RP: Today, America's TOP NAZI (emeritus), My Mother, Said That Even Though Trump Re-Affirmed He WILL TAKE Canada, Greenland, and the Panama Canal -- and EVEN THOUGH Trump Aligns the USA with Russia and Against the Western Democracies -- She STILL SUPPORTS HIM as "Jesus Come Back to EARTH"!!! / More:
My Mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan in 2009, at the HEIGHT of her NAZI POWER!!!
I told her she is a "God-Damned NAZI BITCH and HATES JESUS CHRIST (and of course "God-the-Father", as Christians call Yahweh or Allah), and deserves to go to HELL for ETERNITY!!!"
Mom replied that she did NOT HEAR what I had just said, and I then said, "You NEVER hear anything you don't want to hear -- that's what makes you a TOTAL BITCH !!!"
And then we had a normal conversation for another ten minutes.
Scott Kenan(The first few paragraphs are from December 2,
Have you met NCDP's leadership team? Join us for the Officers' Reception! Celebrate Chair Anderson Clayton, Vice Chairs Jonah Garson, Dr. Kim Hardy, Elijah King, & Secretary Melvin Williams on March 25, 2025 at the Goodwin House in Raleigh.
Getting to the HEART of the CORRUPTION of the Democratic Party of North Carolina -- Best I Can Tell!!! / I Will WRITE the State Democrats' Secretary, Melvin Williams (and others, so they know what Melvin is actually up to), Tomorrow -- Assuming I...
The Democratic Party Tradition that Anderson Clayton Honors :
Steven Rose and Madison "Maddy" Holland Rose, my next-door neighbors when Roy Cooper first ran for Governor, were HUGE Hard-Drug Traffickers and said that the two candidates they worked for (Cooper and Deborah Ross), were ALSO HUGE TRAFFICKERS -- but at least they were NOT ABJECT RACISTS!!!
OMIGOD!!! Barack Obama's Former Lover Reggie Love to Speak TOMORROW at My NC State Senator's FUNDRAISER -- Will He Turn Harper Peterson GAY??? I KNOW Sen. Peterson, so I'll Email Him and ASK!!!
EVISCERATING Democrat Sheriff Ed McMahon for Being Donald Trump's and Vladimir Putin's PERFECT PUPPET!!! / ALSO Eviscerating Han Hills/Hannibal Hills, Pastor Robert Campbell, Rahm Emanuel, Brett McGurk, Hollis Briggs, Jr., Jonathan Deputy and Deb...
It was a surprise ceremony at the White House presided over by President Donald Trump to unveil a $100 billion investment from what he called the world’s most powerful company, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC).
But nearly 8,000 miles away, the mood was far from celebratory. Instead, the shock announcement last week has reignited fears in Taiwan about losing its crown jewel, its world-beating semiconductor industry, to the US due to political pressure.
The island democracy’s former President Ma Ying-jeou wasted no time in accusing the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) of “selling TSMC” to Trump as a “protection fee.”
Paul McCartney, His Wife Nancy Shevell, and CIA Agent John Eastman (who ordered the murders of both John Lennon and Tennessee Williams), Go into "TERMINAL DEGENERATION" ??? -- They Are SO CONNECTED to the Christian Democrats and Republicans of...
50 YEARS of Kenan Family Tertiary Syphilis, White Supremacy, and Hard Drug Trafficking -- and Putting Donald Trump into Power -- ALL for Jesus -- is CELEBRATED by CIA Christian Wilmington Star News!!!
Chuck Schumer is the Jew who helps HitlerGAS THE JEWS!!! Democrats need to chase him with literal PITCHFORKS and never let him near the US Capitol for another day. PERIOD!!!
I've been checking Fox News on TV periodically all day. They have been GLOATING over how PA Sen. John Fetterman, who had a massive stroke and a long stay in a MENTAL HOSPITAL recently, is a REPUBLICAN IMPLANT -- and NOW they celebrate Senate Leader Schumer!!!
