Sunday, January 10, 2021

RP: Two-Faced DEVILS -- HIGH in the Episcopal Church -- Murdered Tennessee Williams and Run MORE DRUGS INTERNATIONALLY than Any OTHER Church. It is TIME to AGAIN CONFRONT THEM!!!


This is HUGE. Colin Powell just LEFT the Republican Party! What a moment in history...👏👏👏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Colin Powell's retired Chief Protocol Officer, Army Col. Dorothy Newman -- after warning me that my parents, employer 1990-2010 Patrick Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., of Snellville, Georgia, and the CIA planned to MURDER ME because of what I knew about their DRUG TRAFFICKING and WHITE SUPREMACY with Christian Churches and it was verified by both the Dekalb County Mental Health Nurse who came to my house on THREE of the FIVE attempts to commit me to a NUT HOUSE as well as by Geraldine "Geri" Flynn-Miller of Pentagon Publishing -- Dottie told me that SHE LEFT the Republican Party because of what they did to me.

In her role as a Docent of the High Museum of Art, Col. Dottie Newman shows off a Tucker automobile at the Art Museum.

First an update on my mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan, retired TOP ROMAN CATHOLIC NAZI in the USA -- who got all her orders from Popes Pius XII - Francis, who PUBLICLY at least now CONDEMNS Donald Trump and Republicans who supported him.

This morning when I called Mom, she, too, was SO RELIEVED that the country seems to be quickly settling down to the fact that Joe Biden will be our President beginning in less than two weeks.

Mom CLAIMED, today, that it was such a TOTAL SHOCK that Trump's People had led a Coup d'Etat event -- as if just THREE DAYS AGO (the last time I spoke with her), Mom had not said that she abhors violence -- but the "Protestors" were DOING THE RIGHT THING and there would be MORE VIOLENCE if Trump does not become President.

At least Mom is SMART ENOUGH to try to COVER UP HER NAZI TRACKSno???

But Mom has the SAME PROBLEM that Hard-Drug Trafficking Hillary Clinton has -- HA!!!

I DID ask Mom if she had read Tyler Dukes' piece in the Raleigh News & Observer comparing the Kenan-Family-led 1898 Wilmington Coup D'Etat and the Kenan-Family-led Trump Insurrection of 2021 -- and Mom said YES -- and ENTHUSIATICALLY ENDORSED what Tyler Dukes had written.

So, I told Mom how I'd written to Tyler Dukes, yesterday:

And also Hunter Ingram of the Wilmington Star News for the same reason, the day before:

I didn't point out Mom's HYPER-HYPOCRISY, and wished her a SWELL DAY!!!


Reuben E. Brigety, Vice Chancellor of the University of the South

Vice-Chancellor Reuben Brigety sent this message to the University community today:

Like so many Americans, I was almost speechless and deeply saddened about what unfolded at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday. I have been heartened since to see Americans of goodwill, of every persuasion, coming together to renounce this violence.

As an institution committed to vigorous but civil debate and the exchange of ideas with mutual respect, the University of the South supports the role of knowledge and open dialogue to help bridge our differences. I am optimistic that our students will continue to strive to achieve a more perfect union. As a community of scholars, Sewanee joins together with others to condemn assaults on the political freedom of all citizens.

As Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church Michael Curry said Wednesday afternoon, “We are a democracy with longstanding institutional norms that must be honored, foremost among them following the processes laid out in the Constitution and federal statute to facilitate the peaceful and orderly transfer of power.”

The University is also aware of the arrest of an alumnus who is facing federal charges related to last Wednesday’s events at the Capitol. The charges are very serious and the reported allegations are disturbing. We note our judicial system’s presumption of innocence; however, if the charges are proven, be assured that the University strongly condemns such actions.

Most Relevant

Rt. Rev. J. Neil Alexander, TODAY!!!

