Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Gore, I Hardly KNEW YE!!! (but we've passed in the night)

"My Boys" -- and look who's in the center!!! And guess which one I never felt a need to meet -- even though I'm certain we were in the same room several times in my life . . .

>>> MY FATE???

Last night, having come to realize that when I emailed out my most previous post to my "small" list of nearly 500 that something I couldn't COMPLETELY put my finger on had ended (certainly my RAGE -- after all, in the VERY recent past I'd come to want to do NOTHING but make love to the world and everyone in it, INCLUDING all my "adversaries", as NOT sarcastically put in the title to that broadcast email, "Making LOVE to Wilmington -- and ALL Wilmingtonians -- WORDFULLY (salacious!!!)!!!"

(The word "salacious" added as a "marketing hook" -- mostly.)

And my BIGGEST fear was that I would be a BORE when Kevin Maurer interviews me this evening. WHAT TO DO???

There had CERTAINLY been some encouraging developments: the fuel having run out, I'd not passed through "an herbal bonfire" in a couple of days -- and felt no strong desire to go out to refuel (which could not be easier than here in Mexico). And then watching a movie last night, as it came nearly to its end, I suddenly realized that not only had I smoked only ONE CIGARETTE during its two hours (with NO awareness of desire for more or deliberate curtailment of my shocking-to-me now TWO-pack/day addiction), but I had had only one "normal strength" gin and tonic all night -- WITH NO DESIRE FOR A SECOND DRINK!!!

And let me tell you that Mexicans actually DO have some deficiencies -- not only have I had to ABANDON eating a hotdog or turkey/provolone/basil "sandwich" in Costco's snack area due to the high risk I would from the height of dos metros diez VOMIT VOLCANICLY due to the disgusting habit of the natives of absolutely SLATHERING mayonnaise, catsup -- or BOTH -- on their much-loved pizza slices -- I mean COVERING it so you have no CLUE to which variety of slice they bought (and yes, that Canadian abomination of ham and pineapple is VERY popular here), but they have absolutely NO INTEREST in tonic water (although they like ginabra well enough and put lime on EVERYTHING -- you can't even buy bottled mayo that isn't pre-squirted with its juice). I mean when I FINALLY chanced on tonic water in the "import" section of a supermarket the other day, it cost roughly SIX BUCKS USD for a liter of Schweppes, or FOUR for one of Canada Dry.

I threw caution to the wind and splurged for the cheaper -- and NEXT time I go, I'm getting an EIGHT dollar "reasonable"-sized container of GRITS!!! (I think Costco also might have them, but I'm not feeding a SCHOOL here and DON'T need enough to last us two years.)

So WHY have I never felt the need to meet Gore Vidal -- even though I've been within feet of him at least a few times in my life (I think he was at the Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival -- more about everything OTHER than Tennessee Williams than about him -- one of the four years I attended)???

I've NEVER read any of his books, although I've read many of his essays and articles -- and took great comfort from them. I've not only been in the same ROOM as President Kennedy (if the huge hall in Louisville, KY where my swastika-phillic mother took Jane and me to hear him speak -- from near the back, and this right before we had to move to West Chester, PA when I was in seventh grade -- just before his assassination), counts -- and TO THIS DAY, I still occasionally give a single clap to make SURE I'm always the last one clapping for a speech THE LOUISVILLE COURIER JOURNAL claimed had set the RECORD for length of applause for a Kennedy speech).

There, I had had no expectation I'd meet him, although in early 2010, not only he, but Jackie (whom I HAD actually met), and JFK Jr. (both as John-John and the later adult came individually to talk with me -- and I suppose I might as well admit a whole PARADE of the dead Presidents passed by one night silently -- except for George Washington, who wordlessly clacked his wooden teeth, while possessed in his regal stature, he several times winked.

Now I'm sure my readers are wondering if this is PROOF that I hallucinate and am therefore CERTIFIABLY INSANE and should be medicated and locked up indefinitely. I wouldn't KNOW the answer to THAT one, but I can tell you that at the time, I KNEW it was totally unreal in the "physical-world" sense -- that is that even though all these "visions" were in most ways IDENTICAL to images of the Catholic phenomenon "Our Lady of Guadeloupe", with the tear in physical reality being rimmed with licks of flame (and the position of them in my "field of vision" -- which I KNEW was in my mind, not in the world -- was sort of "northeast").

I'm not going to detail this more now -- maybe Mr. Mauer would like to take the subject up (maybe not) -- or I'll address it later. (And THIS MUCH is already in this blog -- some of it posted SEVERAL times.)

