Friday, January 13, 2012

My Contract with the CIA-Controlled Mexican Drug Mafia (signed July 17, 2010 in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico)

I miss my cat, Francine Fishpaw, who was murdered shortly after I signed the CIA contract with Fernando Merino, drawn up by his Godfather Hector-the-Engineer

When we "found" Francine under my bed after my three day absence from Hector's ranch and she was so swollen and riddled with maggots that we did not recognize her until I identified her relatively unscathed tail, Fernando cried like a baby as he buried the cat he had killed and then bleached down the whole house in an effort to cover the stench

It was Monsoon Season and everything near the ranch was a deep, black muck-mix of humus and livestock dung. Nothing was dry.

>>>: Well, I'm tired of writing so will post the contract. It is also posted sometime in summer of 2010 on this blog where you can go to get all the details-of-that-moment. I'm tired of telling and re-telling all my tales -- and it's starting to get SERIOUSLY boring.

I'll probably add a closing note under the four pages of contract.

>>> I never DID bother to get this translated, so I still have no idea what it means -- except that I was to sell billions of dollars worth of prime real estate in areas not expected to be harmed by upcoming (Spring of 2013) Earth changes caused by a near-miss of an asteroid that would affect tectonic movements and trigger a lot of volcanic activity, tsunamis, etc. -- as discovered my Mexican astronomers, but suppressed by governments and media worldwide.


It was expected that with my education, ability to get along with people of all stripes and hold my own in just about ANY kind of conversation -- and following up with celebrity contacts from my old days of working for Tennessee Williams, etc., I could do a BANG-UP job. They had been looking for the right person for years (they said).

Ironically, when I went with Fernando to look at some condos he was trying to sell a retired high-placed former US Army Intelligence Agent, the guy freaked out after our first meeting and told Fernando that he hadn't known HALF the things I knew -- but everything I said that he knew about was TRUE. He said he was afraid that if he was seen with me he would be killed.

So I never saw him again, and he (and his boyfriend) were never murdered -- to my knowledge.

Fernando was the only child of Colombia's TOP cocaine Drug Lord. It had taken several years, but this name is a false Mexican identity that was so perfect it would never be seen as false. Fernando had to give it up a few months after he and I parted company. I think he was such a failure handling me, they gave up on using him in the operation. He hope he was not killed -- he was a BRILLIANT, well educated guy (although having no social experience he was awkward and practiced picking up girls on Facebook with scripts -- a couple of which I still possess. LOL!!!

He was TOTALLY gorgeous as well (except seemed to have too many perfectly-formed teeth). He had a huge, black, "Africanized" cock and we slept in the same bed for weeks, naked, but never having sex since he claimed he was straight.

Later, he stayed with Tim Wilson who had no idea of Fernando's true identity. Tim, an American ex-pat, short and bull-doggy, owned a computer store and repair shop on Pulpito just west of Olas Atlas. His domain and email address have recently become inoperable, but still exist on my email list for those who care to look, it begins "twilson".

Hector is a World-Class engineer who owns about 22 houses worldwide and has worked on virtually ALL the major top or new-technology projects around the world. He worked on the Chunnel between France and England, and as I understand it, when the Chunnel was shut down a couple of years ago because they had discovered a flaw that needed repair, it was ACTUALLY a booby-trap that as a CIA OPERATIVE, Hector had placed so that when "leaders" in Washington, DC said they needed to fake another terrorist attack, Hector could collapse the Chunnel.

Fernando claimed that Hector was a Jew, but the two framed portraits of him at the Mezcales ranch had him in traditional Arab dress with headdress including the EXACT SAME stylized "barbed-wire" black-on-white pattern that Yasser Arafat used to wear. Only his eyeglasses-hidden eyes showed, so no way I could EVER identify him, but he seemed between 45 and 55 years of age.

Carlos Slim's real name is Carlos Slim Helú, he is of Lebanese descent (in original Arabic, "Slim" is "Salim". See more here: ), and the wealthiest man in the world -- and NOW CONTROLS THE NEW YORK TIMES -- as mentioned in yesterday's second posting here. I had MUCH trouble with Carlos's TelMex and TelCel phones while in Mexico. And Hector is one of his drug-cartel buddies. (I never met either Hector or Carlos, although I bet if I'd insisted on it, I could have. They had a LOT riding on me and planned to use me in many other ways than just real estate sales.)

Funny that Fernando used to like to ask me (from right after we first met -- long before I signed the contract) if I was CIA. I would always so NO -- ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! (I already knew the CIA controlled all the heavy drug trafficking between Latin America (as well as Afghanistan -- thank you Daddy Bush and your CIA. The ONLY reason we went into Afghanistan was to free up the heroin trade again. The Taliban had STOPPED IT COLD!!!) and the United States. Then, Hector would always smile his sexy, sexy smile and say "I think you already ARE CIA -- and just don't know it."

So, intuitively, I pressured Fernando into signing the contract quickly before we had the proper witnesses (which crooks can always get to sign later anyway). I figured it would be fun evidence to have -- and I DO still possess the original. HA!!!

I think there is at least ONE HOT SHIRTLESS photo of Hector on the blog somewhere. For more info on all this, mine the blog between July 1 and September 30, 2010.


I feel (as of last night) absolutely on top of the World. I hope YOU, Gentle Reader, do too. I have been humbled and honored to have had this great adventure, and hope that in the reporting of it, I have given some information to help IMPROVE the World too -- not just amuse it.

Know that ALL IS WELL. In Christian terms, I PRAISE JESUS -- AND JUDAS AS WELL!!! EVERYTHING springs from BIG SWEETIE, and the Loss of The Garden was eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. We must spit that forbidden fruit back out -- and recognize that ALL Actors (Mr. Shakespeare was correct) are only acting on this fabulous stage that Our Great Father has constructed for our Eternal Enjoyment.

"Judgement is MINE," sayeth The Lord.

And so it is, Friday, January 13, 2012.


>>> PS: NO ONE but my supporter in NYC has sent me a SINGLE donation for a couple of months now. If anyone would care to kindly send someting via plastic and the DONATION button on the top right corner of this blog (or mail check, money order, or disguised cash to the address there), it would be GREATLY appreciated.

Because of Ben David's and Sen. Goolsby's CONTINUING shenanigans -- in court as well as in harassments by drug-nuts, I have had to spend a lot of the cash my backer sent to take care of my teeth on coffee, cigs, and meals indoors when it has been too cold or rainy to eat on EBT from a market outdoors.

I need to get a minimal apartment soon so I can get back to writing. I trust I will soon be mustered out of this now two-and-a-half-year-long VOLUNTEER service adventure -- and I am broke.

Many thanks,


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