Dear Public Servant Boehner,
Something is amiss in the Land of Tanning Beds. The Republican Party has gotten out of balance and is composed disproportionately of homosexyuls. Hot, hot First Dude Todd, and then, of course, there is Larry. Even Dan Savage's pal, Rick Santorem wants a piece of the action, now.
But that is not the most pressing problem. Someone(s) attacked my man after I reported on John Linder's drug dealing. Y'all should have known that would piss me off. Really. You just make me crazy, but after four attempts, y'all have not been able to commit me, and I've made a nice friend of the hardworking nurse at DeKalb CSB who keeps getting sent out to my house at GREAT waste of taxpayer's money, dammit! (I curse waste, not nurses. This one is quite cool, actually)
So I say to you: "TAN THIS!!!"
Some details of what I've sent to the FBI and top Democratic Party strategists can be seen on my blog: scottkenan.blogspot.com .
And PLEASE! Medicate that PTSD-head, John McCain. God bless him for his brave service to our country, but he's gone entirely nuts. I do rather like Sarah, though. She's gamed y'all like the hot vixen she is.
When you have time to read a book whilest lounging on your minimum-security bunk, I might have finally gotten published: www.walkingonglass.net .
Best regards, and give my condolences to Li'l Dick Cheney.
Special thanks to John Lewis and Barney Franks. Y'all totally float my boat!!!
Scott D. Kenan
Stone Mountain, GA
PS: I didn't have time to add ALL the addresses of House members in the blind copies. No slight has been intended.
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