To: Michael Remer; Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival; 'info@gop.org'; 'bishop@episcopalatlanta.org'; Harvard University Legal Department
Sent: Wed 2/23/2011 12:39 PM
Subject: Regarding the ILLEGAL overturning of the codicil to Mr. Tennessee Williams' will!!!
No time for too much now, but I am going to do everything in my power to see that justice is had!!!
Mr. Remer: Please forward this to your compatriots: Mssrs. John Eastman, Thomas Keith, and the man who murdered TW with a pillow when my mother claimed she had me under control, John Uecker.
TW/NO Festival: Get ready for some fun this year! I totally support you, and understand that you could not help being compromised by Mssrs. Remer and Keith.
GOP: You’ve blocked my email, so no heads up for you. LOL!!!
Bishop: You are complicit as you never investigated my claims which I sent to you and EVERY SINGLE BISHOP IN THE SOUTHEAST STATES OF AMERICA. NOT ONE OF YOU RESPONDED. Nor did Sewanee’s legal council, except to threaten me with a lawsuit of libel. I understand that in addition to most of the funds going to support Republican Black Ops on the “internets,” you used some to hide the fact that your reforms have caused your school to lose the support of alumni.
Nancy: You know what to do! I am your top ally, and please send my best wishes to the entire Kennedy clan, many of whom I met in 1981-82. I worked with Pat Kennedy Lawford and even went to her Sutton Place apartment a time or two.
I am including a copy of my Williams memoir, which has a couple of lies embedded in it by Thomas Keith who edited it, but they are minor to the story and will be corrected. I am looking for a new publisher – if anyone has any suggestions. Also for my cleaned up political blog, which will read like Dan Brown but be non-fiction. I will make a fortune off my story!!!
Living well is the best revenge.
Scott David Kenan
“”ADDENDUM: 10:35 PM: “I cannot believe how stupid I've been.”” << These words are the only “truth” you have written in years maybe decades. Goes to show even the “insane” experience brief moments of clarity. I’m sure someone out there is compiling notes regarding your blog for proposes of their thesis… of the severely and irretrievably insane.
I’m sure your next entry will continue evidence and in fact validate what I have just written here today.
Thank you, Onetime! I agree with a lot of your comment, and after a one-month pause, a comeuppance, and some relaxation from the very real difficulties I have had to face, I will soon "re-set" my approach, and attempt to pull the real from the admittedly crazed.
I am the first to admit that much has been crazed, but that was due to my having to deal with so many who wished me ill. Generally (with the exception of my immediate family, Christal Presley, and "FORMER EMPLOYER" -- with whom I have an agreement not to name here -- although it was made under duress and so I doubt has legal validity, although I attempt to honor it still) none of my critics is man or woman enough to sign their names.
I have risked the appearance of insanity to provide a show of the madness one must face and work through when attempting to tell the truth that exposes powerful people in their lies and deceits. I believe you have some vested interest in the material I present or you wouldn't be taking the time to read as much as you do and comment.
Email me in a week or so, and let me know what you think then -- or post another anonymous comment here.
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