Saturday, November 3, 2018

RP: Well, THIS Is What It's COME TO (a few comments before I write to the organizers of Wilmington, North Carolina's 120th Anniversary Commemoration of the 1898 Insurrection, that was LED by my God-Hating Christian Kenan Family)!!!

RE-PRINTED from here

To begin with, I will NOT take the several Literary Agents off my email list until AFTER I have posted and emailed out the Letter I will soon write -- and I will NEVER take Douglas K. Anning, top Lawyer for the Episcopal Church USA, OFF my list (nor Sewanee's top counsel)UNTIL the Episcopal Church makes me a PROPER CASH SETTLEMENT for all I've had to endure while I have exposed their crimes!!!

The very BOTTOM LINE of Tennessee Williams's Will, was that after taking care of his sister Rose until her death, the money -- and he meant for Harvard to manage it all, with Sewanee getting SOME benefit -- was to fund programs to support young and EXPERIMENTAL writers -- and given how I have EXPANDED and used in PRACTICAL POLITICAL WAYS the art of the blog, I believe they can HONESTLY grant me enough of an award to get me BACK ON MY FINANCIAL FEET!!!

And my book is ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE of my development as a writer -- I didn't even BEGIN to write seriously until 2003!!!

Today, I start off with something I'm sure will tickle EVERYONE'S FUNNY BONE -- especially everyone who has EVER been angry with me (and I include myself): 

John Yohalem, a "blood Jew" who claims to now be a Pagan

I have FOUND Mr. Yohalem's email address,, and will add him PERMANENTLY to my Email List!!!

Where MOST Pagans live today is called the Roman Catholic Church, that replaced all the minor Roman Gods with "Christian Saints" that Catholics are ENCOURAGED to pray to -- unlike all the Protestants:


Scott Kenan Now HERE'S a kick: Right after Roy Rogers Oldenkamp "liked" this posting, I got thinking, and Donald Trump's SECOND WIFE was the American-born GEORGIA GIRL (and Roy and I both lived in Georgia during Trump's 2nd marriage, I believe) -- to Marla Maples -- she is still around and her Trump child is Tiffany, currently a Law Student at Georgetown University, and not heard from often.


Lisa Hanson they both have gag orders...


Scott Kenan shared a link.

About this website

Despite efforts to debunk "white genocide" theory, Facebook sold advertisers ability to market to users with interest in the myth just days after bloodshed.

Rev. William "the Pig" Barber II hails from North Carolina -- here seen with Jews blowing SHOFAR -- LOL!!!

I would probably AGREE with Rev. Barber, on just about EVERYTHING except THEOLOGY -- and while it might not be FAIR that GLUTTONY is the ONLY Cardinal Sin that CANNOT BE HIDDEN, look how the guy on left is in CONSTERNATION, while the gal on right is OUTRIGHT LAUGHING.

This is a photo of Christopher Allmon(on right with another then-active Army Private), best high school friend of Evan Fish, whom Wilmington, NC Police MURDERED on September 3, 2011.

Chris Allmon was pole-dancing with MEN, seen above -- DESPITE HIS HATRED OF HOMOSEXUALS -- and partying in one of MY old haunts in Atlanta, Johnny's Hideaway, where THIS photo of him is from:

After Evan's murderChris Allmon wrote me that the US ARMY planned to LEAD the upcoming War for White Supremacy, sending me THIS PHOTO to make his point:

And THIS is Michael Massicott -- a LONG TIME HOMOSEXUAL who was "RESCUED" from that by his devout Christian WifeCaroline Price, and trained by AT&T MATRIX (AT&T's PROUD NAZI division), of North Atlanta, and Executive Vice President of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., of Snellville, GA (my employer 1990 - 2010), that distributes all the Hard Drugs flown into Maxwell AFB from Maine to Florida, but especially in Atlanta and Wilmington, NC.

Lee E. Gosney, Jr. -- on far right -- with his family that are HIGH in Westminster Presbyterian Church in Snellville, GA.

Lee was my father's closest friend when Dad lived in my house in Stone Mountain in 1990 for half a year -- setting up the Drug Mafia there -- and Lee was who made all the DEALS with Wilmington, NC's top Politicians and Christian Clergy for HARD DRUG DELIVERIES!!!

BECAUSE, Evan Fish KNEW all of this, the Christians of Wilmington HAD TO MURDER HIM. 

Lee Gosney typically looked like this -- as he traveled the East Coast making Drug Deals -- while ALSO making fees as a guest speaker to both Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous Meetings.

Now don't YOU agree with me that the Episcopal Church should pay me out of Tennessee Williams's AMPLE Estate Funds -- rather than the TAXPAYERS of the City of WilmingtonCounty of New Hanover, and State of North Carolina???


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