Graphic supplied by my first cousin's daughter Wendy Whitney. THANKS!!!
1. When I emailed one of these emails, I IN ERROR typo-ed "black widows" when it should have been "BLACK WINDOWS". that said, the car MIGHT have been full of "black widows".
2. More info on International narco-Trafficking and Money Laundering can be found many places, but I just discovered THIS ONE: and also this one as well: .
3. I would like to remind everyone that in the two years leading up to my fleeing Stone Mountain, GA for Mexico in 2010, I visited my parents MANY TIMES in Raleigh, NC, and even then, they were rather EXASPERATED with me.
MANY TIMES they would get annoyed, toss a $100.00 bill at me (for gas money), and suggest I leave. There is NO REASON ON EARTH for them to have a stash of hundred dollar bills -- especially ones that they so casually tossed at me as if they were nothing. This is described several times deep in my blog in 2009 and 2010.
4. I have not reported it before because it stopped about a month ago -- and makes me SOUND crazy or paranoid, but SOMEONE HAS KEYS TO MY CAR and for the first few months I have been back in Mexico, they have done simple unnerving things like move stuff in my car (but never steal), and unlock doors.
Because I knew I might just be being forgetful, I CAREFULLY observed what I did and paid special attention to these things. Still they continued but I decided that if I didn't react (I figured they just wanted to be able to accuse me of delusions), it would stop and eventually it did.
But they still have keys.
My best guess is that , the place I bought the car, is in cahoots with My Adversaries, and this would explain how I bought a car with an Edmunds LOCAL book value of over $14,100.00 for only $9,400.00 plus $800.00 taxes and fees.
The head salesman (who appears SUPER STRAIGHT), was TOO EASY AND FRIENDLY about it -- even giving me a near $1,000.00 discount since he had casually mentioned a wrong price at first. NO ONE does this to end up SO MUCH LESS THAN MARKET VALUE!!!
Also, I happened to catch him telling a MALE that he "loves him" and "can't wait to see him again" over the phone. He's obviously been threatened with losing his business and a GAY OUTING by Ben David's Boys (the Wilmington Police), if he did NOT set me up in a car that had "special tracking" and an "extra set of keys" -- unbeknownst to me.
5. BEST POINT: I have neglected to thank the audio/video company that installed my car audio (and made sure all the GM phone/OnStar, etc. (which is merely GOVERNMENT SPY SYSTEM to track you by satellite or cell tower triangulation whether you activate it or not), was ENTIRELY disconnected.
They sold me my home audio system as well -- ALL of it at GREAT PRICES and the installations were EXCELLENT. Additionally, when I knew I needed to leave town IMMEDIATELY, they accommodated me by swapping in-stock surround satellites for those on order that had not yet arrived.
I CANNOT over-state how helpful, conscientious, and understanding they were to my situation. Unfortunately, since they are in Wilmington, NC, I CANNOT at this time publish their name as they would suffer reprisals from THE POWERS THAT BE.
That said, I will shortly send them by secure server a link to this blog post -- and THANK GOD that I somehow found them!!!
>>> STORY #1:
I'm fine, but might shortly flee OUT of Sinaloa Drug Cartel
territory at any moment if I feel unsafe -- but I'm fine now.
I'm going to blog ASAP with supporting documents, but need
to get this out to you and some "blind" copied people so I feel
safer, the word having already gotten out.
Sonny and I had another "break" this morning after
proving YOU right that he is mostly a hole into which to pour money. He tried
calling but i don't answer.Then 45 minutes ago, he texted me a THREAT in his
angriest text voice for what i Facebook posted about his sister. I had only
GUESSED it was his sister (his FB friend of same last name in NYC), but knowing
nothing more about her, I only said she was probably his sister -- what's
wrong with that???
Bottom line: the WHOLE THING is so insane I started
researching on Internet and can NOW connect the Servin Family (my landlord is
Mark Servin) to at least ONE of Sonny's friends on Facebook (I was so shocked i
stopped looking after I came across the one) -- and then I chanced on the
connection of the money-laundering international Vanagels Connection and Sinaloa. See: .
