Photo (click it to see it enlarged) I took in summer of 2010 of the monument on Mismaloya, Mexico placed by director John Huston after he gave the site of the filming of THE NIGHT OF THE IGUANA to the people as a park. As of 2010, the largest narco-trafficker in Guadalajara, Claudio Leone (see halfway down for more: ) had somehow gotten title to the property and was planning to develop it with homes for the Super-Rich -- even adding a "Fantasy Hotel" on Los Arcos, the small, mountain-like islands with natural sea-tunnels just off shore in Mismaloya Cove.
May I direct you to a FABULOUS photo of the Senator and his famous "Hair-DON'T" and, if you care to see the original posting that he repied to, it is here: .
Today's note from the Senator and my reply:

Wrong as usual!! He wouldn't waste his time or energy on someone like you, as he has much more important things to deal with. Unlike you, who has nothing more to do than walk the streets of Wilmington giving YOUR opinion to any idiot that would listen. I will say one thing, I am a grandmother and I am a neighbor and supporter of the Goolsbys. I would never give you my name because I feel you are nuts and I don't need you dropping in on me. Who do you think you are that you can come on someone's property and try to cause trouble. First his home and now his office on more than one occasion. Sounds like STALKING in the 1st degree, don't you agree!!
You Silly Old Senator Sphincter!!!
NC Grand Republican can ONLY be someone with as inflated an ego as Thom Goolsby has. I don't buy that you are a neighborly grandmother -- and you already proved you know too many intimate details of what happened to be even the busiest-body neighbor in the Universe!!!
I hardly think that anyone -- especially a jury -- would find that stopping by Sen. Goulsby's home to allert them to the door left open on their van in the driveway (admittedly, I then told Mrs. Goolsby that I intended to have her husband arrested for his crimes, eventually. I was NOT strident enough for her to call the Police at the time), a visit to the Senator's law office on Chestnut Street where he was not, but his apparently gay "front-man" (we all have gay-dar, and I saw his go off as well) kindly accepted my apology and made me feel good that at least Sen. Goolsby DOES employ gay men. Then, last week, because I DO NOT talk behind ANYONE's back (or disguise my identity like SOME DO), I stopped by the office to allert the Senator that I am in contact with the US Marshall in Raleigh about certain high crimes and the Senator has a very high chance of being indicted. I do NOT mean to imply that I think the Senator gets "high" (although if he does with his gay "front-man", I would not be surprised, as I told that man that while I abhore hard drugs, I have no problem with marijuana and he responded with a smile and a shrug, "Who does???" Has Senator Goolsby taken a piss test for drugs -- lately???Scott
>>> GREAT JOY!!!:
My Gentle Readers have caused the followinig post to have gone "GLOBAL-VIRAL". It getting FAR more hits in less than 24 hours than even my postings about how District Attorney Ben David (with the help of those who allowed him to hide behind "devout" Presbyterianism, like Pastor Ernie Thompson) FORCED my best friend and business-partner-designate, Evan Fish, to jump off the parking deck by the library back in September and covereing it up WITH THE HELP OF HIS FAUX-CHRISTIAN FAMILY IN OHIO as a suicide. (see internet buzz on that here: )
And here's the new TOP PAGE: .
* * *
>>> FINALLY: Email from/to "Joseph":
Scott Kenan
10:45 AM (2 minutes ago)
To: “Joseph”
Hi “Joseph”,
Thanks for this. You received my emails on a timely basis -- HOWEVER, they STILL have not shown up in my "sent" box on gmail. This has happened before with email to you. I suspect that email difficulty you had planned to see a computer doctor over but which eventually "healed itself" was due to our association and perpetrated by what I call "The Fox News email/internet Manipulators." You know they lost NEWS OF THE WORLD in London over this exact same stuff, and even Rupert Murdock was proven in his emails that someone had saved to have ACTUALLY HAVE KNOWN ABOUT IT ALL PERSONALLY, despite his earlier denials.
Last night, I texted about ten people including immediate family that "I HAVE WON!!!" Only my cousin's daughter Wendy responded congratulating me (she's been on meds for years for a "bi-polar" diagnosis). NOTHING from my siblings, of course.
You see, after my postings yesterday "outing" the reprehensible behaviors of Ernie Thompson at First Presbyterian Church -- as well as the THINLY disguised rantings of Sen. Thom Goolsby (whose name I misspelled ENTIRELY without realizing it until I re-read the postings this morning -- but am leaving them), and also contacting Scott Rudin's office by phone and then email, AND hearing from the man I can only call my platonic soul-mate in a way that MORE THAN LIFTED MY WINGS (but not my skirt, so to speak), my buddy "Jersey" informed me that yesterday was in fact the 50th Anniversary of the Broadway debut of my favorite Williams play: THE NIGHT OF THE IGUANA.
I felt that was a sign from BIG SWEETIE (what I prefer to call this Thing We Call God). And I think Sean Blackwell (see: ) has seen that I can write a very effective Spiritual Mind Treatment (scientific prayer) as taught by The Science of Mind, aka Religious Science (see: ).
I would like to take a moment to honor my teachers I studied under there, both reverend-ed and not: Dr. J. Kennedy Schultz (not much on the internet about him, but see: ), Elizabeth Kubler-Ross ( ), Joyce Rennolds (see: ), Ken Wilcox (see: ), and Mary Kritz (see:!/marykritz )
On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 6:35 PM
From: “Joseph”
Recd yr 1st email 4:24, 2nd 4:31.
----- Original Message -----
From: Scott Kenan
To: “Joseph”
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 4:31 PM
Subject: Re: YOU-ker, church folks naysaying
Because I replied to you ten minutes ago and that reply is NOT listed in my "sent" box, I am sending this to you again. It was a very simple email:
On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 11:59 AM,
From: “Joseph”
The Wiki article on Uecker is his positive resume. A sensational input from you is not likely to be included.
When church members deny receiving your emails, they may mean: “I received your email, I do not want it, I did not read it/I did read it, then I deleted it, you should be frozen out of our congregation.”
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