Sunday, September 22, 2024

RP: The DEVIL Came to Wilmington, North Carolina and PROVED He is a WHITE or BLACK or BROWN CHRISTIAN -- THANK GOD for THAT!!!:


General consultant and senior adviser Conrad Pogorzelski III, campaign manager Chris Rodriguez, finance director Heather Whillier and deputy campaign manager Jason Rizk have stepped down from the campaign.

The announcement from Robinson’s campaign comes in the aftermath of a CNN report uncovering inflammatory comments the lieutenant governor and Republican nominee for governor made on a pornography website message board over a decade ago. The lewd comments included Robinson describing himself as a “black Nazi” and how he used to go “peeping” on women at a public gym when he was 14 years old.

I haven't blogged in a WEEK -- because so much has changed in my life and it takes me TIME to get used to it!!!

BEST is that my NAZI MOTHER totally SUPPORTED Mark Robinson -- claiming he's  as CHRISTIAN as a ROMAN CATHOLIC  -- which I SUPPOSE IS TRUENO???

>>> Laughter Is the Sound of God Enjoying Itself 

 A funny thing happened on my way to hell 

Dan Piraro

I'm AFRAID to ask my mother if she  STILL SUPPORTS Mark Robinson  -- any word from  DONALD TRUMP  ON THIS  NEW REVELATION ???


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