But you see, Mark Servin's MOTHER (an East European
immigrant to the US whom I met when she was in PV for a week, recently) is from
a HIGH AREA of this money laundering group that operates ALL THROUGHOUT
the Middle East (no doubt with the CIA/Repubicans/Fox News/Bin
Ladens/Saudis/Catholic Pope),
The "find" function in I.E. just NOW stopped working so I can no
longer search that document for "Sinaloa" like I did a few minutes
Anyway, the article ALSO shows how
a Wachovia/Wells Fargo researcher hired by that bank in London had some years
ago come across Vanagels money laundering through Wells Fargo Bank --
which eventually led to the LARGEST FINE IN HISTORY FOR MONEY LAUNDERING being
paid by Wells Fargo Bank -- I think it said around $150,000,000.00 -- which is
just about EXACTLY what Jaime Southheimer/Buster Hymen, actually of the SISTER company (clean as a whistling-"Dixie" Wells Cargo Powder-Transport Advisers (variously in my blog) 's
office in Chicago of W.F. Bank which I contend Jaime narco-trafficks here in
PV for (or did -- now that I've been writing about it). (This last sentence makes no sense, but at least I cleaned it up so that Mr. Southheimer is not misunderstood -- or sumpthin'. Dec. 29, 2012, Scott)
I DO remember that when I read the news in late spring 2010
that WF's Chicago office paid a fine for drug-money laundering, that is was
OVER $100,000,000.00 and also reported to be the LARGEST EVER PAID!!!
I DARE say that SOMEBODY is going to need to pay me SOME
kind of cash reward for my detective working (not that I had a choice given my
mother's position) -- but I DON'T mean you, sir.
Anyway, let me get this off, run some errands, and then do a
"proper blog post" on it.
Scott the Hound-Dog
(Tennessee Williams FREQUENTLY referred to himself as a
"hound dog" -- something I had COMPLETELY forgotten about until AFTER
I just wrote that. HA!!!)
>>> STORY #2:
With all due respect, FRIEND, I am FAR more concerned with
YOUR allegiances ONCE AGAIN!!! These claims of yours are mostly BOLD
FACED LIES (except that it's true that TODAY I call for Sonny's pick-up for
MURDER trial after his CONTINUING admission of not only murdering many in the
US when he was a member of the SonKings/Cali Cartel in NYC -- but two days ago
he told me he FREQUENTLY DISMEMBERED MANY PEOPLE). Also true that in anger in
the past, I have called for Mexico to throw him out since he's here illegally
and has no ID that's real except his US Prison ID with FAKE name but accurate
He keeps it in a mesh side pocket of one of his oft-carried
Anyway, today, things have turned TRULY SERIOUS and it
relates to Sinaloa/Zetas-associated group's drug turf battles in an
environment of the mayor of PV and ruling party here changing. Nevertheless, I
Sonny said he was NEVER charged with his US murders --
which as you know, have NO statute of limitation. His paranoia is that I will
post his pics so Law Enforcement in the US will recognize him and Mexican
authorities will turn him over for trial in the US. The fact is that I began
posting his pics EVEN BEFORE I LEFT WILMINGTON, so if ANY US Law has noticed
them -- it's the CIA, which protects him.
What "This" referred to from above: "your
recent impulses to get Sonny deported, to spoil his Malecon biz, to diminish
his "marriage," to put him in prison. If he is desperate for money,
who knows what he might do !"
And he has ALWAYS been scared of his photo with US fake-name
(something I saw on his Prison ID and it MIGHT be "Anderson" for last
name -- but he told the US he was Mexican with no ID so they deported him to
Mexico after he was released from Fed. Prison about three years ago after
serving 11.5 years of a 25 year sentence -- WHICH HE GOT AT THE AGE OF !8, so
was probably a BIG MURDERER/DISMEMBERER at the age of 17 and less. I wanted to
US FOR TRIAL OF MURDERS/DISMEMBERMENTS when he thinks I will post his pics on
the Internet. His Facebook (where I got them) is under his supposedly REAL
name, so Law Enforcement would not find them. See:!/jimmy.h.montano .
I just returned from getting the mail and adding some minutes
to my phone. Thanks for the movies including DICTATOR. I just two night ago saw
HUGO, which I bought 3-D at Costco. The BEST 3-D so far and GREAT story about
the movie industry. Sasha B. Cohen was in that TOO (and bizarre and possibly
stinky as he might be, I've ALWAYS found him BRILLIANT!!!
