Wednesday, March 19, 2025

RP: Wilmington HOTTENS UP and is Heading for an EXPLOSION when the HIDEOUS LIES of Benjamin Schachtman, His CIA Partner Kevin Maurer, and Local Press, Politicians, and Law-Breaking Law Enforcement Get a SPARK!!!


(in 2014)


Some important things to say now:

1. In the matter of my brother, Michael William Kenan: Mike could NOT commit to writing down ANY DETAILS of his over-broad claims that I have harmed him and his entire family many, many times over the years -- going back at least to when he married Gail Ann Godley and I was his Best Man in about 1987. Therefore, I was NOT interested in him driving from my mother's house in Raleigh to spend the day with me, and he's staying with Mom, who knows to TURN FOX NEWS OFF if any of her children (except Julie), are there.

Mike REFUSES to watch any TV NEWS, but gets his news from a single, long email from an institution in Boston, so he should know of all the PROBLEMS that are plaguing Trump, Musk, the MAGA/NAZI/CHRISTIAN Party, etc. But my Mother has no other news source, so when Mike drives back to Pennsyvania tomorrow, Mom will be SHOCKED when she tunes back into FOX NEWS -- after three days without it!!!

2. One of the people who contacted me served for years as the top Psychologist and Head of the Psychology Department at a TOP US Medical University, and is now in private practice. He and I spent three hours on the phone, and he explained in "clinical terms" what I have been doing: insisting on HIGH ETHICAL STANDARDS, which my Mother and Brother do NOT HAVE nor do they WANT TO HAVE, which is WHY Mike lies to me nearly constantly, and WON'T COMMIT to writing anything down.

Mom has actually admitted to me that she deliberately DESTROYED MY LIFE four times, stripping me of my accumulated wealth each time, and FORCING me to believe the TOTAL LIE that I have Bipolar Illness -- usually by commiting me on LIES, or JAILING ME on lies, with threats of commitment if I don't take the Lithium Carbonate she murdered her brother Robert J. Meyer, DDS with -- because he allowed my cousin Janet (Meyer) Opperman and later Larsen to marry a JEW and then Uncle Bob was also GAY like me (but fathered THREE of his FOUR children, Kirsten being the exception).

Another, knows (or knows of), many of Thomas S. Kenan III's lovers over his adult life, including Curtis "Robby" Anderson, seen here in 2017:

Robby in the Music Ministry at St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church.

From St. Mary's Catholic School, 2025

This new contact knows several others of Tom Kenan's lovers, including Robert Mihali, who is a FRAUD that Tom forced some of his CLOSEST FRIENDS to spend THOUSAND OF DOLLARS on his BOGUS SCULPTURES that the guy never sculpted himself!!!

Tom got these people (some of whom I know and several of whom are on my email lists), include James B. Hunt, Jr. (four-term Democratic Governor of NC -- whose daughter, Rachel Hunt is NC's current Lt. Governor), Sen. John Edwards (was Tom's neighbor in Chapel Hill and the ONLY DEMOCRAT I ever saw Tom to give a Political Donation to -- of $1,000.00), and his wife Elizabeth. 

In 1996–97, Mihaly was the Artist in Residence at Washington National Cathedral, during which Mihaly attempted to transform a 24,000-pound (11,000 kg) Vermont marble block into an angel. The cathedral came to see the stone and scaffolding as an eyesore and safety hazard, and removed the structure, leaving Mihaly unable to work. Mihaly unsuccessfully sued the cathedral in small-claims court for breach of contract.

In 2002, Duke University commissioned Mihaly for the first gargoyles at Duke since the construction of the Gothic-styled West Campus, to honor Aubrey and Kathleen McClendon, a couple who gave $5.5 million for a new dorm. The Gothic west campus has more than 100 gargoyles perched upon buildings, but Mihaly's two new sculptures did not entertain the wealthy donors they were intended to honor, and were subsequently removed from the building.