Aaleah McConnell AGAIN reports on something important to me!!! Chief Public Defender Jennifer Harjo saved my life when then D.A. Benjamin R. David tried to commit me to "Cherry Hospital" where I would be put in restraints and injected with drugs until I came to my senses (stopped blogging and talking about his HUGE DRUG TRAFFICKING)!!!
Also, between 2011 and 2018 (?), I was committed to the local "Nut-House" four times on FALSE EVIDENCE that Chief Judge J.H. Corpening IIlater let me have copies of those Commitment Papers!!!
Two of the times I was "Involuntarily committed", they had no beds for three days and I roamed the halls as far as Armed Guards would allow!!! I sure learned a lot!!! And the TOP Psychiatrists at New Hanover Behavioral Health Hospital said they would NOT accept anyone committing me in the future unless I develop a REAL Mental Illness!!!
Here is where Aaleah McConnell and I also cross "Journalistic Paths":
A native of Bloomington, Indiana, Ken is the Programming Director, hosts Morning Edition and is the technical director for WHQR’s weekly talk show, CoastLine.
Ken spent the first 24 years of his radio career in upstate New York, the first year at WHCU in Ithaca, the rest at WSKG in Binghamton. At the latter, he served in a variety of roles. He hosted classical and jazz music and a weekly folk program. Ken eventually anchored the station’s Morning Edition for 7 years. Most recently, as Director of the station’s radio service, he helped start their regular talk program, Community Conversation.
Ken received his bachelor’s degree in Music from Denison University. When time allows (which isn’t often enough), he plays some guitar and occasionally dusts off his saxophones.
Now, WHO KNOWS if the Senate will PASS the Continuing Resolution??? I have done EVERYTHING in my power to prevent it and to put Donald Trump and my Kenan relatives who put Trump into power with help of my NAZI Mother into PRISON!!! And I am DAMNED SICK AND TIRED of Ashkenazi Jew gone BAD, Benjamin Schachtman, News Director of WHQR Public Media, giving ME HELL!!!
I suppose it is on command of his CLOSE FRIEND, Wilmington's TOP CIA AGENT, Kevin Maurer. When I surprised Ben and myself by running into him on 4th Street, as he walked from a parking garage to his office on Front Street, we BOTH TOTALLY CRACKED UP, discussed a few things, and then he had to get to work. But he DID SAY that Kevin Maurer was MAD AS HELL AT ME!!!
Because I BLEW his CIA cover!!!
I did more research on Ken Campbell, and he graduated Denison in 1990, so he's 17 years younger than I. But, he was BIG at the college radio station, WDUB, and in fall of 1972, two of my closest friends (James Culver Anderson and Bert Bennett III -- Bert was actually only "gay curious"), and I formed the FIRST GAY GROUP at Denison, and a straight guy there, asked us to do a live radio program. For the first 45 minutes, he interviewed us, and the second half was all live call-in.
For one thing, we ALL had distinctive voices (and we still do), on a campus with only 2,100 students, so everyone figured out who we were -- but NO ONE HARASSED US on air or later -- and the questons/comments were all INTELLIGENT!!!
But no one else ever joined our group, and we were all friends already, so that group fell apart before the end of the school year -- and a permanent one was founded later.
The President of Denison Community Association, Dean Hansell, had been MY ROOMMATE for a one month January Term, where we lived in the second poorest county in the USA -- in West Tennesee -- and shared a double bed chastely. That was HELL for me, I had a HUGE CRUSH on Dean.
Dean came out AFTER I graduated, and got his Law Degree, was the Assistant Attorney General for the State of Illinois, founded the Chapter of GLAAD in Los Angeles, was a Police Commissioner of Los Angeles, in private practice got Michael Jackson's Mother her BIGGEST FINANCIAL WIN against the Record Companies, wrote the text used in Law Schools to teach "The Law of Reinsurance", and then Gov. Brown appointed Dean Superior Court Justice in the BIGGEST Courthouse in Los Angeles!!!
