I'm not sure if this is the SAME Martin Lamb or not. I got it from a TOTALLY different place than the blog posting below. It MIGHT be him ten years ago, but frankly, I don't remember the chin clef (I have a "thing" for them, so I should have), and his face seemed relatively narrower (with "male-pattern" bald spot on top of head).

King Vidal of Arturo
6 hours ago
- wow, that guy really was nasty with his comment....
- I was surprised how kindly you responded....
a few seconds ago
Scott Kenan- He's a coward (see original report on "HISS71982" here: http://scottkenan.blogspot.mx/2012/08/the-last-gasps-of-dinosaurs.html ) -- probably hiding in NC. The REAL balls thing I did was to get EXPLICIT in my accusations of Sonny who lives here in PV, threatened me with fists every time I bring up HIS POSSIBLE homosexuality, and said he intends to buy a hand gun soon (and he lives OVER AN AMMO STORE WHERE A CRIMINAL LIKE HIM COULD BORROW A GUN!!!
Despite my reports about him, he remains free, and it COULD be simply that he's a total homophobe and prone to ass-backward thinking -- or (more likely in my opinion), is WELL PROTECTED by politicians and/or Mafia.
But what I am MOST proud of now (other than having HELPED CAUSE the re-opening of the investigation into Natalie Woods murder (see in this morning's news that they dropped "accidental" from Natalie's Death Certificate: http://www.cnn.com/2012/08/22/showbiz/natalie-wood-probe/index.html?hpt=hp_c2 ) -- I've been working with Los Angeles investigators for 1.5 years), is that I identified George W. Bush's TOP ILLEGAL DRUG MONEY LAUNDERER, MARTIN R. LAMB who BRAGGED about it, saying ALL the Bushes visit him regularly -- especially George W. Bush.
See more info on Martin Lamb that HE WROTE in 2009 in an attempt to quash rumors about his cheating "Little Old Ladies" -- AND EVEN MEL GIBSON!!! Also, you will see he ADMITS TO MANY INVESTIGATIONS AGAINST HIS ACTUAL MONEY-LAUNDERING COMPANY, "TEMPLAR PANAMA" -- which I'm pretty sure is name of the company he runs from the island OFF Panama, where he has a landingstrip to accommodate private jets: http://templarpanama.blogspot.mx/2009_01_01_archive.html . I only regret I took no pics and can find none so far on the Internet.
Because I believe Mr. Lamb will PULL HIS BLOG when he sees this, I am copying that post in right here (more posts are available as well (for now):
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
My first blog experience: Attack of the web terrorist!
Hello everyone. I'm Martin
Lamb, President of Templar Panama's
Investment Division. I was planning to write my first blog (ever!) on my
favorite Caribbean
beach in Panama. However, that dream was overtaken by current
events. Templar Panama and I have recently come under attack from a person
masquerading as journalist in order to damage our organization and help a rival
company, and I need to clear the air before we move on to the fun
Here’s the
My ex-partners at a competing real estate firm here in
Panama City have leaked confidential personal information about me to a friend
of theirs, blogger Okke Ornstein. Ornstein has since used that grain of truth
about my background as the basis for several lies that they hope will hurt us at
Templar Panama.
Ornstein is a longtime friend of my ex-partners, who are
upset with me because I took my contact list and I notified my clients of my
departure from that company. Many of those clients chose to continue doing
business with me at Templar. These attacks are my ex-partners’ way of getting
So let me take a minute to
identify these allegations, sift out that grain of truth and dispel the rest of
these nasty rumors.
First, the
I had planned to link my
response to the offending pages on the BananamaRepublic blog in order to save time and
space, but Mr. Ornstein appears to have lost his site content recently. So, I’ll
list the main points here:
- I am a scammer who stole money from old ladies False
- Templar Panama, under my direction, has fraudulently claimed to be selling land near property owned by Mel Gibson False
- Templar Panama hacked Bananama Republic False
All of above are false, and we
are currently pursuing legal action prevent Okke Ornstein from spreading more
lies about our company. In the meantime, read on for the true stories behind
each of these lies.
