Saturday, December 21, 2013

Some Pre-Christmas Mysterious Mysteries (almost like an Old Catholic Rosary)!!!

Hi. How Yer Durrin’??? Strange Things Have Happened in the Last 24 Hours – and I Need Some Help to UNDERSTAND THEM. Can YOU Help Out Auhntie Ferris Bueller on My Day Off???

Well, I was lookin’ for my picture but found THIS ONE first. It was just TOO CUTE not to post, but here’s my REAL ONE, and I’ve even FINALLY remembered by OWN name, Madista.

1. First of all, before getting into WHAT HAPPENED (or didn’t), when I called Patricia Sinatra in Ontario, California, let me tell you that NO ONE has caused me to DROP MY JAW further than Pope Francis – AKA BLACK JESUS – until I saw S.E. Cupp interview Glenn Beck on CNN last night.

That Kupp woman (I hope I’m spelling it right – I have no Internets connection as I write), is a “non-believer” in that God Stuff, and a TOTAL ADVOCATE OF GBLT RIGHTS!!! And then Glenn Beck said HE thought the DUCK SHIT was just a tempest in a teapot dome, and HE thought we ought to talk about the guy in Russia who said all gays should be thrown LIVE into gas ovens – which Glenn pointed out was an “out-Hitlering of Hitler”, and that HE would stand even in danger of losing his LIFE with GLAD in protest.

And he SKEWERED the hypocritical Republicans (Reagan and Bush II, both), for CLAIMING fiscal conservatism and HUGELY GROWING the debt while hiding behind Christianinity, and FURTHER said the Democrats and Republicans work TOGETHER despite appearances to PERFECT THE TOTALITARIAN STATE to enslave us all.

And shock of shocks to ME is that his “awakening” came in conjunction with his giving up his alcohol addiction and seriously joining the Mormon Church, a church I have TONS of privileged info on by my trip through Salt Lake City in fall of 1977, and one of my best Tennessee Williams Daze friends, now a very successful Artist and developer of Abercrombie & Fitch’s mild homoerotic atmosphere, Mark Beard’s great-grandfather was one of the THREE people Joseph Smith dictated the Book of Mormon to, and his family now owns the LARGEST Mormon Bank. Mark was ABSOLUTELY disowned and separated by his family about 1980 when he went off to art school (paid for by Tennessee’s best male friend then, Vasillis Voglis, best I can tell).

So while I was all ready to JOIN Glen Beck in the Libertarian Call, he disclosed at the END of the show not only that he REGRETS the pain he caused a few years ago with his ILL WORDS, and he REFUSED to pick someone looking toward the 2016 Presidential Race, he named a few he likes, including Sen. Rand Paul and Sen. Ted Cruz. And then went on to say that one of his closest friends and philosophical ALLIES is Ted Cruz’s FATHER, a minister who preaches more HATE against minorities and DISGUST with US Constitutional restraints and meaning than even that DUCK HUNTER’S recently reported words when HE was preaching from a “Christian” pulpit.

I suppose the “Liberal Media” COULD have sculpted ABSOLUTE LIES about the Cruzes – with not a SINGLE godly word spoken by either of them – EVER as far as I have noticed – but I doubt it. This is just some NEW PRETTIER LIE from Satan, as far as I can tell.

2. >>> FORGOTTEN FROM YESTERDAY: I DID also call Thomas Elliot Keith’s apartment landline in Manhattan to tell him (via voicemail), I would be CERTAIN to put both him and John Eastman in PRISON, eventually. (Tennessee Williams murderers and/or cover-uppers)

3. This afternoon, I got a SUPER STRONG and FAST Internet connection on my iPad Mini. UNFORTUNATELY, it was so GOOD I assumed the NSA/CIA had withdrawn that harassment of me – at least for now – and wasted it all on Facebook instead of checking email, news, this blog, etc. When I lost it, at least I knew NOTHING WAS WRONG WITH MY MODEM or its settings, so brought up this Windows 8 computer. I tried for twenty minutes to get online but NO email or webpages would come in AT ALL and the computer showed there was NO INTERNET CONNECTION at any time.

But as I was giving up, suddenly my anti-virus alerted me that its definitions had just been updated over the Internet (so I tried a little longer), and when I shut down, Windows Update had downloaded updates that it then installed!!!

I have LONG KNOWN that when I seem to have no connection that the NSA/CIA is still live on ALL my computers. There’s TONS of boring evidence of that which I will NOT now list.

4. As readers know, I reached Danny Sinatra in Wilmington, NC a couple of days ago, and he loves this blog and was thrilled hear from me – but said his MOTHER, Patricia would REALLY love to hear from me. I called her this morning at 8:45 AM, PST, and as soon as I identified myself she firmly said, “I do NOT want to talk with you,” and immediately hung up on me.

While I could guess and speculate what on earth THAT is all about, I love and respect both Pat and Danny and what I call “The Sinatra Spirit” FAR too much to do that before giving them an opportunity to at least explain. I've WRACKED MY BRAIN and can’t think of a reasonable explanation – especially given Danny’s expectation that Pat would be thrilled to hear from me.

So I left two messages on Danny’s cell phone over several hours, asking for an explanation and even offering to not only NOT EDIT if they want me to post something on this blog to set something straight, but NOT EVEN COMMENT ON IT, if they need that too. And more and more, I find that women (particularly of Patricia’s generation – very close to mine), have NOT kept up with the changing world and fall for secrecy, accumulation of wealth, and control of message or others, when THOSE THINGS ARE POISON in a world where NO ONE can keep a secret from the US Government – or the MYRIAD CRIMINALS who USE jobs with the NSA/CIA for criminal activities (with or without the actual cooperation of the US Government).

And I am NOT saying this was Pat’s thinking process.

I DID, however, immediately call “Dagwood” to leave a message on HIS cell that this had happened. I am more than ever convinced that the wealthy Kenans are attempting to at least get a CEASE FIRE with me – whether Dagwood is consciously part of this or not.

REMEMBER: the FIRST thing the NSA admitted is that they have NO WAY TO SPY ON THEIR OWN EMPLOYEES, so employees can do ANYTHING and not get caught.

The CONSTANT SURVEILLANCE EVERYWHERE GENIE is definitely OUT OF THE BOTTLE and CANNOT RETURN – due to the IRRESPONSIBLE MANNER in which the US Government set up the Systems at the NSA.




1 comment:

Unknown said...

As for tossing us homosexuals into ovens: they better damn-well be DESIGNER ovens! Or I'll have a hissy fit.

- Zeke Krahlin