Friday, December 23, 2011

"Criner Me a River, Criner Me a River . . . I Crinered a River, over You . . ."

Mr. Churchill is EXACTLY right -- and I do. And so do you!!!


In court this morning:

After an interminable wait (so that my case would be last and NOT witnessed by many -- as per usual), and after I was served MISDEMEANOR CRIMINAL SUMMONS # 11CR061904 (Cyber-Stalking brought by PERSON JUDGE NOECKER GAG-ORDERED ME NOT TO MENTION IN MY BLOG) at which time a very serious Federal-looking official watched and then noted times and courtrooms, etc. -- but he didn't identify himself, nor did I ask -- my case was called in JUDGE SANDRA RAY CRINER'S court.

PERSON JUDGE NOECKER GAG-ORDERED ME NOT TO MENTION IN MY BLOG answered the judge that he was ready to proceed. She asked me if I was ready, and here's what ensued:

"Your Honor, as the District Attorney and most local press know, I am working with the Federal Attorney in Raleigh to bring major charges against you and others in Federal Court." 

MAJOR stifled guffaws from all the court employees.

I continued, "I do not believe that under the circumstances you can hear my case without prejudice. I respectfully ask that you recuse yourself and grant a continuance."

"Mr. Kenan, are you prepared to go forward?"

"Yes, your Honor."

"Then I will see if another judge can hear this case today." (added at 4:13 PM: That judge was Jeffery E. Noecker, which I remembered is the name she said after hearing it in later court)

Criner disappeared for about 15 minutes and came back and said the other judge would hear the case at 2:00PM, also in Courtroom #302, as he was tied up in Room 100 then, hearing cases.

She never skipped a beat, but it was obvious to me that she KNEW of my action with the Feds (as had all the court employees), but had hoped I'd be stupid and not think to force her to recuse herself.

PERSON JUDGE NOECKER GAG-ORDERED ME NOT TO MENTION IN MY BLOG looked his usual unflummoxed, stupid self.

Someone held what looked like a cell phone up near my face (a few minutes later, outside), and I made a statement into it -- I have no idea who it might have been.

Gotta run to see what happens next . . .


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