Monday, October 10, 2011

Columbus Day: An Appropriate Holiday Celebrating WHITE EUROPEAN PEOPLE's Arrogance, Self-Righteousness, Covetousness, and Faux Christianity!!!

But I hate to have to tell ya: THE PARTY'S OVER!!!

Really, this eCard says it all (yeah, I mean YOU, Republicans -- as well as a few Democrats as well, AND there are some very fine Republicans, but not the ones associated with what the Bush/Cheney/Gingrich/Fox News people did to the Grand Old Party of Patriots like Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, and even Ronald Reagan, although the poor man knew that they loved his ability to communicate his true love of America, but Daddy Bush and Cheney kept him captive -- trotting him out for speaches but ruining the country during his watch.

I met Ronald Reagan and his one-time Party-Girl wife (see: ) at the White House when I worked for Tennessee Williams (see my book available from the top right of this blog).

Now, I'm partnered with the close family of Frank Sinatra who also just might own the largest block of Bank of America stock after my distant Kenan relatives. We've already begun to record my story. TV-3 Wilmington (NC) aired my allegations about drug corruption here, but I don't want to air names at this time, because having spoken with several lay and ministerial leaders at First Presbyterian Church yesterday, I believe we might have a solution that turns the main drug-culprit in town into a local hero -- if he turns in HIS bosses and busts the major dealers in town (not bothering with pot dealers). He could flip and show true spritiual leadership -- even be elected Deacon of First Presbyterian WITHOUT EMABARASSMENT TO ANYONE!!!

How cool is that???

Time will tell.

Meanwhile, I'd like to publicly honor and thank Ms. Brenda McKnight for being such a lady when Frank Sinatra's great-nephew and I collected my belongings from her house. I told all earlier in this blog that she was a lady and simply had been leveraged into acting against me by the drug dealer Gerald Austin-Wynn, who appeared with her in court at our hearing -- which becasue of DIRE irregularities will likely lead to Judge Criner's impeachment and disbarrment, PRAISE JESUS!!!

I do NOT intend to ask Brenda for any compensation, although I was falsely committed to a mental hospital and served Family Violence Stay-Away papers based on her perjured lies. SHE WAS FORCED TO DO IT, and I now have reason to believe that the property owner, Charles Anderson of VA and allegedly serving in the US Navy as a career officer is implicated as well. He didn't have to lie about complaints from neighbors. I KNOW the neighbors and they never complained -- about me -- they DID complain about Gerald Austin-Wynn.

Today, I have court. The ball is in the District Attorney's court, and I hope he plays wisely, although that might be in a way that surprises me. NO MORE TAXPAYER MONEY NEEDS TO BE WASTED PROSECUTING ME. I have NEVER threatened or harmed ANYONE.

Get it, y'all???


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