Friday, September 6, 2024

RP: Contacting 1st Lt. Jimmy McCain (whose Father treated me with MORE RESPECT than did any DEMOCRATIC POLITICIAN!!!), Liz Cheney and Her Father, Dick (both of whom I've had dealings with, before), and a MESSAGE for Khila Sheree Mitchell (who has PROVEN she is the EPITOME of a BLACK, CHRISTIAN BITCH) -- HA!!! A Day of VICTORIES for GOD'S PEOPLE, Today:


>>>  Dear VEEP & Candidate Harris  (and Others):

Get a  LOAD OF THIS !!!:

Dear President Biden,

Both North Carolina boys already got this (Stein & Cooper). Now for YOU and EVERYONE ELSE:


>>> For the McCain Family (especially Jimmy and Cindy), in  DEEP GRATITUDE  from Scott Kenan, whose family put  TRUMP  into Power and BOUGHT OFF  Joe Biden :




Dear McCains and your Associates,

This has been a TOTALLY EXHAUSTING WEEK for me, but MOST REWARDING, as I have been FIGHTING the Christian NAZIS in the US Government -- and MY GOVERNMENT has been trying to MURDER ME since I first blogged in early 2010 that my parents were America's TOP CATHOLIC NAZIS, and all HELL broke out.

I lived in Atlanta/Stone Mountain 1983 - 19882010, and my then closest friend, retired Army Col. Dorothy Newman (CPO to Sect. of State Colin Powell), had to get me to Puerto Vallarta for what became a total of nearly five years of Political Exile -- because my parents and siblings, the Republican Party of Georgia, and my employer, Patrick Lee Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., of Snellville, GA immediately tried to COMMIT ME five times in one month, but could not -- so they WOULD HAVE TO KILL ME .

Patrick distributes HARD DRUGS flown into Maxwell AFB -- from Maine to Florida -- mostly to CHRISTIAN Politicians of BOTH PARTIES and Christian Clergy, with emphasis on Atlanta and Wilmington, NC where I now live.

Gwinnett County Georgia Sheriff Keybo Taylor: ARREST Patrick Lee Stansbury of Snellville Whom I Worked for 1990 - 2010!!! He is One of the LARGEST Republican/Christian Drug Traffickers in the COUNTRY -- and I Can PROVE IT IN COURT:

And later, when I attended the 2015 Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival (I was Tennessee Williams's last assistant and can PROVE he was murdered by the Episcopal Church, Republican Party, CIA, and FBI like Jackie Kennedy Onassis  WARNED US  would happen at Jean Babette Stein and George Plimpton's party on January 11, 1982).

My Memoir: Walking on Glass: A Memoir of the Later Days of Tennessee Williams

Copyright to my memoir was STOLEN by President Obama, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Fox News Talking Head and Lawyer Daliah Saper of Chicago, Jamie Lee Sutherland (then an Exec of Wells Fargo Advisors, who soon got a better job at Ameriprise Financial), AND Wilmington, NC Democrat District Attorney Benjamin R. David (whom I have JUST FORCED TO RESIGN)!!!

Wilmington, NC Politics are MORE CORRUPTED than National Politics, with virtually ALL DEMOCRATS serving the HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING and WHITE SUPREMACY of the Republican Party (since WELL BEFORE TRUMP!!!), and the Christian Churches.

My relative William Rand Kenan, Sr., CAUSED the Wilmington Insurrection of 1898 -- the ONLY successful Coup d'Etat in US History, where Whites murdered Blacks for Jesus Christ their SAVIOR -- and his SON (who paid for Kenan Stadium at UNC to HONOR that HORROR, but the school RE-DEDICATED IT to honor the son who paid for it), controlling Standard Oil of New Jersey's (ESSO, now EXXON), stock, secretly sent Adolf Hitler 43% of all funds used to elect him Chancellor of Germany, and then ESSO secretly built the Oil Refineries in Germany that provided MOST of the Fuels, Lubricants, and Petro-Chemicals (including Pervitin or Methamphetamine/Adderall), that FUELLED Hitler's WAR MACHINE!!!


My Mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan, ran Procter & Gamble's Skin Research Labs when they got Dr. Josef Mengele's research on NAZI MIND CONTROL, which Mom perfected for the Roman Catholic Church and the CIA. They renamed it "Project MK-ULTRA" in Mom's honor, her two surnames:  Meyer and Kenan .

I want to say that Sen. John McCain, when I wrote him about these things several years ago, is the ONLY ONE of over 100 US Senators and Congresspeople of BOTH PARTIES I have written over the last 14 years who replied with anything more than a NOT-FITTING  Form Letter He sent me an actual DICTATED-TO-ME Letter. 

Sadly, he did no more that I'm aware of -- but at least he knew the HATRED of my traditionally ROCK-RIBBED Republican Family.

Here is my history of "Otherworldly" dreams and visions: My Visions, Dreams, and "Special Visitors" over the Years: What to MAKE of Them???

