Thursday, May 2, 2013

Barry Bam-Bam Is Coming to Mexico Today (unless this is another "CNN Fail" -- LOL!!!), OY!!!

Photo of his goodbye kiss to Michelle -- Reggie Love, a grad of KENAN UNIVERSITY (UNC or Duke), was Barack's "Body Man", but is now the guy he travels with often when Michelle does NOT accompany him.
Here's what happened when Presidente Pena Nieto visited the White House after his Inauguration in Mexico 1 December 2012.

1. Yesterday, on the street, I saw "Sonny" (Jimmy Humberto Montaño Prieto), who was released from MAXIMUM SECURITY PRISON in the USA after serving 11 of the 25 years he was sentenced, to Mexico to protect the CIA narco-trafficking in Puerto Vallarta -- much like my PREVIOUS roommate at 1690 Calle Costa Rica ("Toro's" Crack House), where Toro was a CLOSE ASSOCIATE of Luis Melgoza of the CIA, and "Baby Azteca" (Albert Guzman), lived and TOLD ME his job was to kill me -- but he was UNABLE TO. HA!!!

Readers will recall that Albert Guzman was in Federal Prison in Los Angeles area awaiting SLAM-DUNK trials for THREE drug-related murders in the USA -- as well as illegal entry and living in the United States. But in about 2007 or 08, ALL charges were dropped and the CIA dropped Albert Guzman with his brother Martin in Puerto Vallarta to protect the CIA/Chicago Drug Mafia's operation.

Martin Guzman 2012. I have NO SURVIVING PICTURES of Albert Guzman since CIA's Luis Melgoza worked on my computers.

Martin Guzman is VERY JEALOUS of his brother Albert, because when the planned ABSOLUTE TAKE-OVER of the USA under Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel completes, HE cannot return to the USA because he was CONVICTED of illegal entry and DEPORTED back to Mexico. Like is true with MOST deported-home Mexicans I have spoken with (several dozen), it took about nine months after conviction to actually deport them -- INCREASING the profits of Privatized Jails owned PRIMARILY by Dick Cheney's family.

Albert Guzman can legally apply for a US Visa since the CIA had ALL his charges dropped -- but it gets more complex, since Albert and Martin were CAUGHT by Mexican authorities in a VERY GORY murder that was SPLASHED all over PV newspapers about two months after I escaped my being held in Toro's crack house. I even DROVE Martin (who had talked his way into release), to the prison a few kilometers beyond Las Juntas, and went inside -- as well as the jail IN Las Juntas (for other reasons at a different time -- and it had several bloody victims waiting outside and was a "shocking scene" -- as well as the top jail official WENT AND HID INSIDE when I asked him a few questions. LOL!!!).

Additionally, two years later, after the Law caught on to Martin Guzman and WANTED HIM so he went into hiding in central Mexico where he remains, I offered to and DID print off a couple of hundred pages of legal papers for Albert's wife who visited me in PV last summer, because even though BOTH these boys had SCREWED ME, I want EVERYONE to have the best legal defense they can have. Afterward, she told her brother-in-law Martin that she was SHOCKED that I had not tried to force sex on her -- THIS is the sub-culture these animals come from!!!

See more here: .

And Mayor Villariagosa (one of the CORRUPT DEMS with Al Gore and Rahm Emanuel who SOLD Barack Obama's skills to TOP BANKERS and WALL STREET before the 2008 primaries), was Mayor of L.A. then -- has has SINCE been photographed partying on Meth or Cocaine with Charlie Sheen, who's Dad Martin played some important Tennessee Williams roles.

Here is why I brought all that up: last night, I tried to send this text message to both Sonny and Martin JACOBO (copying also my three siblings, a friend in NYC, attorney Jennifer Harjo, and Stone mountain, GA city councilperson Richard Mailman -- the message going THROUGH, but NOW erased from my phone inexplicably): "Sonny and Martin: Nice to see Sonny getting on the bus yesterday. Let's have sex SOON." It was not that exactly, but similar.

I had TRIED to do that last night, but my cell would NOT send messages to Martin J.'s or Sonny's phones -- nor would it allow me to call them. I took the battery out and replaced it, clearing any hacking -- but STILL could not get through last night.

This is a MYSTERY!!!

But here is a posting on much of that PLUS a report on CIA operative Kevin Maurer who wrote the book with Matt Bissonette NO EASY DAY to control info on the unnecessary ASSASSINATION of Osama Bin Laden as ordered by President Obama to KILL him so he could NOT testify about the Bin Laden Family's DECADES LONG business association with the Bush Family and of course Saudi Royals: .

2. Martin Guzman has UN-FRIENDED me from Facebook -- and maybe had to make up a NEW false ID. Facebook has ADDED NEW restrictions to my account JUST TODAY, as well. I am NO LONGER allowed to "Like" anything there -- which I DID do very recently. HA!!!

