That time a friend's mother asked me to get Tennessee Williams's autograph -- and freaked me out by speaking this line from Tenn's Memoirs. We had gone to Cape May, NJ -- because Tennessee wanted to see the town and the business I had built with my partners -- here seen with Sen. Cory Booker leaving after campaigning there a few years ago:
Before going further, I should say that there are TONS of people OPPOSING the sale of New Hanover Regional Medical Center -- DESPITE Atty. Gen. Josh Stein's APPROVAL of it, and I'm leaving THAT FIGHT to all of them.
Today, Josh Stein made THIS announcement of GREAT IMPORTANCE to Duke Power customers. The MEGA-RICH Duke Foundation being CLOSEST to Thomas S. Kenan III of Chapel Hill -- and Tom Kenan served on its Board about ten years ago:
This morning, I DID get last week's Family Money from my sister Julie via Venmo -- as well as the $40.00/week I get this month from Benefits Management, Inc. As I was entering the nearby CVS Pharmacy to use the machine where I get B.M. money without fees, I was approached by a young man asking me for twenty dollars so he could stay somewhere where he had already begged all but twenty of the money to stay there, tonight.
He CLEARLY was healthy, NOT high on anything, clean-shaven this morning, and when I engaged him in conversation, he said he had stayed in a homeless shelter for three months, already, and that is their limit on time. Knowing I could spare $5.00 today, I gave him THAT, and he asked if I could also spare a DOLLAR -- so he could buy a Little Debbie Cake -- he hadn't eaten today, either. The $5.00 was STRICTLY for shelter.
I was so impressed, I gave him another dollar and told him I would LOVE to take out my dentures and pleasure him MOST ABUNDANTLY. He didn't respond to that and said he had to run buy that cake -- but then he asked for my phone number, which I gave him. If he calls, I'm not so sure how WISE it would be to get so INTIMATE with a homeless guy who is in FREQUENT possible contact with COVID-19!!!
Did anyone else know that Kenan-Family-controlled Standard Oil had a HUGE FIRE in the place of my birth, Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1937??? I didn't -- and the houses burned down, except for their first floors that were then under water in an Ohio River FLOOD!!!
Neither my seventh-grade crushee, Linda Leboutillier, nor any of her INTIMATE FRIENDS whom I ALSO sent my materials to, Josh Shapiro of, Fox News channel's "The Five", and USA Patriots for Donald Trump, -- NONE have responded to ANY of my challenges going back at least the last week.
The REASON I am posting this is that FREQUENTLY -- and via Putin/Christian/CIA-run Facebook, 𝗗𝗮𝗻 𝗕𝗼𝗻𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗼 has AWARDED Linda LeBoutillier THREE TIMES in the past week that I have seen -- $10,000.00 for the comments she posts on USA Patriots for Donald Trump -- and I SUSPECT this is ONE WAY that FACEBOOK is facilitating moving INSURRECTIONISTS' MONEY in support of their CONTINUING INSURRECTION!!!:

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