As my Readers all know, although he was NOT one of Tom Kenan's lovers, artist David Charles Terry, then of Durham, had been a DARLING of Tom's step-mother, Betty (Price) Kenan, until they had a falling out -- and also was commissioned to make several CAMPAIGN POSTERS for John Edwards by his Patron, Elizabeth Edwards, but they were unsuitable for that purpose. David was a graduate of the University of the South and gave me a lot of info about THAT -- including how RACIST IT WAS:

David had a very hot body when I occasionally dated him years ago -- when my parents lived in Wilmington. Here he is then, too:

And David also was the first person who told me that Allan Gurganus is my fourth Kenan cousin. His TV Movie of his book is very loosely based on my great-grandmother Julia Anne Bordeaux Pridgen, who really was the Oldest Confederate Widow of North Carolina -- and my youngest sister, Julie, is named for her!!! 

And just now, further research shows that Gurganus based his book on someone ELSE, but he's still my 4th cousin -- LOL!!! I left a message on David Terry's voicemail and hope to hear from him soon.

I'm getting distracted, but my research shows that over about 120 years, the close relatives of Thomas S. Kenan III gave Sewanee (University of the South), that I and others can PROVE murdered Tennessee Williams with the CIA, Republican Party etc., like 
Jackie Kennedy Onassis warned us would happen, over $100,000,000.00 to support the Episcopal Confederate Mace, the symbol of the Episcopal Church's Power on Earth -- kept now HIDDEN from Public View since 2006:

3. Someone saw all the TROUBLE that retired-last-October District Attorney Benjamin R. David has caused me -- in partnership with Fox News Chicago Talking Head Daliah Saper and her Law Firm, with then President Obama, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, and through D.A. David's Legal Intern, who them worked for Daliah Saper: Jeffrey Duncan!!!

The Weather Up Here:: Chicago Tourists VOLUNTEER They Know About Obama/Emanuel Drug Mafia SUING ME!!! (I ALSO connect Nixon's John Ehrlichman to Pentagon Publishing, Inc. STRONGLY!!!)

And he emailed me THIS!!!:

"We were honored to be present as the literal District Attorney of Wilmington strolled into the house and officially offered Ward Coleman a job as a prosecutor in his office in front of his entire family. Tears and pride all around."

This is dated July 18, 2023 -- while the D.A. was Ben David -- who was SO HAPPY to HIRE A SEXUAL CRIMINAL, he apparently got Ward Coleman off an earlier charge, so rather than languish in PRISON for years, he is prepared to RAPE or even MURDER for Ben David -- whenever called on to do so!!!

Prosecutors drop another sexual battery case against male Davidson student | Charlotte Observer

Ward Coleman with Kelly Lintz

And NOW Ward Coleman works for D.A. Jason W. Smith (or DOES he???).

4. For LEGAL REASONS it is of the HIGHEST IMPORTANCE that Benjamin N. Schachtman claimed in his Sunday Missive last weekend, that Wilmington's TOP CIA Agent, Kevin Maurer, is a LONG-TERM "COLLEAGUE" of his and of WHQR Public Media's!!!:

Case in point: a deeply in-depth piece from Kelly Kenoyer and Port City Daily’s Brenna Flanagan published this week, putting our arms around as much of the complex and evolving story of the Wilmington Housing Authority as we can. The saga of WHA has come a long way since Kelly and I broke the mold-crisis story (with help from our longtime colleague Kevin Maurer), but there’s still a lot of work to do – for WHA, and for us. The new White House administration is peripheral at most to the story of an organization that has struggled with inept or indifferent management for over a decade before the most recent leadership change.

So, let me get this out to my MANY CONTACTS and see if Tom Kenan SCREAMS WITH PAIN !!!

NHC Endowment board member resigns one month after CEO exits | Port City Daily

Kevin Maurer, an investigative journalist who has done work for Port City Daily and other local and national outlets (StarNews, WHQR, Rolling Stone, Associated Press, Washington Post), confirmed to PCD his exit. “I’ve decided to leave NHCE to pursue other opportunities,” he wrote.

NHC Endowment communications director resigns, amid other staff exits | Port City Daily

Just cute as a BUTTON!!! With hairy chest and "HORNINESS, ga-LORE"!!!  Lady GAGA would go for HIS SHIT!!! 

Benjamin Schachtman


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