Monday, October 31, 2011

Nicotine Wars Break Out at Mercy House Shelter!!! (lol)

(Mercy House residents prepare for Halloween)


1. I did NOT attend the first hearing this morning regarding my Simple Assault charge against Wilmington, NC drug dealer George Padezanin (of the "Team Padezanin" drug gang on the 100 block of South 8th Street where I used to live) because when I heard NOTHING from New Hanover County authorities about the status of my charge and contacted THEM to find out, they said I DID NOT NEED TO ATTEND. I assume that does not mean by "need" "to avoid another jailing for not showing up in court." You see, it would not surprise me at all if they DELIBERATELY discouraged me from attending so that the case could be dropped by my NOT showing at the hearing. Time will tell . . .

Nothing surprises me any more.

2. I WILL be in courtroom 317 at 9:00 AM tomorrow with Robbie Trahan and "Jersey" for the first hearing on the false open container charge we share. I no longer believe Ben David had us charged to harass me, but rather that an over-zealous cop was sure she had nailed us when someone complained of the noise we were making in an alley, due to our laughing about Ben David's OTHER false charges against me -- all well-documented in this blog, previously. There WERE actual empty beer cans in the alley in weeds behind us -- eight that I could easily count, but possibly more. This is common in alleys.

3. My sister and parents were unable to visit yesterday due to a prior commitment my sister had. They now plan to visit next Saturday.

4.Confidential to Sean Blackwell of : You have blocked my email via your YouTube site: . Here is what I tried to send you this morning:

Hi Sean:

I do not understand why you continue to shun me. I did you a lot of favors and actually got more from you than I gave you -- for which I am grateful. My review of your book on Amazon was honest and will drive sales to you. (See: )

Ligia gave me the best hug I've had in my entire life when I left. SHE is not traumatized by my former sexual attraction to you -- which I am ENTIRELY over. SHE called you (repeatedly) "my gay husband". NO ONE cares what the truth of your sexuality is. You have a right to express it however you desire. I grew up. I hope you, too, are an adult about all this. Your Bipolar materials are the best published anywhere, in my opinion.

I still believe you should do a video on "Bipolar Illness and Sexual Identity." You absolutely refused to do so, but men (especially) have HUGE hang-ups about their place on the heterosexual-to-homosexual continuum, how to responsibly express their sexual nature, and what to make of the opinions of others about this subject. I challenge you to do this video (not to be confused with making it about your own story).

With brotherly love,
>>> AND NOW . . . The Nicotine Wars!!!

A GIANT hat tip to fellow Mercy House resident James Sharpe who had the huevos to (last night) boldly ask the night captain if he could smoke a non-polluting, no-fire-hazzard electronic "cigarette" indoors -- while actually smoking it!!! (and this morning had a nice, civil conversation with me about it).

The answer was yes, but the product was defective, and now James is back to "the real thing" (outdoors, only). Just proves my point that I have no real adversaries -- just people who don't yet understand me well enough. Disclaimer: Unlike District Attorney Ben David or complainant Cindy Beatty, James and I have no legal entanglements that I'm aware of.

>>> ALSO: Getting tired of residents and other not-rich people bumming cigarettes from me, I have been for TEN DAYS promoting my own strategy of seeking cigarette and coffee money "sponsorships" from people BEFORE checking into the shelter each evening -- to cover my evening and early morning needs. This so that I do NOT need to ask those with so little for their wealth. I feel people "bumming" from other poor people is ridiculous, as it REALLY is saying "I'm too lazy to ask someone richer, and I DEMAND that you, fellow poor person, do the work of bumming from THEM and give to me."


To stop this quickly, I have inaugurated a new policy of demanding that the "poor" petitioner "show me something I'm not allowed to play with" and if they want a full 100 mm length cigarette, "I need to see at least a half-salute!!!"

That should stop it fast. HA!!!

>>> Also: Having noticed one Mercy House resident secretly placing two cigarettes on the pillow of another while he was in the bathroom, I have decided HE is the "Cigarette Fairie." Therefore, if they want to call me names over my new policy, they might-could call me "The Cigarette Faggot."

>>> Stay tuned . . .

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