This posting is riddled with inaccuracies about the the City of Stone Mountain and the Fortenberry family. It is an excellent example of how incomplete facts lead to delusional thinking (on my part), so I'll let it stand, unless I hear from any of THESE people that they prefer I delete it.
The part about Judge Hunter stands as true, however.

Posted today to website collecting evidence against:
Judge Linda Warren Hunter
Stone Mountain Judicial Circuit, Georgia
Stone Mountain Judicial Circuit, Georgia
I have the evidence to impeach, disbar, and convict for prison time Judge Linda Warren Hunter. She held me in jail in 1990 after allowing my accuser, Lawrence Buchthal of Mama Mia's Pasta and Pizza in Stone Mountain, to make claims that I had broken my probation after I plead Nolo to one change of criminal trespass.
I was charged because when I went to pick up the one-week severance check he had promised, he greeted me after I entered his public restaurant with the words "You're not supposed to be here." That has no real meaning. Words like "I do not allow you to be here," or "You are trespassing." are clear. He did NOT clarify.
I stopped a minute to ask a friend of his what to do. This friend, a DeVry mathematics professor, said to stay, but I felt uncomfortable and left. All peaceably. Two days later I was arrested and eventually held for 14+ weeks in jail and then placed on house-arrest probation for the rest of a year period.
THE PUNISHMENT DID NOT FIT THE CRIME, and Judge Hunter allowed Lawrence to give testimony that I violated probation. (I had spoken socially with a carpenter who had done a 4 hour job for Lawrence at the restaurant a year before that. Judge Hunter deemed that violated the provision that I not contact any EMPLOYEES of the restaurant).
JUDGE HUNTER REFUSED TO ALLOW ME TO QUESTION LAWRENCE in the hearing. This "incident" had happened before the last time she had called me in, so was NOT new. Lawrence did not say what date it occurred, and she refused to allow me to make him state a date. She told him not to answer when I asked him. She also denied my request of some kind of recording of the hearing which was in a closed space. She had already refused my requests to have all hearings public.
Judge Hunter had had private phone calls with my parents (and physical visits from my father) and I have the notes my parents made documenting that those meetings occurred. My mother raised us with swastikas on our dinner plates and even today supports Catholic clergy and child sexual as well as beating abuse. She has met privately with the Pope several times. She also has been known to have ties to drug traffickers. She is considered a high-standing moral person in her Catholic community. She is a vigorous support of and very well connected to the Republican Party.
I have given info to influential Israelis as I believe my mother is a well-hidden Nazi.
It is my contention that Judge Hunter is involved protecting the Republicans. I have also turned in GA Cong. John Linder for major drug dealing in cahoots with my former employer, Patrick Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc. . I gave the FBI many pages of info and two days later was contacted by Obama strategist (and former MLK Jr. driver and consultant to the Kennedys) Tom Houck. I report all things to these and other key Democratic Party officials. I have also sent info to Cynthia Tucker of the AJC.
Additionally, I believe that some elements, possibly including Chief Troutman, in the Stone Mountain City Police Dept., are protecting drug dealers, and I am going to get to the bottom of the Stone Mountain City drug cover-up no matter what it takes.
Two days ago, Emily Fortenberry, of Stone Mountain, seriously threatened me, claiming she would kill me, repeated times. She kept drawing her finger across her neck and, while smiling, added sound effects. It was clear she knew she was protected. i called 911 and the officers who arrived promised to at least talk to her and then we would discuss suitable charges.
Amy Fortenberry, an attorney who lives with her sister and her parents Chip and Elizabeth, has also previously filed charges that her sister Emily tried to murder her by choking and refused her parents' requests that she drop charges. Emily's charge was reduced several times, and she eventually did a little dry out time for her addiction to illegal drugs. earlier this week (according to Amy), Emily spent the night in a crack house.
Today, more than 36 hours after the incident, the police still have not questioned Emily nor explained to me why. They refuse to return my phone calls, so I contacted city council member Nan Nash who heads the committee over the police. She heard the ENTIRE story and told me the police probably didn't question them because the Fortenberrys are very powerful.
For what?
So are the Kenans. They inherited 2/3 of Standard Oil from Rockefeller's backer, Henry Flagler (and much of Florida), and now are the world's largest private supporter of education. That trumps drug dealers, I hope.
I am completely shocked by the lack of respect shown me by the Stone mountain Police Department and feel I remain in danger from Emily Fortenberry and those she is connected to. (Can you say John Linder?)
Nan Nash promised to ASK the police to investigate, but seemed less than optimistic that they would. I will rip this town, it's police, employees, and elected officials a new asshole if necessary (metaphorically--I only use words. I have never been nor will I be violent. words are more powerful than guns.)
The children, especially, deserve better than we are getting from City Government.
See my political blog for more details: . The best stuff begins 1/1/10. I will take down all the Republican devils if I have to do it alone. I am unstoppable and I always win.
Scott D. Kenan
Stone Mountain, GA
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