When in Rome, do as the Romans!!!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Riding the WAVE!!!
When in Rome, do as the Romans!!!
- NCGrandRep said...
You are an idiot and a loose cannon and you need to stop making remarks about people you know nothing about. Thom Goolsby happens to be a very good friend of mine and he is, without a doubt, a devout family man, a well respected business man and a very popular and respected Republican and Senator of NC. In fact, he is one of the most respected individuals in Wilmington and NC.
I wish he would have YOU arrested for Slander, Making Threats, Trespassing, Verbal Abuse and a host of other related charges that could make your life miserable. You are obviously a miserable person anyway so maybe jail is a good place for you and you can spread your BIG MOUTH to the kind of people that care what you say. The jail is full of people like Scott Kenan, who likes to run their big mouths and is constantly looking for trouble. Bet they don't have too many at our jail that are over 7 feet tall. May have a hard time finding an orange jumpsuit in your size, huh? But, I bet they find one really quick if necessary. You need to be more careful in what you say and display on your website/blog. Wake up Mr. Kenan. The "Kenan" name is being disgraced by you, as well. The Wilmington Police Dept. and NH Sheriff's office have been notified of your actions. -
December 27, 2011 at 9:00 AM
- Scott Kenan said...
Dear NCGrandRep:
I DARE you to identify yourself!!!
I DARE Sen. Goolsby to charge me with Libel or Making Threats (since I only threaten prosecution by Federal Authorities -- something I've done ACTUAL, PRACTICAL things to accomplish.
Mssrs. Goolsby, David (and Pastor Thompson, for that matter) are WELL AWARE of what I post on this blog as I email them each a copy of each and every blog post right after I post it.
UNLIKE SOME PEOPLE, I use my REAL NAME and do NOT talk about people behind their backs -- in fact, I have personally confronted Ben David several times and told both Sen. Goolsby's wife and office assistant EXACTLY WHAT I INTEND TO DO with their "man" -- although if desires were publicly known, "FAGGOT" might be a better term.
Also: I know Thomas S. Kenan III of Chapel Hill personally, as I also did his uncle, the late James G. Kenan of Atlanta. It was Tom who sent 60 MINUTES to Puerto Vallarta to interview me.
Tom Kenan gets my blog posts indirectly through John M. Blades, Executive Director of the Flagler Museum in Palm Beach, FL, a major Kenan philanthropy. John is the person who first proved to me that content of my emails is often changed en route. I have asked him repeatedly to let me know if my distant Kenan relatives have any problems with what I do and he has NEVER indicated they do. I see and feel their support of me in the background (at least).
Thanks for your prompt reply!
Scott David Kenan -
December 28, 2011 at 7:30 AM
- NCGrandRep said...
You are right! You did make threats to Mr. Goolsby's wife and who do you think you are to do such a thing? Most normal human beings would talk to a lady with respect, especially when they know nothing at all about the person. Approaching someone you don't even know and scaring her with your nasty mouth and loud, obnoxious manner is unacceptable. Mrs. Goolsby is the sweetest lady anyone could imagine, and she is 2 feet shorter than you and probably 150 lbs. lighter. Why don't you go after someone your size and gender and run your mouth to them. No, because you want the upper hand on someone and you like feeling superior. Talking about someone being a FAGGOT, look in the mirror you moron. When you look up the word "Faggot" in the dictionary your face is plastered all over the page. No, I will not tell you who I am because I don't appreciate someone like you coming near me or knowing where I live. My family members do not need to be approached by a loose cannon. You think because you are 7 feet tall you are a big man and you can do whatever you please. Wrong, Buddyboy! But, let it be known, I am watching you and I am taking notes on you, slime ball. Who you know and who you are related to makes no never mind to me or anyone else. It is obvious you are a disgrace to the Kenan family name. Face it, you are a LOSER!!
December 28, 2011 at 10:04 AM
- Scott Kenan said...
Oh pish-posh.
I apologized right after speaking with Mrs. Goolsby (both via email to Sen. Goolsby and in person via his office assistant), because it was inappropriate for me to speak with anyone other than the Senator about those things.
That said, an adult woman is an adult citizen and fully capable of dealing with reality -- especially since I in NO WAY threatened her or hers. I had knocked on the door to allert them to the fact that they'd left a van door open, and did not want to simply close it myself as someone might think I was trying to steal something inside it.