But to get back to my promised subject, I would have to say that what Gore Vidal and I have most in common is an UN-common allegiance to TRUTH, and an ABSOLUTE REFUSAL to be cowed by society's lies or hypocrisies. I've probably suffered more "slings and arrows", but might have gone FURTHER than Mr. Vidal, since -- and he WASN'T known for mincing words, so I have to assume he said as much as he knew -- HE only said that George W. Bush knew of the 9/11 attacks in advance. I, on the other hand, got CONFIRMATION that not ONLY did the Bush and Bin Laden Families PLAN 9/11 together -- but EVERYONE of stature in the American Press HAS KNOWN THIS ALL ALONG (or at least since soon after the event, presumably)!!!

See: .

So perhaps I am to have my mark, not by filling Mr. Vidal's SHOES (no one should EVER want to fill anyone else's shoes -- the very IDEA is blasphemous!!!), but by fulfilling a similar role. Of course the great political ADVANTAGE he had was that because of HIS accident of birth and the company he kept, HE was never SILENCED (effectively), as my mother -- verified MANY times to be the top Nazi in the United States and Dick Cheney's chief liaison with the Pope -- with her DRUG TRASH (legal and illegal) MINIONS, chiefly Republicans and fake Christians -- RACISTS, HOMOPHOBES, and GREEDBOTS all -- have with the help of the CIA, DARPA, Fox News, and Carlos Salim-called-Slim, the Catholic but especially Episcopal Churches, SHUT ME OUT OF TRADITIONAL PUBLISHING, suppressed my memoir once I managed to publish it electronically on, suppressed this blog, THOROUGHLY corrupted ALL my electronic communications, POISONED me four times, BEAT ME up twice (and threatened me with knives, razors, and fists innumerable times -- but NOT with guns since 1990).

I've been TRICKED out of ALL my accumulated wealth -- except for the remnants, which were stolen, had POSTERS hung in GOOD SHEPHERD CENTER in Wilmington, NC calling for my DEATH, and SMEARED far and wide -- including called a "child-molester" falsely to intimidate me into a collapse in fear and exhaustion-from-the-fight.

Attempts have been made to ERASE my life from the historical record -- not only by Maria St. Just-nee-Britneva, but by Williams scholars (who had no choice if they were to practice their profession, so I DON'T hold it against them), but by smaller organs like the WILMINGTON STAR NEWS, who at first ERASED my comments -- especially those regarding the MURDER of my friend Evan Fish at the hands of Police and Sheriff's Deputies -- that I left on their online site, then LATER denied me access.

So YES, I had a RIGHT to be pissed -- and taking on "street-fighting" tactics of EXTREME AUDACIOUSNESS and VULGARITY -- I wasn't ABOUT to give in to "The Devils" (and those who had sold their very souls to them).

And I have ALWAYS known I was "predestined" to win -- so why give up when the BEST is yet to COME (it's ALL such a GLORIOUS adventure!!!)???

So if you'd like to LEARN something (novel IDEA!!!) about Gore Vidal, I suggest you watch the video at the bottom of THIS posting: , although I feel OBLIGED to warn you it is from Al Jazeera, the ARAB-language news network, so most of you will have to SWALLOW your prejudices FIRST.

And I'd like to ALSO remind you that when the Catholic Church LAST went on a book-burning, witch-hunting crusade and plunged the Western World into a period of virtual SLAVERY to it -- called The Dark Ages -- it was the ARAB MUSLIMS who SAVED copies of Greek and Roman CLASSICS -- as well as so much more learning -- and then GAVE THEM BACK during the Renaissance -- not that Christians like to give them any credit for THAT.

ADDITIONALLY, I'd like to point out that this PAPIST PLOT, now being successfully resisted (TONS of Catholics are the very finest people -- it's the Pope that I have a problem with -- and his POLITICAL MINIONS), is evidenced in so many Republican politicians like Newt Gingrich CONVERTING to "The Faith", or (like Mitt Romney -- as this morning's news has reported), using Catholic Teachings as the DECLARED BASIS for their Foreign or Domestic Policy proposals.


What the HELL did you think was up with THAT???

Image taken from my TV last night from the 1994 movie PRISCILLA: QUEEN OF THE DESERT -- the FIRST movie I know of that showed a child completely comfortable with adults of ALL sexualities. This was the DIRECT DESCENDANT of Gore Vidal's groundbreaking book, THE CITY AND THE PILLAR.


PS: Today is "Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day". MOSTLY, I feel sorry for the company's employees, whom I have found NOT to be seized up with the owner's hate. That said, I TOTALLY support the right to free speech of the owner (as long as he doesn't incorporate his hate in his company's policies), as well as both those who intend to (verbally only), support his HATE, and those who PROTEST IT.



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