1. It doesn't matter what anyone's reasons or excuses are, if you voted for Donald Trump for President in 2020, YOU ARE THE DEVIL!!! Understandable that many knowing Hillary Clinton is a Hard-Drug-Trafficking, White Supremacist DEVIL in my Kenan Family's POCKETS, voted for Trump in 2016.
But after FOUR YEARS of Trump (who is ALSO deep in my Kenan Family's pockets -- Mary Lily Kenan's Standard Oil Inheritance has LUBED the Kenans -- a GOOD THING because it's time for the Kenans to TAKE THE SHAFT)!!!
Trump PROVING he's a GOD-HATING, Christian NAZI partnered with Vladimir Putin -- YOU KNEW and should be held ACCOUNTABLE!!!
And those who foolishly believe Jesus was the literal "Son of God" -- but follow his TEACHINGS about how to live -- rather than emphasizing worshiping him as a PAGAN IDOL -- are fine with me -- EXCEPT for African-American "Christians", who should be HUNG FROM THE GALLOWS for worshiping the god whose New Testament says that slaves must obey their Masters as if they are JESUS CHRIST.
2. I will have a LOT OF FUN denouncing to their faces the Christian Democrats and Republicans here in the Lower Cape Fear. They SPIT ON ME, called me a child-molester, charged, tried, and convicted me of crimes I never committed, and District Attorney Benjamin R. David even STOLE COPYRIGHT to my memoir of working for Tennessee Williams -- when Scott Rudin and the Producers of the Harry Potter films were looking to buy movie rights.
Wilmington's POLITICAL ESTABLISHMENT owes me AT LEAST a MILLION DOLLARS -- and I will soon work to GET IT!!!
3. It is ABSOLUTELY SHOCKING that my brother, Michael William Kenan, and my sisters, Jane Ann Kenan and Julia Ruth (Kenan) Duffy have not called or written to CONGRATULATE ME, but I got a LOT of that from Facebook Friends -- including Linda Wilkins-Daniels (past President of the African-American Caucus of North Carolina Democrats), Walter Five (of Wilmington), and my high school friend Bob Jones, who emailed me BEFORE I'd posted a thing about Gen. Honore', letting me KNOW, HE pays attention to my VICTORIES (and trials and tribulations).
I actually replied with something much like the following on Bob Jones's Facebook -- BEFORE sending this to Gen. Honore':
Shared with Public

I met Gen. Honore' at the 2015
The Tennessee Williams & New Orleans Literary Festival
-- I am the 6' 11" last assistant to Tennessee Williams and also related to the Exxon-Mobil/Rex Tillerson, Bank of America, Ku Klux Klan-controlling Kenan Family associated with co-founding UNC Chapel Hill.
The General and I shared some information about my family that partnered with the Bush, Cheney, and Clinton Families in running Hard Drugs -- and Kenans were most responsible for putting Trump into the Presidency.
I now work directly with NC's Atty. Gen. Josh Stein and the FBI -- sending them info on Wilmington, NC-area residents who participated in the Coup Attempt of last week -- and CONTINUE to support it!!!
My last words to Gen. Honore' as he left the Hotel Monteleone were, "General, we are going to FIX THIS COUNTRY!!!" and he gave me a big smile and a THUMBS UP -- before he was lost in the crowd.
This is what I blogged yesterday about Russel, and my blog in total has gotten nearly 2 million hits and is read by Law Enforcement and Politicians across the USA:
Congratulations to our founder, General Russel Honorè for being asked by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to lead the investigation on the Capitol security following the events on January 6th in Washington D.C..
They picked the right man for the job!
4. BTW: The Wilmington Political Establishment is currently FALLING APART and DESTROYING ITSELF. Christians -- both Democrats and Republicans -- are now PROVING they are nothing but GREED-BOTS and are tearing each other apart as is reported in all of the local Press:
These people are acting like nothing but JESUS-WORSHIPING TRASH!!!
WAILING and GNASHING of TEETH describes their recent meetings, and the Citizens who FOOLISHLY ELECTED THEM are being SCREWED RIGHT AND LEFT!!!
This is just ONE minor example:
Watch the Beloved Community Awards featuring Lady Gaga, Charles Feeney, Carl Thomas, Keisha Lance Bottom and more...
For the Obamas' LAST FORMAL State Department Dinner, Lady Gaga's designer made Michelle a TOILET BOWL DRESS to let her know what we all think of her CLOSET-CASE HOMO HUSBAND -- he is full of SHIT.
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