And she IS the wife of a politician -- albeit a RACIST ASSHOLE.
OF COURSE you REFUSE to identify yourself, but from the details it is clear that you are intimately familiar with the events. I would bet quite a lot of money that you are -- drum roll -- SENATOR GOULSBY, ITSELF!!!
See my latest blog post: http://scottkenan.blogspot.com/2011/12/letter-to-scott-rudins-personal.html . -
December 28, 2011 at 1:49 PM
- NCGrandRep said...
Wrong as usual!! He wouldn't waste his time or energy on someone like you, as he has much more important things to deal with. Unlike you, who has nothing more to do than walk the streets of Wilmington giving YOUR opinion to any idiot that would listen. I will say one thing, I am a grandmother and I am a neighbor and supporter of the Goolsbys. I would never give you my name because I feel you are nuts and I don't need you dropping in on me. Who do you think you are that you can come on someone's property and try to cause trouble. First his home and now his office on more than one occasion. Sounds like STALKING in the 1st degree, don't you agree!!
December 29, 2011 at 7:21 AM
- Scott Kenan said...
You Silly Old Senator Sphincter!!!
NC Grand Republican can ONLY be someone with as inflated an ego as Thom Goolsby has. I don't buy that you are a neighborly grandmother -- and you already proved you know too many intimate details of what happened to be even the busiest-body neighbor in the Universe!!!
I hardly think that anyone -- especially a jury -- would find that stopping by Sen. Goulsby's home to allert them to the door left open on their van in the driveway (admittedly, I then told Mrs. Goolsby that I intended to have her husband arrested for his crimes, eventually. I was NOT strident enough for her to call the Police at the time), a visit to the Senator's law office on Chestnut Street where he was not, but his apparently gay "front-man" (we all have gay-dar, and I saw his go off as well) kindly accepted my apology and made me feel good that at least Sen. Goolsby DOES employ gay men. Then, last week, because I DO NOT talk behind ANYONE's back (or disguise my identity like SOME DO), I stopped by the office to allert the Senator that I am in contact with the US Marshall in Raleigh about certain high crimes and the Senator has a very high chance of being indicted. I do NOT mean to imply that I think the Senator gets "high" (although if he does with his gay "front-man", I would not be surprised, as I told that man that while I abhore hard drugs, I have no problem with marijuana and he responded with a smile and a shrug, "Who does???"
Has Senator Goolsby taken a piss test for drugs lately???
Scott -
December 29, 2011 at 8:27 AM
- STERLING said...
Mr Kenan I respect your right to free speech.. I can not know if many points are correct, except to say, I to find Wilmington to be racist, backwards and biggoted also. Its painful to be different here, this place feels ignorant to me, but there are some exceptions, ie , nice people. Was the term good ole boy invented here, Jim Crow and Fear, ha . Wilmingtons attitude could use a real change, one of empathy and more unconditional love. Are the 32nd's in charge here.
January 4, 2012 at 7:03 PM
- Scott Kenan said...
Hello Sterling,
I do not know who or what the 32nds are -- just like I don't know anything about the Illuminati (whom I've been accused of belonging to as well as of fighting. LOL!!!).
Well, we ARE Cape Fear and the Jim Crow laws were inspired by my distant relative's actions (while hiding behind his position as an Elder of Wilmington's First Presbyterian Church). William R. Kenan SENIOR was the blackest sheep of the Kenan Family. He and the then-Pastor of First Presbyterian Church fommented the 1898 Wilmington Race Riot (google my name and that riot to find the details.
>>> MOST IMPORTANT POINT: That riot is the ONLY instance in which a municipal government was VIOLENTLY overturned in the US, and it inspired the Jim Crow Laws that soon after swept the South.
Later Kenans (I believe simply because of our God-given nature -- but possibly out of guilt over "Buck" Kenan's actions and their continuing consequences as well) have done MUCH to promote EDUCATION, Liberty, and Justice of ALL, since (and actually before as well) that time.
>>> FUN FACT: Thomas S. Kenan III's late brother Owen's widow is named "Sterling" like you. She's called "Squirty" by her friends -- presumably because of over-active milk glands -- but it might be for another reason (given the sexual delight we Kenan's are so addicted to).
Squirty is remarried now and I don't know her current surname, although she uses her Kenan name in her decorating business in NYC, Palm Beach, and -- very occassionally now -- NC -
January 5, 2012 at 8:39 AM