He has also served as a Denison Trustee, and set up a Scholarship for anyone whose family cut them off for being Gay.
Dean on left with his husband at their Jewish Wedding a few years ago.
Well, I just got a call from my brother, Michael William Kenan of Berwyn, Pennsylvania, who cussed me out for "'fucking' (his) three children many times"!!!
Which is not true at all. Mike is pissed because in 2010 I blogged about my nephew Connor Michael Kenan and his best friend in second grade demonstrating felatio to his class when the teacher left the room. They were caught, and the parents called in, and all decided it was just normal, childhood exploration -- and nothing more happened.
What I did NOT know was that my mother had arranged a marriage between Connor and the daughter of the people who lived next-door to President Nixon's Aide and Lover, Bebe Rebozo, on Biscayne Island -- and Mike and my Sister-in-Law Gail Ann (Godley) Kenan had visited them and gone sailing on TWO of their yachts!!!
But somehow, they saw what I blogged and CANCELLED the wedding and my GREEDY Brother and Sister-in-Law still have not forgiven me, and LIE TO ME EVEN NOW!!!
Gail's family are Presbyterian!!!
I just found out that my niece, Taylor Ann Kenan, is having a WEDDING SHOWER this coming Friday -- and I asked Mike why no one told me she was engaged -- and he said it was because I KEEP "FUCKING" HIS FAMILY !!!
Well, I do have my sister Jane who is NOT A NAZI or GREEDY BITCH, so I thank GOD for that, and will begin exposing the REAL CRIMES of my brother, and with LUCK put him into PRISON!!! In the Bible Dictionary,"Kenan" means "the sorrow"(depression), or "Unbridled Greed and Acquisitiveness".
The following are all from Connor's Facebook Page:
Connor's UNC Chapel Hill graduation. Connor is tallest, then his brother Maxwell Andrew Kenan, and Taylor Ann Kenan barely got her head in.
Connor labeled himself "The Gay Darth Vader".
After making a pile of money selling software to Hospital Systems for two years, Connor and his best buddy spent six months exploring S.E. Asia. Here they are in a Tunnel of Love in Thailand!!!
I'm really ANGRY because enough Democrats are working for Trump, Musk, and Vladimir Putin to pass the Continuing Resolution. We will survive this. And we will prosper.
And the NEXT TIME I'll tell Ken Campbell how I found a magazine article about Denison that showed that J.D. Rockefeller SECRETLY funded Denison through several financial crises!!! None of his children attended Denny-Do, so I don't know why. And of course Kenan Charities have contributed much as well!!!
And Bert Bennett, III, who was "gay curious", had me come to his home in Winston-Salem, NC in spring of my senior year -- and his FATHER, Bert Bennett, Jr., was one of the MOST INFLUENTIAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY POLITICIANS(but never ran for office himself), and even today, his descendants own Quality Oil, the BIGGEST Shell Oil Distributorship in the USA!!!
Bert, Jr. was credited with getting Democratic NC Governors Sanford and Hunt elected -- Hunt TWICE to two terms, and JFK elected in Republican North Carolina!!!
MAYBE my brother, Mike (then age 14), was SUCKING LOU HOLTZ'S COCK when we lived on Larwell Drive in Columbus, Ohio -- and Lou was Assistant Coach to the GREAT WOODY HAYES at Ohio State, Coach Hayes, like Ken Campbell and I, was a Denison Graduate. THAT might explain things, no???
More than ever, before, Lady LibertyNEEDS OUR HELP !!!
A literary vent, a one-sided, free-wheeling discussion, everything posted on this blog is true. Don't mistake that to mean everything here is fact. Frequently, I paint with a broad brush, coloring things to a degree of my own choosing—for the sake of art.
My characters remind me of what Dr. J. Kennedy Schultz once said--and they insist I post it here:
“When I say something about you, it may or may not be true about you, however, I always reveal something of myself.”
Judging from some of the comments people have made to me, I wish to remind them this works in BOTH directions.
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