Scott Kenan
All I know is that my pal Jesus said that to marry someone after a divorce but before the first spouse dies is ADULTERY. Only the Catholic Church pays much attention to that one (I think Jesus made an error when he said it) -- and Newt turned Catholic when he married his THIRD wife Callista. Since the Catholic Church believes only a Catholic priest can marry people under God, this was to Catholics only Newt's FIRST marriage so no problem there!!!
The Catholic Church (not necessarily Catholic people) puts up with Protestants, Jews, Muslims, and even atheists pretending they are married by their churches/synagogues/mosques/nothings. I remember the nun snickering a little when she detailed this teaching in Catholic grade school. Can't blame her for that after all the guff nuns got for their habits back then. In those days (late 50s - mid-60s) Catholic school children learned that deluded Protestants (and all other religions, for that matter) had lots of good people who had been hypnotized by their families growing up to believe a lot of heretical stuff, so they could not really be blamed for it, therefore, they would go permanently to a limbo-like place where they got all the goodies of heaven, but were prevented from actually SEEING God.
Limbo was just such a place for babies born without benefit of Catholic baptism and who died before reaching the Age of Reason -- about seven -- when they became personally responsible for their "sins". At the Age of Reason, they still could get nothing better than a Limbo-like place for being good, but NOW HELL was also an option (or HELL LITE -- aka Purgatory -- where one stayed temporarily to burn off minor sins before progressing to Limbo-Like (all good non-Catholics) or Heaven (Catholics only, please!!!).
I think the same is true of society in general today -- we were all born into a culture that is too immature and DEMANDS we NOT take responsibility for ourselves. We have a pill to cure anything (this is the definition of MATERIALISM: to believe that something physical like a pill is stronger than God/The Spiritual and more appropriate as a FIRST COURSE OF ACTION).
There is NOTHING wrong with physical medicine -- it just is not dealing with PRIMARY CAUSE. Man has not improved spiritually from taking medications for so-called "chronic mental illness". Moral discomfort (the TRUE definition of mental illness) flairs up when God DEMANDS we live by a better idea than what we had had and the inspirations that accompany that demand, we call delusions. When the pressure increases, our aberrant behaviors associated with getting God's inspirations but not treating them properly exhibits as what psychiatrists and other pill-pushers call "mania." The collapse of our confidence after refusing to listen to God and being "punished" by him for it is called "depression."
Depression is not actually a punishment, it is a LOGICAL CONCLUSION, given the actual experience of denial of our ability to sort out God's communication.
>>> See this short video by my bud Sean Blackwell on his own experience:
Or see his whole BOATLOAD of info and services here:
>>> Back to the story now:
But I DO guess Gingrich is stuck with Callista now, and I hear/tell that as long as he keeps her dripping in rocks, she's a keeper!!!
Nice that I heard no crap about my own tribe last night -- the homosexuals. Jesus (like the Republicans last night) said nothing about us at all, although he told his top followers they'd have to leave their wives and girlfriends behind if they wanted to follow HIM.
What was up with THAT, I wonder???
See where I answer questions instead of ask them:
(Hackers are refusing to allow me to increase the size of the font above.) . Index to subjects is a couple of scrolls below link to my Tennessee Williams memoir.
CHARLESTON, S.C. -- Newt Gingrich, seeking to maintain his momentum, tapped back into the deep reservoir of resentment in American conservatism Thursday night by lecturing a debate moderator for the second time this week. It was another explosive moment to cap the most eventful day of the Republican primary season. Iowa's Republican party kicked off the day announcing that former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa) had won t...
Sandra called me last night and said she could NOT log into her facebook account. I told her the Republican Party hackers that hack me are probably after her too because of our association. When she answers the questions to verify her identity, Facebook claims she ALREADY failed too many times and she's therefore locked out for an unspecified period of time.
I believe its the hackers -- no Facebook. Told her to wait a few hours and it should open back up. I see she STILL is not on yet. COULD it be Republicans working for Facebook???
See how I scandalize too!!!:
>>>NOW, I WAS ALLOWED to increase the font size in EVERYTHING I copied over from my facebook page EXCEPT the one area that remains in small font.
What's up with THAT??? ??? ???
And what's up with THIS??? Gay or straight -- who can judge???
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