally, I think. David is not English fluent, so some things are not clear.), and said that the guy (Gabriel Fuentes is his name, and his brother is a narco-trafficker in Mexico. One county in Texas has a felony arrest warrant active for Gabriel) always has more than one gun on his person as well as automatic weapons (thank you Republicans for making this his right!) under the seat of his car. I knew NOTHING of this as we drove toward Gabriel’s house for me to confront him. Gabriel called David on his phone while we were en route, and while I knew nothing of the Spanish which they were speaking, saw David turn into a bowl of quivering jelly. This is when the threats were beginning.
Although David had told me that Gabriel lived on Kerr Ave., north of Market, he suddenly claimed he had no idea where the house was. I got frustrated, began screaming at David for his cowardice (still not knowing of the threats), and eventually snatched his phone from him, snapped it shut, and said David was not allowed to talk to that person while in my car or house. The poor guy was crying, and I felt terrible, knowing there had to be more going on than I was yet aware of.
I drove home. There, Alejandra, David’s Mexican girlfriend who mercifully speaks perfect English, has papers, and lives in Texas (I think she might actually be a US citizen now), called me, and she and I got to the bottom of it after I snatched David’s phone, gave her every phone number he had called or called him yesterday, and she got on the phone to Gabriel. It was to her (also) that Gabriel swore he was going to immediately come to my house and shoot it up. Given that David had witnessed him shooting others in the past and knowing his brother is in Mexican drug mafia, we decided the threat was credible, and I called Wilmington police to watch the house. This morning, I will get David to show me Gabriel’s house so that when I go to the New Hanover County magistrate and have a warrant sworn out for his arrest, can give the street number. Gabriel is never at home during the day, so I feel perfectly safe doing this.
Also, as I told the police, yesterday at 3:15 AM when I awoke and turned on a light to go to the bathroom, I immediately got a call from a restricted number. The other party just breathed until I hung up 15 seconds later. I hung up and the call was immediately repeated. The local drug mafia just wanted me to know they were watching and had seen I had turned on a light. I knew then that I was a SERIOUSLY marked man. I believe I will be able to link all my drug mafia trouble with the Republican Party and of course my mother, the top Nazi in the US and reportedly Dick Cheney’s boss. I’m totally cool with all the Wilmington Police, county sheriff, NC DOJ, and the Governor, all of whom I try to keep updated on my situation via email – and my distant relatives as well.
So now I’d better go. I might (to save time) post this email on my political blog: scottkenan.blogspot.com .
Carry on!
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