>>> For President Musk and his Lap-Dog Trump -- and Everyone Else !!!:
Most relevant
And Sherri Gutchess Jordan was one of the FIRST people I met in Wilmington when I first moved here the beginning of 2011. Her EX-HUSBAND, whom she introduced me to, had been a driver for Kenan Transport (now, Kenan Advantage Group), who had reported to HIS BOSS that WILDCAT DRIVERS (the Kenans were letting well-paid drivers go and hiring new ones for cheap who would BREAK THE LAW), were dumping Petroleum Sludge into the Tidal Waters of New Hanover County!!!
He was FIRED and BLACKLISTED until about five years later, he BEGGED Thomas S. Kenan III to UN-blacklist him so he could get a good-paying job -- and Tom DID, but would NOT hire him back.
And of course, when the now-retired CEO of COSTCO, Craig Jelinek, heard I was speaking with Kenan drivers in the Wilmington store -- where Sherri Jordan worked signing up people for Carrier A/C people to come out to and sell, he got the STORE MANAGER to make up a story of how I sexually harassed customers and employees, and then went to the New Hanover County Commissioners' Office and used THEIR PHONE to call me to say that Craig Jelinek was SO CONCERNED HE PERSONALLY was kicking me out, and Jelinek signed the check refunding my membership fee -- LOL!!!
Sherri Gutchess Jordan (in 2016), is an ANIMAL LOVER!!!
* * *
Scott Jennings is such a DAMNED NAZI and LIAR, that I would RATHER watch Trump's favorite FRENEMY , "Reverend" Al "Booty-Call" Sharpton and OBESE-Knockers, fluttering-FAKE-EYELASHES, GAS-BAG Symone Sanders-Townsend on MSNBC!!!
And I see that after MSNBC fired Chuck Todd, this afternoon, he showed up on CNN!!! The best news is that AFTER this increase in viewers reported for younguns on CNN, they lost them and MSNBC is beating CNN more than ever before!!!
MSNBC’s Ari Melber, not surprisingly, has a very different take on the network where he’s hosted The Beat with Ari Melber at 6 p.m. ET since 2017, now the longest-running show in the timeslot in MSNBC’s history.
“MSNBC is doing great,” Melber told me. “We’re reaching more people than ever. We’re beating ESPN and CNN in total audience TV ratings, and last year we beat Fox on YouTube , which is a big part of the future.”
“2024 was a huge, busy year for MSNBC,” Melber said, starting as he tends to do, with “the facts.” And he’s right: MSNBC ended 2024 with its largest viewership advantage over CNN in network history, and marking eight straight years as the #2 network in all of cable television—beating third-place ESPN and fourth-place CNN. It was also MSNBC’s most-watched year since 2021, and the network was the only top 120 cable network to post two consecutive years of audience gains.
>>> My Letter to Sonya AmenRa aka Sonya Bennetone-Patrick dated November 17, 2019:
Sonya AmenRa aka Sonya Bennetone-Patrick
VIP and Associates
Landfall Business Center
1213 Culbreth Dr
Wilmington, North Carolina 28405
November 17, 2019
Dear Ms. AmenRa,
I am responding to your comment toward me of early this morning, which can be found here:¬if_id=1573993273960220¬if_t=comment_mention. And I am posting this Letter – when completed – here with images and other extra material added:
My blog has gotten over 1.6 million registered hits, and each posting, including this one, is emailed to my List of Political Contacts (which I will add one of your MANY email addresses to):
My blog has gotten over 1.6 million registered hits, and each posting, including this one, is emailed to my List of Political Contacts (which I will add one of your MANY email addresses to):
Now, let’s get down to business.
Sister-Woman, what on EARTH possessed you this morning to attack me as if you had NO SCHOOLING AT ALL??? Your words were DISASTERS of Grammar and Facts – with nothing but “Christian” Logic.
At least you have shown that you are NOT an actual Christian with your new “Egyptian Goddess” identity. But since so MANY POWERFUL AFRICAN-AMERICANS in North Carolina and even beyond think you are just the Cat’s MEOW, I will leave you alone to feed them your nonsense, during which – as far as I can tell – you have ALSO achieved some GOOD.
