Saturday, March 1, 2025

RP: Ghosts from the PAST (that HAUNT US TODAY), and a "Note" to Benjamin Schachtman of WHQR Public Media!!!


>>>  What I sent President Trump  and TOP GOP:

Dear President Trump and GOP,

 DARE  you to come to  Wilmington, North Carolina , where  nasty-assed Lara (Yunaska) Trump  and  her hubby, Eric Trump , have a  BIG PLACE on Wrightsville Beach .

I can  BEAT your FAT MOUTH, FAT ASS  -- and tiny dick -- in  ANY argument or discussion  -- HA!!! I'm  BOLD in my speech and CUSSING  -- like my friend and  TOP MILITARY ALLY  Lt. Gen. Russel Honore'  -- a  DEVOUT ROMAN CATHOLIC  --  like I was raised !!!

You've changed the US allignment to be  AGAINST DEMOCRACY  and  FOR GOD-HATING NAZI AUTOCRACY  -- even the  STUPIDEST, GREEDIEST REPUBLICANS  are waking up to this  TRUTH !!!



Dem. Sheriff Ed McMahon seems to have STOPPED blocking my emails, but the New Hanover County Commissioners still BLOCK ME as a GROUP -- but I believe I have all their personal or business email addresses, so they get them!!!

My Kenan cousin Lawyer Barbara B. "Bonnie" Weyher seems impossible to email -- unless I send it to one of the Regulatory Boards she sits on, but I don't want to embarrass her -- yet, anyway. Her husband Dan McLamb got his copy at his new Law Firm, and "Flunky" subordinate Lawyer Brian M. Williams got his where he now works!!!


And lately, two of Rupert Murdoch's PRIME PUBLICATIONSThe Wall Street Journal  and The New York Post , have been criticizing Trump QUITE FREQUENTLY!!!

And TWICE, material about me has been published in The New York Post !!!

Some links in the above are no longer good -- but below it was re-published -- and even has comments by playwright Larry Myers under the pseudonym "protestplaywright". And Dr. Myers wrote a blurb for my memoir, and next I knew, he was ARRESTED ON FRAUD CHARGES!!! I have no idea what happened to him after that, but those besides me who knew all the details of how Tennessee Williams was murdered, like Jean Babette Stein, have commited "CIA-assisted suicide", or like writer Dotson Rader, have been SILENCED!!!

Tennessee Williams’ death myth | Page Six

Dr. Larry MyersPlaywright/Associate ProfessorSt. John's University/Williams Friend & Scholar (and SEXUAL LOVER):

Dr. Myers, when I met with him in Greenwich Village in 2009.

Dr. Myers' Mug Shot from 2014 -- and I can't now find the published story about that!!!

"Your book much seems channeled from some astral plane or higher consciousness. When I read it, HE IS HERE!"

WHOOPS!!! This is from The New York Daily News NOT owned by Rupert Murdoch!!!

The Weather Continues . . . : I Made the FRONT PAGE of the New York Daily News!!! Un-credited -- and It Only LOOKS Like the Front Page -- but STILL!!!:

John Waters (whom I met at the 2015 Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival) and Jean Babette Stein

This has many DETAILS of Jean's death

The Weather Continues . . . : Say WHAT?!?!? Jean Babette Stein -- Who Introduced Me to Jackie Kennedy Onassis at Her Party in 1982 -- Just FORCED to Commit SUICIDE by the CHRISTIAN CIA!!! -- CORRECTED!!!

That Party!!!:

Pat Kennedy Lawford and Dotson Rader -- when I knew them and even visited Pat and her husband, Peter Lawford, in their Manhattan residence, while working for Tennessee Williams -- in 1981.

Tennesee Williams based two characters on me in his writing, Mac, a very tall, silent gay BLACK man in his play In Masks Outrageous and Austere

This posting has a link to SOME of what I used to write DIRECTLY to Vladimir Putin and Dmitri Medvedev!!!:

The Weather Up Here:: After ANOTHER Wave of MAYHEM (and Wikipedia has DELETED me from ALL FOUR PAGES recently)!!!

Also, in Tennessee's short story "The Donsinger Women and Their Handyman Jack" -- in this Memoir chapter, I include the video from Jeanne Wolf, that she filmed in TW's back yard and at his reading of that story at David Wolkowsky's The Sands  beach club!!!

I am in the front row (looking pensive), with Tennessee's maid, Leoncia McGee.

And David Wolkowsky, the BIGGEST landowner in Key West and the LARGEST COLLECTOR of Tennessee Williams's Paintings, was known as "Mr. Key West" and wrote my FAVORITE of all reviews of my Memoir!!!:

David Wolkowsky on his private island.

Michael Moye, "Texas Kate's" lover when I know them while working or Tennessee, got my memoir to David Wolkowsky, but ALSO shared a Letter he got from Tennessee Williams, detailing how the WILLIAMS side ot his family first settled in Arthur, North Carolina!!!

