Sunday, October 14, 2012

In Lieu of GOING TO CHURCH on a Sunday Morning in Mexico!!!

>>> JUST GOTTA "FACE IT" , but FIRST, a couple of notes -- no, just one!!!:

1. In the matter of the new lawsuit in Cook County, IL court filed against me by Jaime Southheimer of Wells Cargo Powder-Transport Advisers (a competitor of the Kenan and Sinatra-Families-owned Bank of America), by a clearly HAPLESS innocent lawyer who Jamie did not tell that EVERY BLOG POST Jamie mentions was written while I was in Mexico, so I'm not sure Illinois Law covers this matter. Also Jaime CLAIMS in the suit that we never discussed my buying his house seriously, COMPLETELY IGNORING THE FACT that he PAID ME $300.00 via PayPal just a few months ago as compensation for DESTROYING the poster producer Gregory Mosher and the Goodman Staff gave me as a token of appreciation for "miraculously" managing Tennessee Williams' moods while they mounted what Tom KNEW would be his last new full-length play, A HOUSE NOT MEANT TO STAND, produced during his lifetime.

I had LENT Jaime Southheimer the poster -- WITH HIS AGREEMENT -- to HOLD his property in Mismaloya, Mexico for six months without trying to sell it elsewhere, but after I soon discovered Jamie had listed it for sale on the Internet, I EXTENDED the period of time he SHOULD have held it to INDEFINITE (as long as it takes).

In ANY case, Jaime destroyed the poster, which I had planned to give to the Goodman Theatre for their collection, and then recently compensated me $300.00. Now HOW on earth is Jamie going to explain that in COURT, because even if I'm ruled against IN ABSENTIA (the point being to force Goggle to remove blog posts bearing Jamie's name and reference to his criminal activities), I'll not only be able to AGAIN, FROM MEXICO repost them, and then INSIST on a JURY TRIAL as well!!!

But if Jaime's lawyers, Delilah Gumpshun and Randy Briefs of Briefs, Gumpshum, & Gree(d), LLC , come to their senses FIRST, and after demanding Jaime disclose the FULL TRUTH decide to and DO dismiss this case, I will consider it nothing more than an amusing part of my story -- how someone who may or may not have actually HAD SEX with Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel in the private gay sex clubs for Chicago's super-rich that they ALL THREE belong(ed) to.

But I must also tell you THIS: Jaime is right about one thing: I inappropriately identify him as a "Republican". Jaime is a LIFELONG DEMOCRAT, and not only has been a Democratic Party fundraiser -- but one for AIDS causes as well (at least enough to "keep up appearances")!!!

And you can take all of THIS to the BANK!!! (Or I will, after suing Jaime and his lawyers if they persist.)

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The Romney/Ryan tax plan is an insulting joke on the American public

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From the Latin:



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