Now, you do NOT say whether or not you and I have met – no one was introduced to me by EITHER of your names, but I’m 6’ 11” so easy to remember, and I BET you were at the unveiling of the new 1898 Marker last Saturday. Here you can see me pulling the shroud off after the Officials in charge were unable to, and there is link to a video by Cedric Harrison, who I see is a considerable Journalist and a friend of yours. His video CLEARLY CAPTURES my DECRYING the Crimes of my distant Kenan relatives and my parents who set up the Christian Hard Drug Trafficking in Wilmington and Atlanta, GA with Nixon’s Aide John Ehrlichman and a Catholic priest here in Wilmington:
And just checking, I see that the person who gave the Welcome at the showing on Sunday of the film The Red Cape, was a “Sonya Patrick, 1898 Committee” – which I BET WAS YOU!!!
Therefore, you already know that I got VERY EMOTIONAL in condemning my own family in the discussion afterward, and MANY of the people either speaking on the panel and other Leadership in that audience spoke with me individually and got my contact information.
There is something PERVERSE in a person who can’t use just ONE NAME for themselves – and then uses the faces of others on her many Facebook Pages of organizations headed – as if Barack Obama actually endorsed your multiple duplicities (presumably for Satan)!!!
As MOST people in other countries whose Media is NOT controlled by the Christian CIA (read Bush and Kenan Families), know, Barack Obama is GAY AS A GOOSE and Michelle knew that when she married him. Reverend Jeremiah Wright (who also has a Call-Boy Service ONLY for married Black Politicians as part of his Christian Church in Chicago), and Jesse Jackson, Sr., arranged the marriage. MANY people I know have SEEN Obama as well as Rahm Emanuel in Chicago's now defunct Private Gay Bathhouse, Man's Country -- back when Obama was an Illinois State Senator:
Your using an old photo of the Obama Family today -- when EVERY ONE OF THEM should be CONGRATULATED for eight years of a SCANDAL-FREE Presidency DESPITE Barack's long affair with Reggie Love that not just Huffington Post reported on back then, but other American Press as well.
When I returned from my SECOND period of Political Exile in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico June 2015. Colin Powell's people had to get me there the first time after my own parents, sisters, employer Patrick Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., of Snellville, GA -- an ONLINE Christian Minister who distributes all the Hard Drugs flown into Maxwell AFB from Maine to Florida, but LARGELY in Wilmington, NC and Atlanta, GA had FAILED to commit me and planned to MURDER ME because I would NOT stop blogging about their Christian Drug Trafficking.
And in Wilmington, I have found that most black people knew that Obama is gay -- before I told them that -- EXCEPT the HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING District Court Judge James Faison III and Pastor Robert Campbell of New Beginning Christian Church (who has NO education in Christianity or church-running, but Advanced Degrees in business to run the Drugs at OPTIMUM PROFIT -- which he does as TOP PARTNER to UBER-Christian Sheriff Ed McMahon, who cannot even face me in person anymore, he is so EVIL)!!!
You tell ME how these behaviors have ANYTHING TO DO with Jesus's Teachings, please!!!
Your using an old photo of the Obama Family today -- when EVERY ONE OF THEM should be CONGRATULATED for eight years of a SCANDAL-FREE Presidency DESPITE Barack's long affair with Reggie Love that not just Huffington Post reported on back then, but other American Press as well.
When I returned from my SECOND period of Political Exile in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico June 2015. Colin Powell's people had to get me there the first time after my own parents, sisters, employer Patrick Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., of Snellville, GA -- an ONLINE Christian Minister who distributes all the Hard Drugs flown into Maxwell AFB from Maine to Florida, but LARGELY in Wilmington, NC and Atlanta, GA had FAILED to commit me and planned to MURDER ME because I would NOT stop blogging about their Christian Drug Trafficking.
Patrick Stansbury -- like Sonya Benneton-Patrick, Sonya Patrick, Sonya AmenRa -- has an alias: "Patrick Christian".
Judge Faison flanked by NC State Senator Harper Peterson and City Councilman Kevin O'Grady. I LIKE to think that Harper Peterson is NOT a Christian Drug Trafficker, and know that Mr. O'Grady MUST BE ONE. He never did a THING to stop the mobile Whore House, "FairyTails" that operated in O'Grady's downtown neighborhood without Police harassment in 2011 and 12 -- in a GARISH van painted with LIFE-SIZED silhouettes of naked ladies kicking their legs in the air!!!
And in Wilmington, I have found that most black people knew that Obama is gay -- before I told them that -- EXCEPT the HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING District Court Judge James Faison III and Pastor Robert Campbell of New Beginning Christian Church (who has NO education in Christianity or church-running, but Advanced Degrees in business to run the Drugs at OPTIMUM PROFIT -- which he does as TOP PARTNER to UBER-Christian Sheriff Ed McMahon, who cannot even face me in person anymore, he is so EVIL)!!!
