In the mid-1970s, I devoured all the Seth books that I could find. I already knew from the Kenan Family genealogy that Seth is the grandfather of Kenan (First Chronicles 1, 1-2), and from sociologists that family secrets are passed from grandparents to grandchildren (NOT properly from parents). See: http://www.sethlearningcenter.org/ for more on Seth. When my mother saw that I was into Seth while living in Cape May, NJ, she rooked my business partners into helping her commit me to a mental hospital and force me onto Lithium, which I remained on (mostly) for the next 30 years before fully waking up. See: http://scottkenan.blogspot.com/2011/10/happiest-day-of-my-life-so-far.html .
>>> ADDED AT 11:09 AM: >>> The long email I sent to my anonymous donor in NYC went out this morning, the BCC: copy came back to me -- BUT IT IS NOT TO BE FOUND IN MY SENT FOLDER, so I assume it did not actually go to him -- or was erased from THE SYSTEM later by the "Fox News" hackers.
>>> BUT FIRST: Last night, being tired-ish and NOT wanting to have to deal with any more drug or alcohol crazed co-residents attacking me or threatening me at the shelter, I called the US Attorney's office and left details on voicemail of what had happened the night before (see: http://scottkenan.blogspot.com/2011/12/junt-criner-condemned-by-her-own.html ).
This being so close to Christmas, and I already having proven that neither Ben David nor any of his criminal minions seem to be able to kill me, keep me long in jail, or committed to a mental hospital -- or disappear me, there is no great hurry to get down to business with the Feds. We'll get down to serious business on the FEDERAL JUSTICE DEPARTMENT LEVEL in January, I suppose.
>>> It's more fun watching it all enfold in slow-motion anyway:
1. Ben David's behaviors
2. Ernie Thompson's behaviors
3. Petty criminals scurrying around Wilmington like cockroaches, desperately looking for cover.
4. FINE CITIZENS partying "Like It's 1999!!!"
* * *
>>> Anyway, I must now be brief -- I have a lunch date soon.
See: http://scottkenan.blogspot.com/2011/11/just-how-bizarre-is-kenan-really.html , OK??? I really should have listed Kenan Malik as one of the Kenan Messengers here: http://scottkenan.blogspot.com/2011/12/age-of-artist-is-fully-come-damn.html .
'Nuff said for now . . .
(Sandra Beckham -- possibly a woman -- insisted on having the last word today.)
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