Sent this morning to selected US Senators and others:
WE THE PEOPLE demand corrective action, IMMEDIATELY. Those of us who can prove Bush and Cheney masterminded 9/11 are willing to stand up in COURTS OF LAW and speak the truth. (not me on this particular point)
Any questions, see my blog: scottkenan.blogspot.com . I seek no credit whatsover, but y'all can use my info to cut the Republicans' (metaphorical) balls off.
What I sent to selected House members earlier today:
Because you are receiving this does not automatically mean I think you are an asshole. That said, I bet I can say with confidence that you have one. Keep it clean. Thanks, Scott
From: Scott Kenan
Date: April 29, 2010 8:17:25 AM EDT
To: A friend
Forgot to mention in Facebook message to please be sure to call my CELL when calling me. I cannot forward the new "land-line" number you called me on last night, and it's in my office which is starting to smell like a sewer due to carpeting not yet dried from exploding water heater a few days ago. (My office is my converted garage.) I might have to wear a HAZ-MAT suit before the end of today to enter my office, if ya know what I mean.
I do think I figured out what your new website is all about. It's a conceptual art piece: all you would be allowed to express creatively to the public if the Republicans and drug dealers win in the end. You have great clues, but nothing truly dangerous to them, like examples of what you've done for companies or a client's list. You know you must ALWAYS protect your clients from the assholes, so of course they could not be listed.
But you do let people know that if they contact you, you'll go through a process and if you judge they are trustworthy, you will eventually reveal the full palette of your talents. No throwing pearls before swine!
I could be all wrong, but this is my take on it. Don't know if I told you that Tennessee appeared before me in my bedroom in my apartment in ATL the night he died. (In the book, I wrote it down, down, down to a simple dream because too many would be freaked.) I didn't even know he'd died yet, but there he was.
He charged me with two things: Protect the Artists (that includes you), and avenge what happens to his estate. That's why I have been so political and risked and lost all in my efforts. But I can now confidently say that my campaign has been 100% successful. It will take awhile before the success is completely apparent, but anyone who watches the news with discernment knows this already. The fucking Republicans are being brought to their knees, and the info I've given the FBI and Obama admin is being used behind the scenes to force them to behave. They balk, but they are coming around.
I claim no credit for this, but I know I have been one of many working on little computers doing the best we can do. Stick with me : it is my life's goal to make everyone who has ever been nice to me rich. My second book on what happened when I tried to get published will be a killer, if ya know what I mean. LOL!!! It'll peel the skin off the assholes and make me rich in the process.
Call me when you need the new password.
PS: Word from above is that the oil spill in the Gulf will get worse (again) only if the Democrats allow the Republicans to pull the teeth out of financial reform. Or climate regulations. Or Immigration Reform. Or etc., etc., etc. Apparently this thing we call God is mad as hell at the Democrats for not using the big hairy balls he gave them.
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