Sunday, March 3, 2019

RP: Sunday Morning, and ALL CHRISTIANS Pray to the god of Donald Trump and with ABJECT HATRED of God!!! / Sallie Bingham ROARS BACK, RELEVANT!!!


You’ll never be able to see this picture the same again.

Don Bagley He can play Mary had a Little Lamb


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Scott Moser let me know when he switches to armpits


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Scott Kenan Scott MoserHe just switched!!!

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling


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David Marquis 70's arm bush!


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Dennis Anderson Now post one with Muhammed depicted! (It'll be funny!)


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German for "The Church, today".

I first met Ann Stewart Anderson long ago when I went to a show in Louisville where she was exhibiting some of her work, and I immediately recognized the originality and daring of a kindred spirit.

I immediately recognized the originality and daring of a kindred spirit.

Scott Kenan shared a post.
Is it??? My mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan, who set up the Drug Mafias of Wilmington, NC and Atlanta, GA with help of Nixon Aide John Ehrlichmana Catholic priest, and Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity, and OTHER Catholic Republicans, has tried to have me KILLEDas recently as a month ago, by an operative of NC Democratic State Representative Deb Butler -- whose wife Anna Parri died two months ago of a DRUG OVERDOSE!!! Let OLD CHRISTIAN BITCHES DIE as soon as possible, please. Mom is 96 and living in Raleigh, and she DRIVES to Sunday Mass to worship THE DEVIL!!!
You will hear your dying parent say, “I’m ready,” and even though you aren’t, you’ll let go of the hand that you’ve held since you were small.

Losing a parent is the worst nightmare many people have to go through. It is like losing your soul and mind. We live <!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via....


1. I drove past Landlady Gold Walker's Victorian Mansion at 4th and Orange Streets, yesterday. There is scaffolding all over it, and her roof is being replaced. Across the street, crouched Steven Rose, who has SHORN OFF his cute little "man-bun", but SHOOK his cute NAKED little MAN BUNS at me through the window one night -- after BRAGGING about his HUGE ITALIAN BAT.

He ALSO told me he ran HARD-DRUGS with failed 2016 Democratic US Senator Candidate Deborah Ross (while working for her campaign), and that his now wife, Madison "Maddy" (Holland) Rose, ran DRUGS for now Governor Roy Cooper, while being the TOP PAID WILMINGTON COOPER CAMPAIGN WORKER!!!

Steven and Maddy Rose were MARRIED at, owned by Gold Walker's son Allen Walker:

And SEVERAL Wilmington Police Officers have told me that Walker World is suspected of being one of the BIGGEST Drug Import Ports in the REGION!!!

2. A White CAT is now night-guarding my car that I had driven to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico in 2012 - 2015:

Same car2014

3. I had planned to write the Board Members on the North Carolina Bar Association, last night -- and then, to do that first thing this morning -- NOT to make my CLAIMS against Ben David, David Nash, Thom Gooslby, Deb Butler, etc. (which I will make tomorrow) -- but to give them my BACKGROUND NARRATIVE. Every Lawyer KNOWS that the person with the MOST BELIEVABLE NARRATIVE always wins in Court!!!

I'll do that LATER TODAY!!!

wise column from Arthur Brooks.

The problem in America today is not incivility or intolerance. It’s something far worse.


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