My Unifon phone has NOT credited the 300 pesos I put on it
yet, CONTINUES to show that the SIMM is FULL even after I deleted a TON of
text messages. And of course I often have to take the battery out and re-boot
before my calls will go though. Also, I just noticed that there is ONLY ONE
company with it's own special place (not in the address book, it gets VERY
special prominence), to call that was PRELOADED ON MY PHONE: Domino's
Pizza -- a DIRECT ALLY of the narco-trafficking branch of the Catholic Church
(if you don't read international news and know about THAT!!!).
Let's face it, Jose, your sedentary, hermit lifestyle
aided and abetted by copious "Old Age" drugs leaves you too confused
to deal with reports of what I'm up to. You just WORRY too much about things
YOU could not do, but I do with aplomb!!! and you DO say NO ONE but me calls
you EVER. Don't you or didn't you once have FAMILY???
Anyway, rather than blame what is probably drug-induced
paranoia on YOUR part with DELIBERATE REPUBLICAN PARTY/CIA attempts to either
control or mis-advise me into harming myself, I think it best that I no longer
forward you what I post on the blog. It just WORRIES you too much -- DESPITE
remember that EVERYTHING I say I'm about to do SCARES THE CRAP OUT OF YOU --
yet I'm always successful and LAUGHING in the end.
I believe Sept. 5 is the one year anniversary of Evan Fish's
murder at the hands of corrupted Wilmington Police and Sheriff's Deputies --
which the Wilmington STAR NEWS continues to help them cover up. I would like to
think I will complete MY part of this "expose" in time to celebrate
delivering VICTOR in honor of one of the FINEST Patriots I've ever known. As
you know, I dedicated my blog to his memory some time ago.
While I'm at it, I will ALSO tell you that when I was
parking near the OXXO convenience store on the East side of
the northbound road through Old Town going toward the bridge over Rio
Cuale and only a few blocks from it to add to my phone's credit STILL NOT
CREDITED TO THE PHONE and it is an hour and a THREE QUARTERS after the receipt
in front of me says I paid, a red, late-model Ford Mustang with BLACK
widows and NO LICENCE PLATES that had CLEARLY been following me, acted confused
what to do. After slowing down as I got out of my car, it eventually sped
up and left. I successfully RESISTED giving it the finger (although I DID stand
my 6' 11" self right in the center of the street in front of EVERYONE and
watched it "dramatically-intently" with my hands on hips until it
Aren't you PROUD of my uncharacteristic SELF RESTRAINT???
Dont worry, we can still email and talk on phone (if I ever
get my minutes credited!!!) -- but about things that don't threaten you with
having to WAKE UP.
On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 5:09 PM, FRIEND
Scott, I have
an ongoing concern about your publication of crime (especially
cartels) and Mex politics related posts naming everybody and every entity.
You should reconsider before blogging the present incendiary report. None of
this is worth being maimed or killed over. Also, I think making powerful
enemies can ruin your plans to live in Mexico.
As for outing
dangerous people's family members in the U.S.--now Sonny's sister, a few weeks
ago Martin's sister--I think that can lead to harm, to them and to you. Not to
mention your recent impulses to get Sonny deported, to spoil his Malecon biz,
to diminish his "marriage," to put him in prison. If he is
desperate for money, who knows what he might do !
>>> STORY #3:
Scott Kenan recommends an article on CNN Social.
Presidente Calderone has MORE BALLS than all the men in the United States PUT TOGETHER!!! (Barack Obama still has to prove he has any, really).
Although Senor Calderone seems to be ENTIRELY "straight" his expected successor is GAY AS A GOOSE -- and I STILL call for Presidente-Elect Pina Nieto to be FORCIBLY OUTED from either the Gay Closet or the Country of Mexico (whichever Enrique prefers). Right now, Pina Nieto is the TOP CIA operative in Mexico, held in position by the CIA's promise to OUT him as gay if he does NOT do as the CIA/Bush Family demand.
Y'all MEXICANS can take it from here, I reckon . . .
Scott David Kenan
Special Emissary from Quetzlcoatl and "Jesus the Christ" (brothers, actually)
Mexican President Felipe Calderon defended his government's approach to combating crime and drugs Monday during his final state of the nation address.
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