Sunday, September 15, 2024

RP: NAZI-Christian TROLLS on Facebook Who Won't Allow Me to Post about Working for Tennessee Williams -- or that the Episcopal Church w/ CIA & FBI STOLE COPYRIGHT to My Memoir -- and ESPECIALLY that My Kenan Family Associated with FOUNDING UNC Chapel Hill Put TRUMP into Power with help of Vladimir Putin!!! / THAT MEANS the Biden Administration -- NOW in TOTAL CONTROL of My HARASSMENT -- is Working for CHRISTIAN PUTIN!!!


Eric Henwood-Greer in 2015 -- he actually  BOUGHT  my book when it was for sale on Amazon before Barack Obama, Rahm Emanuel, Wells Fargo Advisors Exec Jamie Lee Sutherland, Fox News, Chicago Lawyer Daliah Saper, and Wilmington, NC Democrat District Attorney Benjamin R. David STOLE MY COPYRIGHT -- because I'd BLOGGED about their HUGE DRUG TRAFFICKING with the Episcopal Church, EXXON-MOBIL, and the CIA in Puerto Vallarta.

>>>  For the Obamas :

Both Gov. Roy Cooper & A.G. Josh Stein got their copy of this, already:

Dear V.P. and Presidential Candidate Harris -- and  ALL OTHERS :

 DIG  what President Biden just sent me a Received Receipt for :

Dear President Biden,

I  JUST REVEALED  how you and  Li'l Pete Buttigieg  go behind everyone's back and  UNDO the PROGRESS Congress has made  --  you in collusion with  Vladimir Putin  and my Kenan Family  (EXXON, BoA, Coca-Cola, etc.)!!!

You must  NOW let Kamala Harris out of your  POLITICAL GRIP  -- so she can be free to FIX THINGS , including  YOUR MESS 

And let's all shove Donald Trump a  JESUS DILDO  right up his  ASS !!! He will  LOVE IT , and  it's healthier than a bullet  -- no???



A filmed version of the one act play that inspired Tennessee's controversial 1953 CAMINO REAL . The full length version was directed by Elia Kazan who also instigated a long process of rewrites and tried to, as John Lahr writes, "force Williams to impose a shape on the play." Here Martin Sheen is Kilroy, and Lotte Lenya is the Gypsy.
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Scott Kenan
While I worked for him in 1981 and '82, Tennessee told me this was his BEST PLAY because the action and the play take the same time (if I am making sense!!!).
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Eric Henwood-Greer
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Scott Kenan do you mean the one act or the later play?
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Scott Kenan
Eric Henwood-Greer Frankly, I'm not sure. I really got into his work while I worked for him and since then, and my memoir of it got great reviews by John Lahr (who became my friend), and others. But he said "Ten Blocks on the Camino Real" and pronounced it CAM-i-no reel rather than by the Spanish pronunciation. I have this DVD and that is all I've seen (not the other). My memoir can now be read for free:
Walking on Glass: A Memoir of the Later Days of Tennessee Williams
Walking on Glass: A Memoir of the Later Days of Tennessee Williams
Walking on Glass: A Memoir of the Later Days of Tennessee Williams
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Scott Kenan
Eric Henwood-Greer I answered you, but the MODERATOR is trying to decide if they will let anyone read my reply because of my link to my Memoir that John Lahr and others RAVED about!!!
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Eric Henwood-Greer
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Scott Kenan  I own your memoir  ðŸ˜‰
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Scott Kenan
Eric Henwood-Greer NOW I remember he referred to the later play. NOW I remember he referred to the later play. It was the attempt to assassinate Trump that fixed my memory. 

My wealthy Kenan relatives who inherited control of Standard Oil in 1913 from Henry Flagler also control Bank of America, Coca-Cola, Ku Klux Klan, Repub Party, Kenan Advantage Group, etc. I'd like to see Trump taken out, but by election, not violence. All of that is in my Political Blog "The Weather Continues" that I'm not allowed to link to on this site.
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Scott Kenan
Eric Henwood-Greer The NAZIS here blocked another of my answers to you. I will try to friend your regular Facebook listing. Tenn meant the later Play, I'm sure.
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While I'm GLAD the assassin did not harm  Donald Trump  -- I FULLY EXPECT  Kamala Harris  to take him  OUT  -- fairly -- by election!!!

I just got a text that SPECTRUM expects to go down due to an incoming storm, so I'd better get this one out.

 REMINDER 1  that  DEM MAYOR of Wilmington "Bill" Saffo -- who  ONLY GETS CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS FROM REPUBLICANS  -- tried to  MURDER ME  with  HELP of THIS SPECTRUM TRUCK  on February 13, 2017:

 REMINDER 2   Two other places I show up in Literature:  in a play by Dotson Rader , and  a short story by  Tennessee Williams :