Saturday, December 10, 2011


My father's sister, Doris Kenan Russ, who departed this life last summer. Aunt Doris never met a stranger, loved to go fishing with the black kids down the lane, hated "mixed foods" like stew and succotash (and refused to eat them), kept scrapbooks of her life, was a 4-H leader, and played in her beloved "Razz Ma Tazz" band (a kazoo band for Jesus that her church hauled around on the back of a flat-bed truck).

Funny, that when I tried to google up a picture of my cousin Judy, instead, up popped a photo of her Mom!!!

Aunt Doris was nothing but a big ol' Love Bucket -- and her daughter Judy is just the same. Judy called me yesterday afternoon (after the court business she and her daughter Wendy had to attend to -- mentioned yesterday in this blog), and invited me to join four generations of her family at her home on Christmas Day.

She also said she'd asked Wendy's lawyer if he'd ever heard of her cousin Scott Kenan, and he immediately cracked up. She asked him if he didn't like Ben David either, and he shook his head, seeming to imply that no one did -- and then added: "EVERYONE knows Scott Kenan!!!"

>>> DISCLAIMER: I think he meant "Everyone knows OF Scott Kenan." I didn't recognize his name. It's true that I've emailed my recent blog posts quite widely, and more than one local TV station has run at least parts of interviews with me -- or so I'm told. I haven't seen a bit of it.

But dear ol' Judy seems often to CHANNEL Aunt Doris, and when she then continued: "Now it's time for you to leave that Ben David alone!!!", I felt it was her mama speaking, so I'm gonna do my best to comply.

Now: if I can just scare up the courage to go to First Presbyterian tomorrow. I'm afraid I've ruffled some well-groomed feathers. But given my surname (and more so their good natures), I'm trusting they won't greet me with a Restraining Order at the door. LOL . . .


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