Michael when I knew him in Key West, and then Michael when I found him living DEEP IN AFRICA!!! And he has DISAPPEARED since then:

And the BEST chapter for reading about Michael Moye -- and Tennessee's BEST KEY WEST FRIEND"Texas Kate" (Schweppe) Sharp, Moldawer, and later McNamara  -- who inspired the character Babe Foxworth, the richest woman in the world in In Masks Outrageous and Austere .

Kate grew up in Atlanta, her family was BEST FRIENDS with the families of MY WEALTHIEST KENAN RELATIVESFrank Hawkins Kenan and James Graham Kenan, where she learned how to act like the WEALTHIEST WOMAN IN THE WORLD!!!

Frank and James Kenan

"Texas Kate", flanked by Tennessee Williams and his sister Rose, at the 1979 Kennedy Center Honors when Tenn got his award.

>>> And FINALLY, here is the  OTHER ACTUALLY PRODUCED PLAY  that I'm a character in:

Miles Gaston Villanueva (shirtless), played ME (called Baby) -- HA!!!

This play was based on Dotson's Tennessee Williams memoirCry of the Heart :

Published in 1985, Dotson told the TRUTH of how the Episcopal Church with the CIA, FBI, and Republican Party MURDERED Tennessee -- as Jackie Kennedy Onassis had warned Tennessee they would do

I and Tenn's brother Dakin Williams ALSO have told the TRUTH!!! The Episcopal Church supports the Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival  and they RIDICULED Dakin Williams until he diedIGNORED Dotson Rader -- except that when I met him, Dotson was the HIGHEST PAID MAGAZINE WRITER in America, and wrote WEEKLY pieces for Parade Magazine  (a Sunday Newspaper suppliment which nearly every major newspaper included), but THOSE BLOOD-THIRSTY and MONEY-THIRSTY CHRISTIANS forced Dotson to LOSE THAT JOB, and to HIDE FOR YEARS, before he finally re-emerged ENTIRELY DEFEATED, a few years ago.

Dotson Rader, today -- see about 2/3 the way down -- but I can't find his REPLY!!! I did find that he now works for Conde Nast:

The first time I met Dotson:

* * *


Ben and his wife, Kathy, several years ago

Hi Ben,

I've decided to no more post links to my writing on your threads -- unless they really have to do with the subject. Kaari Snook and her alter-ego, Non-Partisan Comment Moderator, who worked with Jill Hopman, local Chair of Dems to shut me up off and on for several years, seems to have disappeared, but she seemed to have some good points. I'll still comment.

I was glad to see you heard Dane Scalise out -- although I don't trust him one bit -- LOL!!!

Wouldn't it be FUNNY if Wilmington's PRESS and POLITICIANS stopped blocking the TRUTH I insist on publishing. ALL of you are helping pull Wilmington into NAZI SUBSERVIENCE -- and no one knows this better than you!!! You NEVER REPORT all the Addictive Drug Trafficking done by our TOP POLITICIANS and RELIGIOUS CLERGY. Are YOU an ADDICT???

All of you are COMPLICIT in the COVER-UP of the Murder of Evan Fish by Mayor Saffo and Christians in the Wilmington Police Department in 2011, and then of Saffo having a SPECTRUM truck knock me out of the crosswalk in front of City Hall in 2017 -- I FOOLISHLY letting Saffo know I was walking over to DEMAND the Police Report on Evan William Fish. Evan could prove that my employer of 20 years (1990 - 2010), Patrick Lee Stansbury and his employee Lee E. Gosney, Jr., of Pentagon Publishing, Inc. of Snellville, GA distribute the Hard Drugs flown into Maxwell AFB -- all up and down the East Coast. And Stan Winborne IV, son of my friend Stanley Winborne III, whose grandmother lived in what is now the Graystone Inn, and controlled the Coast Line Railroad, was the CIA asset 2nd in charge of the Obama/Hillary Clinton State Department in Afghanistan who loaded the Heroin onto Air Force planes to ship to the USA!!!

And what's with your CIA PATSY FRIEND, Kevin Maurer??? AT LEAST the CIA let him make $6.5 Million off his NO EASY DAY -- while SCREWING Matt Bissonnette (Mark Owen)!!!

Some day the TRUTH will be known, and I HOPE you figure out how to GAME THE SYSTEM to make YOUR MILLIONS, before your willingness to lie to PROTECT the Drug Traffickers, White Supremacists, and just plain CROOKS, become known to ALL, and YOU SUFFER for your crimes.

That said, I still think you are the MOST ETHICAL JOURNALIST IN TOWN. What a FUCKING SAD STATEMENT!!!

Looking forward to your "Sunday Edition", tomorrow!!!

Let me get this off -- so I can REGRET THAT, LATER -- LOL!!!


WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THIS??? Wilmington's Press never seems to FOLLOW UP on the BEST STORIES!!!


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