And here is info on HOW OBAMA and HILLARY CLINTON shipped TONS of HEROIN on US Air Force planes from Afghanistan to Maxwell AFB for Patrick Stansbury and others to distribute: Letter to Stan Winborne IV, EdD, Son of Stanley Winborne III of Wilmington, NC and My Puerto Vallarta Writers Group -- Stan Allegedly Served as 2nd in Charge of the Hillary Clinton State Department in Afghanistan, and Was Tasked with Shipping the Her

MUST contact  Liz and Dick Cheney  this evening as well, so I'd better stop for now. I will have you on my EMAIL LIST of over 600 Political Contacts that I send all blog postings to. So far, I've had WELL OVER 6,000,000 Views.

God BLESSED the USA -- it is TIME WE ACTED LIKE IT  -- instead of begging him to do what he has DONE!!!

When you understand the psychology behind THIS PERSPECTIVE, you will understand how we can HEAL OUR BELOVED COUNTRY and even the WORLD!!!


Scott David Kenan

>>> ESPECIALLY for  Liz and Dick Cheney  (both of whom I've corresponded with before):



Fri, Sep 6 at 10:20 PM

Also sending via: Contact Us - The Center for Politics at UVA

And for the following people in your organization, whom I have HUGE RESPECT FOR (and there are NONE that I know I don't respect): Larry J. Sabato, Alan Abramowitz, Martin Luther King III, Paul Begala, Jamelle Bouie, Robert Costa, Tara Setmayer.

Dear Liz, Dick, and Associates,

I will be publishing this here: Contacting 1st Lt. Jimmy McCain (whose Father treated me with MORE RESPECT than did any DEMOCRATIC POLITICIAN!!!), Liz Cheney and Her Father, Dick (both of whom I've had dealings with, before), and a MESSAGE for Khila Sheree Mitchell (who has PROVEN

I wish I had more Time and Energy, tonight, but I first wrote to Jimmy and Cindy McCain, which will fill you in on MUCH -- read it via the ABOVE LINK.

Back in early 2010, when my life went TOTALLY CRAZY and I did NOT understand why, EVERY TIME I reported CRIMES of my Family in the US Government, Dick Cheney had to GET ANOTHER STENT!!! And my Facebook Friends claimed that MY BLOGGING CAUSED THAT -- LOL!!!

It was really over the passage of "ObamaCare", which was RE-WORKED "RomneyCare" -- but HATED BY REPUBLICANS including Mitt Romney. Army Col. Dorothy Newman then had to get me to Puerto Vallarta for most of five years of Political Exile -- and I was THERE held HOSTAGE FIVE TIMES in 2010 by the CIA/EXXON-MOBIL, Hillary Clinton/Barack Obama DRUG MAFIA!!!

YES, even my Kenan Family lifetime employee Rex Tillerson (before Donald Trump who had NEVER MET REX nominated him for Sect of State), was part of it -- and I am BALLSY and wrote Rex about it all more than once -- as well as OTHER TRUMP CABINET MEMBERS

Letter Sent Electronically to Both Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Attorney General Jeff Sessions Tonight, to Be Snail-Mailed to Both, Tomorrow!!!

And to save some time right now, here are OTHER BLOG POSTINGS OF IMPORTANCE:

Letter to Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken, FBI Director Christopher A. Wray, and Acting CIA Director David S. Cohen -- MAYBE They Will Be MORE RESPONSIVE Than Rex Tillerson and Gina Haspel, NO???

My Letter Just Emailed to Rachel Maddow of MSNBC -- Due to Our MUTUAL INTEREST in Rex Tillerson and Exxon-Mobil, BOTH Owned by My Kenan Family of Chapel Hill!!!

My Letter Just Emailed to Frank Hawkins Kenan II:

I know this is RUDE, but here is what my SEVENTH KENAN COUSIN, Thomas S. Kenan III called me to say after I PRAISED his late step-mother, Betty (Price) Kenan, who had NEVER IN HER LIFE given a REPUBLICAN a DONATION -- ONLY DEMOCRATS!!! 

And Tom Kenan SEEMS to think that he can PUBLICLY PRAISE GOOD POLITICIANS -- but send ALL OF HIS POLITICAL DONATIONS (millions via those Political Orgs that no longer have LIMITS ON GIVING) -- and be considered a  PATRIOT !!!

He is NOT -- unless he can prove me WRONG!!!:

ALSO, one time while I was FLEEING TO MEXICO (by car), from Stone Mountain, GA, I met in Texas, a Field Manager from Halliburton at an EXXON station where we were both filling our tanks. 

HE CONFIRMED that  EVERYONE IN HALLIBURTON  knew that THEY had made the  ERROR  that caused the  HUGE OIL WELL BLOWOUT  in the GULF -- and  NOT BP !!!

I knew that because I was up EARLY while CNN International was still playing in Atlanta -- and they REPORTED THAT SEVERAL TIMES -- only to soon change it in the AMERICAN version of CNN !!!

And the ONE TIME that Lt. Gen. Russel Honore' and I cussed each other out screaming as loudly as we could, he REFUSED TO BELIEVE THAT, but it was the TRUTH .

My Apology to Gen. Russel Honore' -- Just Emailed to Him!!!

So Sad that It ISN'T True (and then that it is true) -- I Took TWO BITES of an ONION!!!

Oy VEY!!! That's it for NOW!!!


Scott David Kenan



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