Rt. Rev. J. Neil Alexander

The University of the South

735 University Avenue

Sewanee, TN 37383

Cc: Reuben E. Brigety II, Vice-Chancellor and President,,,;;;;

January 10, 2021

Dear Rt. Rev. J. Neil Alexander,

First, I would ask that you REFRESH YOUR MEMORY by re-reading the Letter I sent to Reuben Brigety last month -- copying you and a couple of others at Sewanee as well:

As you can see, THIS TIME I am also sending to FIVE US SENATORS -- from BOTH Parties -- so they can OPEN AN INVESTIGATION into the CRIMES OF THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH.

The MOST Christian Senators are Presbyterians, the Church that Donald Trump claims to come from -- and only five Senators are Episcopalian -- THANK GOD the Episcopal Church is losing members the FASTEST of American Christian Churches, and Presbyterian is in second place for losing members in recent years!!!

Also, Episcopalians -- like Roman Catholics and MANY Mainline Christian Churches -- require ADVANCED DEGREES of their clergy, so ALL OF THEM know that the New Testament PROVES that Jesus never returned from the dead nor ascended into a Physical Heaven that Science PROVES does not exist.

And it was your OWN SEWANEE ALUMNI who first contacted me in 2008 after finding my Blog -- to tell me that Rt. Rev. J. Neil Alexander had hidden the Episcopal Confederate Mace from public view in 2005 -- but ONLY FOR POLITICAL CORRECTNESS -- and was "stealing" tons of funds from Tennessee Williams's Estate, renamed your Walter Dakin Fund, to COVER that Alumni donations fell WAY OFF out of ANGER for not supporting the CONFEDERACY and my Kenan Family of Chapel Hill that has given the Episcopal Church -- but especially Sewanee -- donations totaling about $100,000,000.00 over the last 100 years -- IN SUPPORT OF YOUR SUPPORT OF THE CONFEDERACY!!!

When I contacted you and then Head Counsel Donna Pierce about this, you BOTH threatened to sue me for LIBEL -- but you COULD NOT. Donna Pierce is such a CRIMINAL, that when she RETIRED as Head Counsel a few years ago, she RETAINED managing the Walter Dakin Fund -- because you are AFRAID to let anyone -- at least another Lawyer -- know of the FACT THAT YOU MURDERED TENNESSEE WILLIAMS and stole his Estate from Harvard University -- EXACTLY as Jackie Kennedy Onassis WARNED Tennessee Williams you would do at Jean Babette Stein and George Plimpton's party on January 11, 1982.

ADDITIONALLY, John Uecker -- who smothered Tennessee with a pillow -- told me in 2009, that Sewanee, working with Williams Scholar Thomas Elliott Keith, BLACKMAILED John Lahr into NOT mentioning my name in his major Williams Bio, Tennessee Williams: Mad Pilgrimage of the Flesh.

John Lahr was having sex with young men -- while married to Connie Booth.

But Lahr and I worked TOGETHER in the background and between us our TIMELINE PROVES the Episcopal Church murdered Tennessee.

Me, Thomas Keith, and his Colombian boyfriend Arturo Noguera (the shortest), at the Bishop's Reception the night in late 2009 when Tennessee Williams was inducted into the Episcopal Cathedral St. John the Divine's POETS CORNER.

Arturo Noguera's family lives in Stone Mountain, Georgia -- where I also lived then -- running the BIGGEST Christian/Episcopal Church DRUG MAFIA, and Tom Keith used his GIANT DORK and HARD DRUGS to control Paul J. Willis, HEAD of by having LOTS OF DRUG-ADDLED SEX with Paul Willis -- at least Tom Keith ADMITTED THIS MUCH to me!!!

Paul Willis in purple, Tom Keith is two to the right of him.

Also true, is that in Puerto Vallarta the Drug Mafia who held me hostage FIVE TIMES in 2010, INCLUDED top people from the Episcopal Church USA -- although they came from Oregon -- not Tennessee (or Georgia).

So to ALL my Episcopal FRIENDS, you can stick your Jesus RIGHT UP YOUR ASSES (women can also use their pussies) -- or if you prefer, SUCK ON IT LIKE A PACIFIER!!!


EVERYONE HERE is a MAJOR DRUG TRAFFICKER with the CHRISTIAN CHURCHES -- EXCEPT the one who is a JEW (Sen. Chuck Schumer)!!!


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