3. This cracked me up -- a Confederate Flag of Mexico -- which I found with NO EXPLANATION attached:

4. This ALSO cracked me up, the photo of a woman who ABANDONNED HER CHILDREN and ran off to the Florida Keys and was recently located: .

Brenda Heist Missing Pennsylvania Woman Found Keys

What I found FUNNY about it, is that my former founding-partner in , Hilary Ann (Russell) Pritchard (like me, Denison University 1973), and her mother Barbara Russell told the story of how Barbara Russell's Presbyterian mother one day just UP AND LEFT HER FAMILY on the East Coast and settled in California, marrying again without BOTHERING to get divorced, and raised ANOTHER FAMILY (which Barbara and Hilary come from).

The FUNNY part being that NEITHER OF THEM seemed to show any interest whatsoever in discovering whatever happened to this woman's FIRST family. When I realized that Graham Harlee Kenan HAS TO BE my half-brother (rather than first cousin), I tried to contact him and have even left messages on his phone. But since his mother, my now LATE Aunt Virginia, DID promise to "shoot (my father) dead" if she ever saw him alive again, and NONE of this was Graham's fault, I have decided to LEAVE HIM ALONE. His sister Marilyn MOVED TO CANADA many decades ago to escape the non-sense as well.

Also, this INTREPID Presbyterian woman used to run away from her California nursing home NEKKID IN HER WHEELCHAIR -- LOL!!!

More on my cousin/brother can be seen at the top here: .

5. I have heard NOTHING so far from Dr. Joseph Harvard of Durham Presbyterian and Kenan Institute for Ethics. If I do NOT get a SATISFACTORY reply from him TODAY, I might mount a campaign to get him OUSTED from the KIE Board of Directors.

6. I hope to post some new pics in this blog soon.

* * *


But FIRST, I must tell a few things of background:

1. PREVIOUSLY UNBEKNOWNST TO ME, I have a DISTINCT AFFINITY for the PRI Party of Mexico. Readers are certain to recall my many reports of my FIRST REAL CONVERSATION EVER with a Mexican was in about 1984 in the Pharr Library gay bar in Atlanta. The guy seduced me and took me to his luxury hotel suite more than once -- not only being RIGHT NICE AND SENSUAL-as-ALL-GET-OUT, but planting his "Mexican Flag" in both my primary receptacles, injecting me with the seeds of MEXICAN NATIONALITY!!!

His name was Senor Villanueva, and he later revealed himself to be the actual Mexican Consul to the United States, PRI Party. Later (2010), I friended Dr. Waldemar Salazar of Colima, Colima (where I lived about six weeks before moving to Puerto Vallarta), who introduced me to the Governor of Colima Estado, and was the close friend of PRI Presidente Carlos Salinas -- the two of them once WEEPING over the CIA narco-trafficking in Puerto Vallarta which they did not see how to get rid of then.

THIS is a primary reason I work so hard to get the CIA out of this town, now!!!

And blog readers will ALSO recall the big CRUSH I had on "Sonny's" friend, and former (failed), PRI candidate for Mayor of Puerto Vallarta Adrian "Archi" Mendez, who told me to see him as soon as he took office as mayor (while still campaigning), to SUCCESSFULLY begin a Festival in PV celebrating the filming of  THE NIGHT OF THE IGUANA.

As you can see, Adrian is a FUN GUY and DOES have an official position despite losing the race for Mayor:!/AdrianMendezArchie .

I have already spoken (since returning to Mexico a year ago), with the head of Theatro Vallarta and other cultural leaders here as well, and will START with Adrian when I seek to BEGIN THIS QUEST AGAIN, soon!!!

2. I figured I should do a LITTLE research on Enrique Pena Nieto, and today learned that Peña Nieto distinguished himself in childhood for being courteous and tidy and well-groomed.[24] His mother recalls how she would squeeze lime juice on Peña Nieto's hair to keep his now famous hairstyle in place.[23

Of course this would lead one to ASSUME he's totally GAY (like is the biggest search keyword including MORE than just his name), but it AIN'T EXACTLY SO!!! He not only fathered THREE children by his first wife (one more than Barry Bam-Bam has), but TWO outside of marriage (one died in infancy), and EVERYONE IN MEXICO KNEW THAT TOO -- before the election!!!



And Pena Nieto had the BALLS to enumerate 608 projects to complete in the State of Mexico while he was Governor -- getting off to a slow start, but completing virtually ALL of them (if I understand this article correctly: ).

President Barack Obama's STRONG COMMITMENT to close Guantanamo as a place to hold people indefinitely and without charges, has become the BIGGEST JOKE OF HYPOCRISY, except that so many are NOW suffering due to the current HUNGER STRIKE THERE.

Let's HOPE (audaciously), that Barack Obama is at least SPIRITUALLY seduced by Presidente Pena Nieto TODAY, no???



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