2020 in one photo.
Paul McCartney and Nancy Shevell at the end of 2020 in one photo -- and in one blog posting:
>>> BREAKING: I just heard from another CORRUPTION RESEARCHER who is being harassed by Jeffrey Epstein's people, asking about some North Carolinians. I just sent her a lot of info on how Alec Baldwin didn't just play Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live -- he's INTIMATELY CONNECTED to John Eastman, the CIA Agent who ordered the murders of John Lennon and Tennessee Williams!!!
My computer was almost TOTALLY CORRUPTED as I wrote my reply -- and BLIND COPIED quite a few people including the US State Department, NC Atty. Gen. Josh Stein, Gov. Roy Cooper, as well as in Wilmington, NC Government and some trusted Press as well -- and they ALL SEEM TO HAVE GONE THROUGH!!!
And just now, I see I got SEVERAL received receipts from these people.
Alec Baldwin, Steve Martin, and John Eastman (perhaps I was mistaken and it was Steve Martin rather than Lorne Michaels -- as I had claimed to the researcher -- who often are found photographed with Mr. Eastman)
* * *
All of that took me so much time, I'll try to be brief in the rest of this posting.
At 11:00 this morning, I noticed another BIG FLOOD near the A/C compressors in my apartment house's backyard. I immediately called Gold Walker who THANKED ME and said, again, that I am her BEST TENANT OF ALL, she got on the phone and got a plumber over, and despite non-freezing weather, ANOTHER water line to the two upstairs apartments had broken, and he quickly found it, dug it up in the muck, and fixed it.
What is STRANGE is that Jack and his girlfriend (Allie Ryan's sister Kat of another last name), and her brother John all live in apartment two. Another John -- John Gray Hunter -- and his roommate Bill of the other affected apartment, three, have not been here in at least a month.
Robert "Rob" James McKinney, Jr., in apartment one, told me many times that he and his father, Robert "Bob" James McKinney, Sr., of Jet-Mulch, Wilmington, run HUGE amounts of HARD DRUGS with Republican Jonathan Deputy, partnered with Democratic NC State Representative Deb Butler, etc.
Anyway, NONE of them had awakened from a night of presumed DRUG DEBAUCHERY and noticed that they had NO WATER -- LOL!!!
Then I called my mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan, America's retired top Roman Catholic NAZI, in Raleigh, and learned that my younger sister Julie (she and Mom TOTALLY SUPPORT or at least SUPPORTED Donald Trump in both elections), had motored down from Exton, PA, and dressed in cap and COVID mask -- and carrying a wrapped present for Mom's 98th birthday (Jan. 6), showed up at Mom's door this morning and TOTALLY SURPRISED HER.
My sister Jane and her two dogs had joined Julie and her dog and Mom in having a TOTALLY FEMALE KENAN PARTY!!! And Julie brought her laptop and has been working remotely for Teva Pharmaceuticals using Mom's WIFI!!!
Mom LOVES my tales of disclosing DRUG MAFIA in Wilmington, and the FOOLS who deal drugs in my building, as well as the COMPLICATED NATURE of Gold Walker!!! After a LOT of GOOD LAUGHS, I went out and ran some errands, which took me to tonight -- if you don't count an hour's nap, mid-afternoon.
The REST of today's stories will just get a mention:
In the last day or two, Mexico's President, "AMLO" (Andrés Manuel López Obrador), has declared that ABORTION is the business of the pregnant woman ONLY, has BANNED GMO corn crops, and offered PERMANENT ASYLUM to JULIAN ASSANGE:
'We'll give him protection,' president says of Assange, who is wanted in the US for espionage.

"The only thing that mattered to liberals in the presidential race, once again, was removing a Republican, this time Donald Trump, from office. This, the liberals achieved. But their Faustian bargain, in election after election, has shredded their credibility. They are ridiculed, not only among right-wing Trump supporters but by the hierarchy of the Democratic Party that has been captured by corporate power.
No one can, or should, take liberals seriously. They stand for nothing. They fight for nothing. The cost is too onerous.
And so, the liberals do what they always do, chatter endlessly about political and moral positions they refuse to make any sacrifices to achieve."
BOTH SIDES are NAZI CHRISTIANS -- the Democrats have far better PUBLIC RELATIONS!!!
LOOK!!! Kent Chatfield, aka Chatfield Kent or Clownty Attorney:
Kent Chatfield is INTIMATELY CONNECTED to Christopher Everett, Larry Reni Thomas, and their Wilmington on Fire film franchise!!!
And NOW, Kent Chatfield is working on ANOTHER FEATURE FILM and needs $10,000.00 in donations RIGHT AWAY!!!
As you can see, he needs LOTS MORE MONEY, FAST!!! Maybe my READERS would like to contribute -- HA!!!
JUST IN: Congressman David Rouzer (R-NC) on Monday announced that he will join a growing list of Republicans who say they plan to object to the Electoral College votes on Jan. 6.
At this point, I'm honestly finding joy in reveling in every Trump re-loss. His whining is actually possibly causing a loss in GA for the Republicans. So please, please by all means keep this going 
There is nothing to object to. There is no evidence of systemic fraud. Trump is just upset that he lost. Too bad. Biden won. All of Trump's lying about it won't change a thing.
As a person whose vote is being targeted, I'd like to tell each and everyone of these people off. Sick to death of the repeated efforts to take PA's voting rights away.
Neither Tillis nor Rowzer could have won without gerrymandering districts. Next go around hopefully enough will remember this year to vote both of them out.
Political suicide along with the other 11. This gives a clear picture of their loyalty to a person instead of loyalty to our country and its Constitution.

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