Tuesday, September 11, 2012

America Will Soon PAY THE PIPER (aka "GOD")!!! !!! !!!

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The Bush administration was told, as early as May 2001, about the threat of an attack by Al Qaeda.

27 minutes ago · Edited · ·

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  • True of SOME RELIGIONS, but TOO MANY "RELIGIOUS PEOPLE" ESPECIALLY CHRISTIANS!!! That said, the Catholic People and most clergy are actually (in opposition to the Pope), leading the way to SOCIAL JUSTICE ON EARTH -- and I don't mean to slight Protestants (many of whom are perfectly God-Loving -- but we must ALL FACE FACTS)!!!

  • While Catholic Clergy generally sought to CONVERT native peoples when European Governments conquered them in their GREED-PLAY of stealing native peoples' TREASURE of gold, silver, and LAND, The CATHOLICS (bearing MANY non-sensicle Dogma beliefs that would make even JESUS puke), RECOGNIZED ALL PEOPLE AS GOD'S PEOPLE and many Catholic clergy lost their lives trying to defend Native People from Conquistadors and "Manifest Destiny" (American Exceptionalism is its DIRECT DESCENDANT), believers.

  • The Protestant Imperialists saw Native Americans as sub-human SAVAGES and believed GOD gave them the RIGHT to massacre, corral, remove, and trick them so that in the USA -- EVEN TODAY -- Native Americans still have SEPARATE RIGHTS in CONCENTRATION CAMPS called "Indian Reservations".

41 minutes ago ·

And NO, I have not gone back to the Catholicism of my youth. I HONOR Jesus (Yeshua-bar-Joseph was his ACTUAL name) as the BEST Prophet to "Western Culture", but for 2,000 years after he came to "point the way", we have only STUDIED HIS FINGERNAIL -- even WORSHIPPED IT AS AN IDOL -- rather than given a DAMN about what he said about how to live and love.
And NOW America (especially) must pay "GOD THE FATHER" who is the ONLY TRUE PIPER!!!
37 minutes ago ·



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