My computer has been corrupted again and I find it impossible to properly format this posting.
This morning, I awoke early (3:07 AM), and within 10 seconds of turning on the light to go to the bathroom, got two calls in rapid succession that showed "restricted" in my caller ID. Both had nothing but breathing on the other end, and lasted about 15 seconds until I hung up. The local drug mafia must have been watching my apartment for lights, and called me to let me know they are watching.
I knew that. After doing my business, I quickly fell back asleep.
I have gotten used to this type of harassment since I first realized my life was in grave danger because I knew that the Republican Party, especially the Bush family, Newt Gingrich, GA Congressman John Linder, and many in Fox News -- with my swastika-loving, child-beating mother, who had blackmailed my father into marrying her to hide her activities behind the Kenan last name -- control narco-trafficking in the Americas and Afghanistan.
Please remember that as I have previously reported in this blog, I have the contact information for a Mexican-American born in central California to a very wealthy family who claims his father was the largest importer of cocaine into the United States in the 1980s and 1990s. He wants to make amends for his father's sins, and is prepared to testify in any legitimate court in the world that he was once in a room with ONLY his father and Pope John Paul II, and the Pope told his father whom to sell the cocaine to and at what price.
And the Vatican wants to fast-track John Paul II to sainthood!
My mother had several one-on-one meetings with Pope John Paul II in Rome in the 1980s and 1990s. It was in 1990, that key Jews in Atlanta confirmed to me that my parents are the top Nazis in the US. Those Jews included Faye Gold of Faye Gold Gallery, and Bernice Weinstein, close friend of my then employer, Lawrence Buchthal of Mama Mia's Pasta and Pizza in Stone Mountain, where I lived.
I have since heard that my mother is Dick Cheney's boss and reports only to the Pope, but I cannot prove this in a court of law.
Back to the drug mafia -- which is connected to all other mafias -- here in Wilmington, NC.
I am convinced that they are behind my being kicked out of the McDonalds on Market Street and Good Shepherd Center at Martin and 9th Streets. Katrina Wright, executive director of Good Shepherd Center has not answered my repeated voicemails to her asking exactly how I trespassed there, as claimed by their "goon" doorman Tim.
Then, yesterday, I got this unedited facebook message regarding goings on at Good Shepherd from someone whose Facebook name is Indy Spaceborne:
February 15 at 2:14 PM
Scott, I've noticed that they've got a large 'mug shot' photo of you taped to the desk there. My point-of-view is that your character continues being defamed....I hope that you'll get an appropriate response from them soon, and that this will be rapidly resolved.
~ Indy
That the management has allowed my photo to be taped to the desk as if I were a wanted criminal (Is this where the "hit-list" for the local drug mafia is posted? It is common knowledge that many mafia pose as homeless people, and people many shelters.), gives me no choice but to assume the management is involved in the drug mafia.
In a separate situation, Tom Sheehan of the franchise group that owns the McDonalds on Market Street, (910) 799-7548, told me that he completed his investigation, and he FULLY supports his manager, who kicked me off the property after falsely claiming I had solicited money there. He went on to say that if I contacted anyone above him, they would simply ask him and he would tell them he had already investigated and that he fully supports the claims of his manager. He told me to not "waste my time" calling his boss, Tim Denny, or McDonalds parent company.
I DID leave a message for Mr. Denny, yesterday, and in fairness must say I gave him until dinner time today to report back to me. I have heard nothing yet.
So yes, I believe that consequences would continue from the drug mafia that hounded me in Stone Mountain, Georgia, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, Raleigh, NC, and now here in Wilmington. The Mafia DOES have reach.
And to those needing to know: because I have connected the narco-trafficking to key elements at the very top of the Republican Party, this IS in fact also political, which shields me from spurious claims against me.
Read deeper in this blog for more detail. Some postings have been altered or deleted as my former employer in Snellville, GA insisted on that as a condition for his sending me 10% of the $38,000.00 he owed me. I used the money to get an apartment, and once again thank him for helping me get off the street! I had been homeless for most of the last five months.
UPDATED 6:23 pm:
CNN reports that "Curveball," the "eyewitness" who had claimed -- through German Intelligence -- that he had seen Saddam Hussein's rolling factories of Weapons of Mass Destruction, and whose testimony led Collin Powell to declare as much to the UN and the United States to go to war, has TOTALLY recanted, saying he made it all up, hoping that Saddam would be taken out by the US.
Yes, that happened, and now he says he is happy.
High Bush Administration officials have mostly expressed their outrage and shock -- and desire that Curveball be punished to the greatest extent possible, but mysteriously quiet so far are George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and German Intelligence (cobbled together after WWII from mostly Nazi Intel specialists). They say they have no comment at this time.
I have this only through intuition, but I do believe that my swastika-loving mother who is said to be Dick Cheney's boss and reports only to the Pope, will be found to have had something important to do with this.
There is a reason that in 1990, besides my parents being confirmed to me as the top Nazis in the US, an anonymous man strode across the green of Peachtree Battle Park, and told me that I had the key and in right timing would turn it and end the negativity in the world.
Call me crazy, but I'm not so sure this is truly what has happened. But if it IS true, it was never me. It was the Thing I allowed to operate through me, and I am exceedingly humbled.
Praise Jesus.
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