Wednesday, June 19, 2013

James Gandolfini MURDERED to Protect His Biggest Acting Teacher and Close Confidant: John Uecker (who murdered Tennessee Williams for the Episcopal Church/Republican Party)!!!

My several photos I took of James Gandolfini in 2009 (when I visited John Uecker and he went on and on about his previous career as a METHOD ACTING TEACHER and his Running Sun Theatre, have ALL DISAPPEARED and I found them last LONG after Luis Melgoza of the CIA worked on this computer a year ago. Must have been hackers.
One of those shots I used in a blog post in 2009, and it cannot be googled up, so maybe
THAT posting has been removed by the CIA/NSA too.
But ONE DAY after they take out the reporter who RATTED ON Gen. Stanley McChrystal, they murder James Gandolfini to cover up John Uecker's murder of Tennessee Williams in concrt with (among others), John Eastman (Paul McCarthy's former brother-in-law), who authorized FIRST John Lennon's assassination -- and latere the murder of Tennessee Williams by the hand of John Uecker.
The NEXT person who is likely to be taken out to protect John Uecker is producer Scott Rudin. He and Uecker are UN-NATURALLY CLOSE (no sex involved that I know of). Please see and I'll detail more in the morning.


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