Hi Democratic Party Communications Director,
I forgot to mention in our phone conversation that I have serious dirt on Newt Gingrich as well. In 1990, when I first tried to break up this huge illegal drug operation, I was unaware that it was operated by the Republican Party. I visited Newt Gingrich's office in Clayton County, then, I believe, many times, and left him many packets of verbiage about what I knew in the mistaken belief that he was virulently opposed to illegal drugs.
His office manager (he never identified his position exactly, but he was distinguished looking, tall, about 60, and smoked a pipe), received all my materials and assured me that he shared them with Newt and they were working hard on stopping the drug trade. He was very kindly and stopped short of smarmy. He drove a late model black Lincoln (Town Car, I believe. Ever notice Republicans drive Lincolns? Henry Ford was a Nazi sympathizer.), badged as having been sold by the dealership that was on Scott Blvd. in Decatur, then.
In an entirely separate event, I had previously stopped into that dealership to look at (less expensive) cars. The sales manager was a frequent diner at Mama Mia's Pasta and Pizza here in Stn. Mtn. that I then managed, and always friendly to me. This man told me while I was in the dealership, that during a recent economic downturn, the mafia had taken control of the dealership. This seemed to really upset him. He told me this because, only minutes before, I had witnessed two middle-aged and well dressed white thugs approach the front desk. I could see that they held pistols, and I got a bit upset, but not too upset because no altercation or raised tempers or other conflict occurred.
As soon as I left the dealership (they had nothing I could afford), I became upset again, and from a pay phone near Commerce Drive and Briarcliff Road in Decatur, I called 911. Before I could get the whole story out, I saw the car i had seen the armed men leave the lot in drive by. They did not seem to know I was there, but I was too unnerved, hung up and drove off.
Of course, I was not then mentally prepared to deal with such a huge system. I was hauled into Judge Linda Warren Hunter's court and in the most highly irregular way (including the cooperation of my parents with the judge), given 14+ weeks jail for a bogus charge of criminal trespass for when I tried to collect the one-week severance check Lawrence Buchthal had promised for my service at Mama Mia's.
See blog post on Judge Hunter 4/16/10: scottkenan.blogspot.com .
Anyway, don't let Newt get away with claiming he's anything but a major American traitor. I believe capital punishment should be reserved for traitors only, and I would love to open the trap doors below the top Republican leadership if we have Nuremberg style trials. (Sorry, I hate being ugly but I have SUFFERED. But not so much I couldn't handle a lot more if I have to.)
All best, and keep up the good work.
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