Frank Hawkins Kenan and his second bride, Betty.
2:21 PM (2 minutes ago)
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You just TOTALLY BLEW ME AWAY!!! At first, I thought you were Dwayne somebody, who had HEADED the project of taking Flagler System, Inc. down to THE BREAKERS HOTEL, only, as well as presided over the major renovations so that it was UP TO PAR with its heritage (I ABSOLUTELY SALUTE them for this), as well as GREEN. I believe this was in the 1990s, and they have more recently renovated again. THEY REALLY DO IT RIGHT!!! (and rich people and those affording a few nights of being rich have a PERFECT place to go -- and students of art and architecture, too).
But Dwayne knocked up a Latina chamber-maid -- and married her, but things soon went SOUTH and he knew ALL the Kenans and they all snubbed him. He told me that prosecutors were sending him to jail for YEARS if he did not LIE on the Public Record. I lost track of him about two years ago . . .
I guess I should say I never had that much RESENTMENT -- more MYSTERY and TERMINAL CURIOSITY. After 30 years (the last twenty, solid), of being on Lithium Carbonate inappropriately, so stupid and unable to "connect the dots", everything came at me in avalanches of realizations -- and then ALL MANNER OF CRIMINAL GOVERNMENT AND FAMILY were poisoning, nut-house committing (took them two years to succeed after MANY attempts), jailing, impoverishing, and really, everything but GUN-SHOOTING me, HA!!!
I quickly found the HUMOR in it -- and their stupidity. I KNEW ALWAYS that I was "predestined" to win.
And I am SO GLAD you also CREDITED the Kenans, as well as the other. I honestly believe that they are ALSO, through Charitable Trusts and personally THE MOST GENEROUS FAMILY, today. They and their dough do a LOT OF GOOD for Humanity!!!
If I met Tom Kenan today, I would salute him and shake his hand in congratulations. The other side of all this is a GREAT STORY and eventually I will make a HUGE FORTUNE off it, but it DOESN'T MATTER any more. God Done WON, and the Kenan's IMPERFECTLY helped more than they hindered. You CANNOT BEAT Education as a gift -- and THAT is where Kenans HAVE IT MADE IN THE SHADE!!!
Let's stay in touch as we go forward.
Guess who is gonna post this (masking your name, your identity is obvious to those in the know) -- and where!!!
Your Pal,
On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 1:43 PM, An Atlantan wrote:
SCOTT,I Really enjoy your blogs.
I used to work for Mr Frank Kenan – here in Atlanta.
They were very good years in late 80’s.I can relate to your entrapments and surveillances – LOL !!! – I was under same scrutiny for many years. I used to drink quite regularly at the North Atlanta bars and probably blabbed too much – a bartender from Virginia named Rolls decided I had some connection to Federal Law Enforcement.
This bartender Rolls convinced his associate in the underground biz, my boss at Kenan -- Kelly Hoots, that I was FBI. Mr Hoots succeeded in convincing Mr Frank the same thing.
Lord Help – what a horrific mistake and accident.
After Mr Frank and Hoots decided I wasn’t FBI, then here come the FED surveillance – on me of course – I guess they thought I knew where every body was buried or I had enough cash from my associations that would make it worth their while to capture me for good.
I believe they were shooting for life imprisonment although only 5 years in a mental institution was proposed (for terroristic threats). LOL.
The FED did not succeed in provoking me into a felony.
I know where you are coming from.Mr Frank looked after us back in the day – he did offer a position in Charleston, SC, but at the time I was in recovery for addictions and didn’t want to make any sudden moves. Mr Frank contributed heavily to medical research and helped many, many people.I sent a letter to Tom S Kenan III several months ago to try and amend the damage done – people got hurt in that episode in the 80’s.I hope the best for you – maybe you can get out of the chain reaction of resentments etc - my experience was that the more I hated on the inside, then the worse things got on the outside – similar to a mirror image of my own self.
I just try to love my family, friends, and associates today to the best of my ability – even if I don’t like some things they are doing. If I can’t do that, then I just stay away from them and try not to fight anymore.Thanks for your time and when I get re-employed (got laid off in February), I plan on purchasing your book.
Please keep up the blog – it is very interesting, truthful, and entertaining.God help us – I just hope and pray we can get along and try to be a peaceful nation.
* * *
After copyright to my book was STOLEN by Chicago Drug Mafia associated with Barack Obama and Wells Fargo Bank, Amazon believed the ILLEGAL, unsigned Court Order, and stopped selling my book -- but REFUSE to remove it entirely. In fact they won't answer any emails, and no phone number to call.
So I published it HERE so all can read it for free. It also has updated info from after its 2011 Amazon publication: . If that doesn't work, check my spelling -- LOL!!!
Raymond B. Farrow, III (WAAAAY too cute and hot, no???), the Director of Development and Strategic Initiatives of Carolina Performing Arts with Ms. Betty Kenan.
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