Grain of truth: Canada and UGT
The truth at the heart of all
this is I was named in a US Federal Trade Commission investigation nearly a
decade ago because my Canada-based financial services company, Union Global
Trading, processed credit card purchases for several companies found to be
running an illegal lottery. At the time it was customary for a financial
services company to process transactions without prying into their client’s
business. But to this day I sincerely regret that, as the owner of a financial
services company, I failed to investigate my clients more
The allegation that I was
“stealing money from old ladies” is simply false. My company provided financial
services to companies undertaking illegal activities and I failed to properly
monitor them. Once I had a look at the evidence of wrongdoing by my clients, I
immediately ordered my company to cease doing business with the accused parties
and agreed to pay the FTC a settlement to help those harmed by the illegal
The investigation was settled
with neither me nor my companies found guilty of any wrongdoing. Information
regarding the inquiry has been publicly available since 2000. News of the
settlement was published in 2002.
The most frustrating part for
me is that this has never been a secret. The only reason this story has become
an such an issue here in Panama is because I disclosed my background in good
faith when I signed on as a partner with Mr. Ornstein’s friends. I provided the
same disclosure to Templar and to clients who have asked me about the issue
after performing their own due diligence.
After I left parted ways with
my ex-partners and went to Templar Panama, they allowed their friend to twist
this information in order to hurt my new company and me. Ornstein manipulated
this truth in an attempt to make me look like a proven scam artist and make
Templar look complicit, accusations on which he then based his claim that the
Mel Gibson purchase was also a scam.
Which brings me to lie number
Regarding Mel Gibson
The idea that Mel Gibson hasn’t
bought land in Panama is just wrong. My former partners and I worked with him
personally on the sale. Click here for
the Panama America newspaper
article that confirms Gibson bought land and was here in Panama over Christmas
getting things in order (English
While working at the company, I
was the one who put the package together for Mr. Gibson and was in the
helicopter flying over the parcel with him when he decided to buy it. Soon
after, I left the company over differences regarding payment (they
wouldn’t/couldn’t give me my back pay) and how to structure the Gibson
Since the sale was completed, my ex-partners have had trouble collecting their fees because they failed to structure the deal properly, and as Templar continues to succeed they feel the need to attack me.
Since the sale was completed, my ex-partners have had trouble collecting their fees because they failed to structure the deal properly, and as Templar continues to succeed they feel the need to attack me.
Templar and hacking
This one is just silly.
Something happened to Mr. Ornstein’s website recently and he feels like blaming
one of the few organizations that have stood up to his internet bullying.
Templar is a real estate firm, not a computer company. I had trouble figuring
out how to put up this blog!
I hate to speculate, but it
looks as if Mr. Ornstein either lost his own database somehow or his poor
journalistic practices upset someone with a little more internet know-how then
this Panamanian real estate firm.
Sour grapes
This whole infantile ordeal is
nothing more than a case of sour grapes: Templar is going strong, while
ex-partners continue to struggle. I apologize if this misinformation has caused
Templar or any of our clients distress. Our company is pursuing legal action to
have the lies removed from the internet as soon as
Templar believes in
transparency and wants all of our customers to have the right information. If
you want to learn more about about me or anything else regarding the company,
please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Whew! Now that that’s out of
the way, let’s move on to more exciting and interesting
Enter, The Tower
Welcome to The Tower, Templar Panama's company blog. Check back
often for the team's news and views on Templar projects and real estate, doing
business and life in Panama.
on deck is Martin Lamb,
President of our Investment Division, clearing up some of the misinformation
surrounding his newfound (and unwanted) celebrity status in the Panama
In the
next few weeks we'll be bringing more of the Templar Team on board to share
their views on everything from how the changing world economy is affecting
Panama (or not) to their favorite beach breaks and night spots in
I only regret that I didn't get the fat guy's name. First he gave a fictitious one and claimed he was a member of a South Carolina family long associated with the Kenans, then later, after admitting he's from Alaska and a "very close" friend of the Palins, another name that I think was real. First and last names had a few syllables and were fairly common. I think his last name was Anderson, but I'm not certain. It was somehow similar to that.
http://scottkenan.blogspot.mx/2012/08/to-be-or-to-has-been.html .
See for more details on Natalie: http://scottkenan.blogspot.mx/2012/04/more-specifics-on-murders-of-natalie.html
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