Sheriff Ed McMahon cooperates with TOTAL FAGGOT District Attorney Benjamin R. David (on left), in Drug Trafficking. And Mr. David has been first a Deacon and then an Elder at First Presbyterian Church, while married to Stephanie David (one of Mitt Romney and Lamar Alexander's TOP FUNDRAISERS and STRATEGISTS), and Ben David with Fox News Chicago and Wells Fargo STOLE copyright to my memoir of working for Tennessee Williams when top movie producers were looking to buy movie rights.
Yes, Ben David, Elder at the SAME WHITE SUPREMACIST CONGREGATION that even today has NO BLACK or BROWN MEMBERS, and in 1898, the Wilmington Coup D'Etat was led by Elder William Rand Kenan, Sr. who mowed down blacks with his Gatling Gun on the back of a wagon.
William R. Kenan, Sr. when he was in the Confederate Duplin Rifles -- and here was "Capt. Kenan's RAPID-FIRE BRIGADE":
My OWN accomplishments include co-founding the first Gay Group at Denison University (which I attended on partial scholarship, and after changing major from Biology to Studio Art, won a US State Department Contest and my Art prints were then hung in 30 US Embassies and Consulates around the world). After college, I co-founded -- which my original partners still now own. Here Sen. Cory Booker did a little Christmas Shopping last year:
I had twelve years in Restaurant/Bar Management -- fast-food to white table cloth -- was Tennessee Williams's last assistant:
And of course TWENTY YEARS of selling -- commission only -- the ad space in all the yearbooks for the US Service Academies, War Colleges, Maritime Academies, and even some college yearbooks, including Howard University's Bison and Florida A&M's Rattler!!!
So, now, GIVEN that Jeanne Keith Harris (near top of this posting), was a PRESBYTERIAN and apparently a WONDERFUL PERSON -- yet so are/were UBER-CRIMINALS William Rand Kenan, Sr., D.A. Benjamin R. David, Stephanie David, and Donald TRUMP:
This PROVES that Christianity does not IMPROVE or RUIN anyone -- it does NOTHING MORAL FOR PEOPLE AT ALL!!!
>>> A QUICK FINAL QUESTION for Sonya "AmenRa": You posted this intriguing photo of Wilmington Police Chief and Hard-Drug Trafficker, Ralph Evangelous.
Did YOU discover -- like I did -- that a FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT inquiry PROVED that Jeanne Dixon on Hoover's staff was NOT a "Psychic or Horoscope Reader" -- but a PAID PUBLICITY AGENT terrorizing the CRAP out of Hoover's MURDER VICTIMS before he took them out -- and she DID IT FOR JESUS!!!
The following Blog Posting tells MUCH about this -- and ALSO how TOM HOUCK (an Atlanta Democratic Party Operative), got drunk and told me how he set up Dr. King's death!!!:
* * *
>>> Sonya Bennetone Patrick's SLUT DAUGHTER Tries to SCARE ME!!!
Your leadership is needed now more than ever.
Congress passed a resolution to cut 880,000 million
from Medicaid to give tax breaks to the wealthy.
Congressman Rouzer from the 7th District recently introduced a bill to abolish the US Department of Education, which has sparked significant concern among educators, parents, and students.
This proposal raises critical questions about the future of educational standards, equity, and access to quality learning resources.
The resolution and the bill must pass legislation
before it can be implemented.
The only way to stop this injustice is to hold your legislators accountable. Make it a priority to contact your US Senator and Congressman and demand they vote NO on budget cuts to Medicaid and the US Department of Education.
These proposed cuts to Medicaid will grossly impact those in the nursing homes, children with deadly illnesses,and employees.
It is unethical to give tax cuts on the backs of the elderly, and economically disadvantaged, to provide tax breaks to the wealthy.
Public officials make decisions that impact our lives.
Hold them accountable, your voice matters.
Keep The Faith
Sonya Bennetone-Patrick
Protestors gathered outside of the Brunswick County Courthouse Thursday, demanding US House Rep. David Rouzer take action against President Trump, who they feel has abandoned Ukraine and is slashing necessary federal programs. Read more below.
Scott Kenan
Logan Causey -- What happened to ya??? You are far too HANDSOME not to argue with!!! HOT ginger hair on your chest -- oh MY!!!:
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